Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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“Palestinian” people is a new concept that came about in the 1960s.​

There were no Palestinian people, They just dropped out of the sky like a gift from god.
Your allah god didn't invent the "Palestinian people." That was done by Arafat when he invented the Pals as a national identity.
PA banks heed PMW warning and start closing terrorist bank accounts
Maurice Hirsch Adv. and Itamar Marcus May 7, 2020

PA banks heed PMW warning and start closing terrorist bank accounts | PMW Analysis
  • PMW cracks the weakest link in the PA’s “Pay for Slay” payments
  • Banks closing “will anger the prisoners’ family members and various groups in the Palestinian people”
  • PMW will be watching closely to see how the PA will attempt to transfer monthly salaries amounting to nearly 50 million shekels to 6,000 terrorist prisoners, without using the banking system
Another conspiracy theory floated by the Pals. They're accusing Facebook of shutting down pages used by Islamic terrorists " ...in light of Israeli plots."

There are times when it seems that every waking moment of a Pal-Arab's life is seeking out Jew conspiracy theories as a way to explain the miserable existence they create for themselves. -

On May 5, 2020, Fatah's Media Council of Gaza posted a video on Facebook and YouTube accusing Facebook other social media platforms of "fighting Palestinian media content." According to the video, Facebook has shut down pages belonging to journalists and activists in a "continuous effort to hide the truth in light of Israeli plots."
“Palestinian” people is a new concept that came about in the 1960s.​

There were no Palestinian people, They just dropped out of the sky like a gift from god.
Your allah god didn't invent the "Palestinian people." That was done by Arafat when he invented the Pals as a national identity.
You missed the point.
“Palestinian” people is a new concept that came about in the 1960s.​

There were no Palestinian people, They just dropped out of the sky like a gift from god.
Your allah god didn't invent the "Palestinian people." That was done by Arafat when he invented the Pals as a national identity.
You missed the point.
You never made a point,

On April 28, 2020, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) aired a report by one of its journalists, Lebanese national Fatima Triki, criticizing MBC TV, a Saudi channel that broadcasts from the UAE. The report was posted on YouTube under the title "After Its Desecration of the Values... MBC Demonizes the Palestinians and Turns the Jews into Angels." It claimed that recent Ramadan MBC series "Makhraj 7" and "Umm Haroun" promote normalization of Arab relations with Israel. Triki's report focuses on a segment in "Makhraj 7", in which characters are shown describing the Palestinians as shameless and ungrateful for the support they receive from other countries.
I think we need to alert the UN.

At least 52 Palestinians have been affected by Facebook's deactivation sweep, according to data collected by Middle East Eye

In the space of one day, more than 50 Palestinian journalists and activists had their profile pages deleted by Facebook, alongside a notification saying their pages had been deactivated for "not following our Community Standards."

"We have already reviewed this decision and it can't be reversed," the message continued, prompting users to read more about Facebook's Community Standards.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Your allah god didn't invent the "Palestinian people." That was done by Arafat when he invented the Pals as a national identity.
There were no Palestinian people, They just dropped out of the sky like a gift from god.

This is his way of showing his contempt towards your response.

Your comment was clearly written and understood by all as to its meaning. He has no real contribution to make so he comes up with this.


Most Respectfully,
A Palestinian rides on a road alongside Israel’s security wall in the town of Baqa al-Gharbiyya. Israel has taken seriously the continuing threat of Islamic terrorism and security walls save Israeli lives.

Oh, my. Another UNRWA request for millions of dollars. Has it been twelve hours already since their last request?

UNRWA wants money covering cash and food assistance. They've become very comfortable requesting cash but less comfortable identifying where that cash goes. Send your cash, infidels. UNRWA welfare money buys a lot of hate for infidel donors.

JERUSALEM, Friday, May 8, 2020 (WAFA) – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said today it was urgently seeking $93.4 million for its response to COVID-19 in the areas of health care, sanitation and hygiene and education over the next three months.

The required amount is an update from the Agency's earlier appeal, with a large portion of the funding aimed at covering cash and food assistance to this particularly vulnerable population, as the socio-economic consequences of the public health crisis continue to weigh heavily on households.
The "settlers" were said to come from nearby Shiloh - on Saturday morning.

Shiloh is a religious Jewish community, and its residents wouldn't cut down trees on the Sabbath. (Cutting down 40 olive trees would take a great deal of time and effort.)

Not one of the articles showed any uprooted or damaged trees that were not archive photos. In an age when literally everyone carries a camera in their pocket, it is inconceivable that there would be no photos of this massive destruction.

And if the Palestinians are lying about this destruction of trees, how many other times are they lying about it as well?

(full article online)

This woman fleeing from Islamism found a safe haven in Israel and flashes the victory sign.

I'm not clear as to why the IDF doesn't destroy the islamo-drones immediately and target their launching sites.

The Hamas Islamic terrorists will need to redirect their welfare dollars to buy more drones, but after all, it's just welfare money and that seems to fall off the infidel tree.

Israel has warned the Hamas terror group to stop flying drones over the border between the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state, threatening to shoot them down, a Palestinian report said Saturday.

The Israel Defense Forces has allegedly spotted drones that crossed into Israeli airspace for several minutes before returning to the Strip, the Al-Quds newspaper reported.
Pal-Arabs are decrying.

Please don't make Pal-Arabs decry.

The measure is another step in the efforts to counter the Palestinian Authority's "pay-for-slay" policy of paying salaries to terrorists imprisoned in Israel and the families of dead terrorists, a scheme that amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
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