Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Is Lebanon using the coronavirus pandemic to carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?

A directive issued on May 1 by the Lebanese General Security, an agency responsible for immigration in Lebanon, bars, until further notice, the return of "foreign maids" and Palestinian refugees, even if their families have lived in Lebanon for generations. In the eyes of the Lebanese, there is apparently no difference between a "foreign maid" and a Palestinian Arab.

A Palestinian born and raised in an Arab country, in other words, is still considered by that Arab country to be a foreigner.

The May 1 directive, signed by Brigadier General Walid Oun, director of general security at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, says, "accompanying maids and people of Palestinian descent" may not board Lebanese expatriate evacuation flights. These are Palestinians from Lebanon who left the country to search for work and are now seeking to return home.

Apartheid and Coronavirus in the Middle East
Allow me to add more confusion to your already confused mind.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. How did they qualify to run for President in the US?

Don’t know. And don’t care.
Indeed, that is why Zionists post stupid stuff.
Is Lebanon using the coronavirus pandemic to carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?

A directive issued on May 1 by the Lebanese General Security, an agency responsible for immigration in Lebanon, bars, until further notice, the return of "foreign maids" and Palestinian refugees, even if their families have lived in Lebanon for generations. In the eyes of the Lebanese, there is apparently no difference between a "foreign maid" and a Palestinian Arab.

A Palestinian born and raised in an Arab country, in other words, is still considered by that Arab country to be a foreigner.

The May 1 directive, signed by Brigadier General Walid Oun, director of general security at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, says, "accompanying maids and people of Palestinian descent" may not board Lebanese expatriate evacuation flights. These are Palestinians from Lebanon who left the country to search for work and are now seeking to return home.

Apartheid and Coronavirus in the Middle East
Allow me to add more confusion to your already confused mind.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. How did they qualify to run for President in the US?

Don’t know. And don’t care.
Indeed, that is why Zionists post stupid stuff.

So you keep saying. :blahblah:

“The annexation project in the West Bank is the most dangerous Judaization plan targeting the Palestinian land, and it constitutes the theft of 38 percent of the West Bank,” Hamas spokesman Abdul-Latif Qanua said.

You need to get your mind right, Abdul. Think of this as a modernization and Islamic terrorist control plan.

On the other hand, it's a reason for Hamas to spend their welfare money on a massive new tunnel building program.
Zuhair Arafat...

No, wait, could it....?

Zuhair Arafat accused of conspiring with members of Palestinian organization, transferring NIS 100,000 intended for its terror activity
An interesting development and another method to control the Islamic terrorists. Ultimately, its funding that allows Islamic terrorists to pursue their ideological goals of gee-had.

No pay to slay? Fearing Israel law, Palestinian bank blocks terrorists’ accounts

Military decree set to take effect Saturday, applying anti-terror law to West Bank and holding banks liable for PA stipends to attackers and their families

At least one bank operating in the West Bank has blocked access to accounts of Palestinians convicted of terror offenses, days before an Israeli military decree imposing sanctions on banks for financially rewarding terrorism takes effect, according to a report and a monitoring group, prompting the Palestinian Authority to form a committee to fight the Israeli measure.
Zuhair Arafat...

No, wait, could it....?

Zuhair Arafat accused of conspiring with members of Palestinian organization, transferring NIS 100,000 intended for its terror activity
Why do you link to liars?
Zuhair Arafat...

No, wait, could it....?

Zuhair Arafat accused of conspiring with members of Palestinian organization, transferring NIS 100,000 intended for its terror activity
Why do you link to liars?
Why are you befuddled?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBREF: Posting #16504, supra
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al

BLUF: Your implication is directed against The Times of Israel rather than the content of the Article. This is called an ad hominem accusation (a logical fallacy).
Why do yo link to liars?

So what makes you think something about the story is untrue or that the media outlet published content untrue?

1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

  • Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;
  • Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and
  • Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.

Most Respectfully,
Mahmoud was on a roll per the Memri article railing against both varying numbers of Pal refugees and reports of Israeli plans to annex portions of the Jordan Valley.

Mahmoud was especially focused on a threat to abandon agreements with Israel and the Great Satan. I understand the PA has security agreements with Israel but I was never clear as to whether those had any meaningful / practical purpose. The PA's relentless promotion and abetting of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel suggests that there is very little the PA is doing to aid in security.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBREF: Posting #16504, supra
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al

BLUF: Your implication is directed against The Times of Israel rather than the content of the Article. This is called an ad hominem accusation (a logical fallacy).
Why do yo link to liars?

So what makes you think something about the story is untrue or that the media outlet published content untrue?

