Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It seems the Iranian Mullocrats are cutting their losses as that Shia Crescent will be taking a pause.

Israeli defense officials are now reported as saying that, under the pressure of repeated Israeli airstrikes, Iran—which has been involved in the fighting in Syria since 2011—is starting to pack up and leave.

Its forces, the anonymous officials say, are “pulling out of Syria and closing military bases there.” That news comes on the heels of two more reported strikes on Monday night—and no less than 14 since April 10.
The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas?

In 2018, the US halted annual payments of $360m to UNRWA, which provides assistance to some 5.5 million refugees.
[The Great Satan welfare money was effectively used to finance Islamic terrorism -ed.]

Scrambling to tackle COVID-19 in camps across the Middle East, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees said it only has enough cash to operate until the end of May because of American funding cuts.
[Not soon enough -ed.]
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It will be interesting to see if the Arab Palestinian Government can step up and perform the actual functions and weather the COVID-19 storm.

In 2018, the US halted annual payments of $360m to UNRWA, which provides assistance to some 5.5 million refugees.
[The Great Satan welfare money was effectively used to finance Islamic terrorism -ed.]
Scrambling to tackle COVID-19 in camps across the Middle East, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees said it only has enough cash to operate until the end of May because of American funding cuts.
[Not soon enough -ed.]

I guess we will see if the Arab Palestinians actually have a government. Will we see the government infrastructure collapse?


Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It will be interesting to see if the Arab Palestinian Government can step up and perform the actual functions and weather the COVID-19 storm.

In 2018, the US halted annual payments of $360m to UNRWA, which provides assistance to some 5.5 million refugees.
[The Great Satan welfare money was effectively used to finance Islamic terrorism -ed.]
Scrambling to tackle COVID-19 in camps across the Middle East, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees said it only has enough cash to operate until the end of May because of American funding cuts.
[Not soon enough -ed.]

I guess we will see if the Arab Palestinians actually have a government. Will we see the government infrastructure collapse?


Most Respectfully,

The actual functions of government are defined differently by Hamas vs. what many of us might expect.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It will be interesting to see if the Arab Palestinian Government can step up and perform the actual functions and weather the COVID-19 storm.

In 2018, the US halted annual payments of $360m to UNRWA, which provides assistance to some 5.5 million refugees.
[The Great Satan welfare money was effectively used to finance Islamic terrorism -ed.]
Scrambling to tackle COVID-19 in camps across the Middle East, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees said it only has enough cash to operate until the end of May because of American funding cuts.
[Not soon enough -ed.]

I guess we will see if the Arab Palestinians actually have a government. Will we see the government infrastructure collapse?


Most Respectfully,

I don't see Hamas collapsing as the authoritarian rulers of their mini-caliphate. The EU is still showering the Pals with money and (seemingly), decided to finance the latest attack aimed at Israel with a rather substantial donation to the Hamas franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.

Toward the middle of April, the EU pledged a wad of fun-money to the Pals. There wasn't much detail as to the specifics of how the money would be distributed or if there would be any accountability for the distribution.
EU grants €71M in aid to Palestine to fight COVID-19

For as long as the west continues to provide funding for Islamic terrorists, the terrorists have every reason to maintain the status quo. Even subsistence welfare payments to the PA and Hamas will allow that leadership to largely maintain their terrorist / crime syndicate.
It seems that for the Arabs-Moslems, there's nothing like a conspiracy theory to motivate the Ummah to, you know, obsess over conspiracy theories.

Palestinian leadership obsessed with COVID-19 Israeli 'conspiracy'

Palestinian Authority mouthpieces claim Israel is deliberately infecting Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails with the virus, and even PM Mohammad Shtayyeh now part of blood libel.
In the worldview of the Pal Death Cult, a serial mass murderer is made a hero. A calculating mass murderer of women and children is a hero?

Child in Fatah parade holds poster of Abu Jihad, terrorist responsible for 125 murders


Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks in the 1960’s - 1980’s. These attacks, which killed a total of 125 Israelis, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
These nutjobs are as much a danger to others as they are to their co-Death Cultists.

Corona virus "is one of Almighty Allah's soldiers... He is unleashing it on those who attack His believers," says preacher on official PA TV

  • "The true meaning of the epidemics is a… trial for the believers and a punishment for the sinners"
  • "If [believers]… place their trust in Allah, then they will receive an enormous reward, and whoever dies in the epidemic [among the believers] merits the reward of Martyrdom"
Paragraph 2.4 of Mays’ charge sheet is particularly serious: “In August 2019, or a proximate date, the accused spoke with Kutzi Masalmeh, Lian Elkaid and Samah Gradath about holding a summer camp for the organization [Qutub], and wondered how to go about it in the light of the detention of a number of people.”

Fortunately for Israel, the malicious and perilous plan to organize a summer camp was thwarted in time, thanks to the Shin Bet security service.
What do you think would be taught at a summer camp run by a group linked to terror? It isn't a summer camp, it is an indoctrination center for children to join the PFLP.

Just based on a biased Haaretz report and some basic searches, we can see that Mays Abu Ghosh grew up with terrorists, joined a student group linked to terrorists and that glorifies terrorists, met with terrorists herself, and was caught making two firebombs.

(full article online)

I'm thinking that nothing the Islamic terrorists do with regard to using their welfare money to promote Islamic terrorism will cause the EU to suspend payments.

The PA is trying to hide its payments to terrorists
Maurice Hirsch, Adv., Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 6, 2020
  • Ever since PMW first notified the donor countries of that the PA was using their money to pay salaries to terrorist prisoners, the PA has been doing everything it can to confuse and distract its donors. In 2014, the PA closed the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, and in 2015 it created the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. In 2018, it reopened the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs and in 2019 it changed its name to the Commission for Detainees’ Affairs. Now in 2020, it is trying to hide its payments by moving them once again from the PA to the PLO.
  • The PA’s monthly “budget performance reports” which are supposed to be a transparent reflection of its real expenses for the benefit of donor countries, do not list even one shekel of payment to terrorist prisoners in its 2020 expenditures. Yet the PA Prime Minister openly announced in March that the PA is paying prisoners’ salaries, and is even giving them priority. Clearly the PA’s published “transparent” reports are just a charade to distract donors.
The Palestinian Authority’s monthly financial documents for 2020 show that the PA is, again, trying to hide its monthly salary payments to the Palestinian terrorist prisoners from the international community. Its monthly budget performance reports for 2018 and 2019 openly listed the salaries to terrorist prisoners as expenditures of the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs. However, since the beginning of 2020, there is no listing at all for the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: This says it all... "(Except) The “unlawful association” that Mays, a fourth-year student in the media department at Bir Zeit University, is accused of belonging to is the left-wing students’ organization, Qutub. Israeli authorities claim that Qutub is affiliated with the outlawed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, but the student group denies any such connection."

Paragraph 2.4 of Mays’ charge sheet is particularly serious: “In August 2019, or a proximate date, the accused spoke with Kutzi Masalmeh, Lian Elkaid and Samah Gradath about holding a summer camp for the organization [Qutub], and wondered how to go about it in the light of the detention of a number of people.”

This all started with the incitement to commit such a heinous act of terrorism.

The Israeli Police and Security Services need to determine to what extent the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was involved --- or to what extent they incited the intital incident:

Article 8(2b)(i) ICC.png

Even though the HoAP has degraded themselves to the point where they think this is somehow lawful (compromised moral values), for the rest of us, we would like to know just how indoctrinated the son and daughter were relative to perpetrating a stabbing attack in the settlement of Beit Horon.

Most Respectfully,
Amnesty Intl. doesn't seem to understand that totalitarian Islamic enclaves maintain their hold on power through oppression and the suppression of freedom of expression.

The Fatah-led Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Hamas de facto administration in the Gaza Strip must halt violations of the right to freedom of expression, in particular arbitrary detentions, and immediately and unconditionally release all those who have been detained solely for peacefully expressing their views, said Amnesty International today as it published a detailed statement outlining a pattern of arbitrary arrests against people who have criticized the authorities amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Oh my, infidels. There are Israeli plots underway including other co-conspirators.

What's an Islamic terrorist enclave to do?

On May 5, 2020, Fatah's Media Council of Gaza posted a video on Facebook and YouTube accusing Facebook other social media platforms of "fighting Palestinian media content." According to the video, Facebook has shut down pages belonging to journalists and activists in a "continuous effort to hide the truth in light of Israeli plots."

  • Israeli and PA health departments meet regularly to coordinate action and share vital information. Troops from the IDF's Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) are organising joint training for medical teams. Israel provides test kits, laboratory supplies, medicines and personal protective equipment for Palestinian health workers.
  • Some Palestinian Arab leaders today seem to prefer that their own people succumb to disease rather than cooperate with Israel. While Palestinians and Israelis on the ground pull together against Coronavirus.... articles in official Palestinian Authority publications assert that Israel is deliberately spreading the infection and trying to contaminate Palestinian prisoners, using Coronavirus as a biological weapon. Of course, Israel-haters in both mainstream and social media are only too eager to amplify such defamatory and divisive outbursts.
  • A recent Coronavirus op-ed in the Washington Post demanded that Israel "lift the siege on Gaza". Predictably, the author ignores the fact that Israel's lawful blockade of the Gaza Strip -- also imposed by Egypt -- is in place for one reason only: the regime there remains intent on using Gaza as a base for terrorist attacks against both Israel and Egypt. But even in Gaza, a form of cooperation has been achieved.
  • Israel-haters don't want to know this, but what the author calls for is of course exactly what has been happening since the Coronavirus outbreak.