1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

  • Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;
  • Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and
  • Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.

Most Respectfully,
A lie about a key issue changes the whole story. If that lie is consistent across platforms, it is planned propaganda to foster a specific narrative.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since seizing the territory from the rival Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup in 2007,

A little reading of history show that this is not true.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

BLUF: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... You are merely reciting what the Islamist group Hamas wants repeated.

A lie about a key issue changes the whole story. If that lie is consistent across platforms, it is planned propaganda to foster a specific narrative.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since seizing the territory from the rival Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup in 2007,​

A little reading of history show that this is not true.

I'm quite sure that the Arab Palestinians really love and appreciated the last decade of HAMAS prosperity. Yeah ranked 119th on the Human Development Index versus Israeel which is ranks 22nd on the HDI (the highest of any country in the Middle East and North Africa or higher than any of member nations of the Arab League).

Hear NPR's Madeleine Brand and Charles Levinson of London's 'Daily Telegraph said:
Masked members of the military wing of Hamas take files from an office after they captured the headquarters of the Preventative Security Force, loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, looters ransacked buildings and supporters of the Islamist group Hamas celebrated in the streets after its gunmen routed fighters of the Fatah movement after six days of bloody fighting that left more than 100 Palestinians dead.


Most Respectfully,
There's a good article in jpost about a rumored prisoner swap that the Israelis are negotiating with the Islamic terrorists. It's literally a release of convicted Islamic terrorists in Israeli prison for recovery of the remains of two Israeli soldiers.

According to a report on Wednesday in German weekly Die Zeit, Israel is close to reaching an agreement with Hamas on a prisoner release in exchange for fallen soldiers Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul.

THE TERRORIST organization that rules the Gaza Strip is not as stupid as it is evil, after all. Indeed, Hamas honchos are well aware of the value that the Jewish state places on human life in general, and on that of its own populace in particular. They also know that the Jewish state does not abandon soldiers, dead or alive, in the battlefield.

Goldin and Shaul, then, are assets just as precious to Hamas as captives Mengistu and Sayed. All four are bargaining chips to hold over Israel’s head and cash in when the time is right.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

BLUF: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... You are merely reciting what the Islamist group Hamas wants repeated.

A lie about a key issue changes the whole story. If that lie is consistent across platforms, it is planned propaganda to foster a specific narrative.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since seizing the territory from the rival Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup in 2007,​

A little reading of history show that this is not true.

I'm quite sure that the Arab Palestinians really love and appreciated the last decade of HAMAS prosperity. Yeah ranked 119th on the Human Development Index versus Israeel which is ranks 22nd on the HDI (the highest of any country in the Middle East and North Africa or higher than any of member nations of the Arab League).

Hear NPR's Madeleine Brand and Charles Levinson of London's 'Daily Telegraph said:
Masked members of the military wing of Hamas take files from an office after they captured the headquarters of the Preventative Security Force, loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, looters ransacked buildings and supporters of the Islamist group Hamas celebrated in the streets after its gunmen routed fighters of the Fatah movement after six days of bloody fighting that left more than 100 Palestinians dead.


Most Respectfully,
You ducked my post.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

BLUF: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... You are merely reciting what the Islamist group Hamas wants repeated.

A lie about a key issue changes the whole story. If that lie is consistent across platforms, it is planned propaganda to foster a specific narrative.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since seizing the territory from the rival Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup in 2007,​

A little reading of history show that this is not true.

I'm quite sure that the Arab Palestinians really love and appreciated the last decade of HAMAS prosperity. Yeah ranked 119th on the Human Development Index versus Israeel which is ranks 22nd on the HDI (the highest of any country in the Middle East and North Africa or higher than any of member nations of the Arab League).

Hear NPR's Madeleine Brand and Charles Levinson of London's 'Daily Telegraph said:
Masked members of the military wing of Hamas take files from an office after they captured the headquarters of the Preventative Security Force, loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, looters ransacked buildings and supporters of the Islamist group Hamas celebrated in the streets after its gunmen routed fighters of the Fatah movement after six days of bloody fighting that left more than 100 Palestinians dead.


Most Respectfully,
You ducked my post.
You cut and pasted a predictable slogan.
Insanity has a definition: the act of knowingly and willfully showering Islamic terrorists with welfare money

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) expressed concern on Thursday after a European Union (EU) official said to funding NGOs that hire Palestinian terrorists would be maintained.

In a letter to the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff — the head of the EU Office to the West Bank and Gaza Strip — affirmed the EU’s continued support to Palestinian NGOs despite the employment of members of terror organizations proscribed by the EU itself.
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