(full article online)

Palestinians are in an uproar over the revelation that Jordanian-based Cairo-Amman Bank has suddenly closed the accounts of Palestinians who are getting salaries from the PLO for their terror activities.

Former prisoners who are guaranteed a lifetime salary, indexed to the number of Jews they killed, were surprised that their ATM cards were disabled. They then received notices from the bank saying they should transfer their funds to other banks.

This decision by the bank appears to have been a reaction to the IDF saying that it will start to crack down on terror financing starting May 9, which now defines paying terrorists as a prohibited terror financing operation.

Palestinian Media Watch sent a series of letters to presidents of banks that operate in the territories warning them that by facilitating these payments they can open themselves up to personal criminal liability, and they can expose their banks to civil lawsuits from terror victims and seizure of the accounts.

Recently, the Palestinian Authority has tried to hide its budget item to pay prisoners from European auditors, by laundering the payments through a general fund of payments to its parent PLO organization. The same amount that they proudly mentioned in last year's budget going to the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, which pays the lifetime salaries, has been added to the unauditable "PLO Institutions."

(full article online)

On Thursday, human rights group Amnesty International blasted Palestinian regimes in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip for arresting those critical of their policies.

Ironically, an Amnesty employee was at the center of one of the more egregious incidents involving Hamas’ crackdown on freedom of expression.

In mid-April, Amnesty’s Hind Khoudary, who identified herself as an “international research consultant” for the organization, exposed journalist Rami Aman of the Gaza Youth Committee for participating in a video conference with Israelis on Zoom to strategize responses to the coronavirus pandemic.

(full article online)

The ummah is in a bit of a kerfuffle. The unthinkable is now happening.

Saudi TV network accused of 'promoting normalisation' with Israel

Critics demand Saudi-owned channel cancel Ramadan series that praises Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.
Is Lebanon using the coronavirus pandemic to carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?

A directive issued on May 1 by the Lebanese General Security, an agency responsible for immigration in Lebanon, bars, until further notice, the return of "foreign maids" and Palestinian refugees, even if their families have lived in Lebanon for generations. In the eyes of the Lebanese, there is apparently no difference between a "foreign maid" and a Palestinian Arab.

A Palestinian born and raised in an Arab country, in other words, is still considered by that Arab country to be a foreigner.

The May 1 directive, signed by Brigadier General Walid Oun, director of general security at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, says, "accompanying maids and people of Palestinian descent" may not board Lebanese expatriate evacuation flights. These are Palestinians from Lebanon who left the country to search for work and are now seeking to return home.

Apartheid and Coronavirus in the Middle East
Is Lebanon using the coronavirus pandemic to carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?

A directive issued on May 1 by the Lebanese General Security, an agency responsible for immigration in Lebanon, bars, until further notice, the return of "foreign maids" and Palestinian refugees, even if their families have lived in Lebanon for generations. In the eyes of the Lebanese, there is apparently no difference between a "foreign maid" and a Palestinian Arab.

A Palestinian born and raised in an Arab country, in other words, is still considered by that Arab country to be a foreigner.

The May 1 directive, signed by Brigadier General Walid Oun, director of general security at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, says, "accompanying maids and people of Palestinian descent" may not board Lebanese expatriate evacuation flights. These are Palestinians from Lebanon who left the country to search for work and are now seeking to return home.

Apartheid and Coronavirus in the Middle East
Allow me to add more confusion to your already confused mind.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. How did they qualify to run for President in the US?
Is Lebanon using the coronavirus pandemic to carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?

A directive issued on May 1 by the Lebanese General Security, an agency responsible for immigration in Lebanon, bars, until further notice, the return of "foreign maids" and Palestinian refugees, even if their families have lived in Lebanon for generations. In the eyes of the Lebanese, there is apparently no difference between a "foreign maid" and a Palestinian Arab.

A Palestinian born and raised in an Arab country, in other words, is still considered by that Arab country to be a foreigner.

The May 1 directive, signed by Brigadier General Walid Oun, director of general security at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, says, "accompanying maids and people of Palestinian descent" may not board Lebanese expatriate evacuation flights. These are Palestinians from Lebanon who left the country to search for work and are now seeking to return home.

Apartheid and Coronavirus in the Middle East
Allow me to add more confusion to your already confused mind.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. How did they qualify to run for President in the US?

Don’t know. And don’t care.
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