Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Pallywood Productions.

It seems that once again, Arabs-Moslems are their own worst enemies.

No mention of Jews. Someone should alert the fatwa police.

Palestinian-Syrian Journalist Ahmad Azzam: No One Represents Us; Hamas Leaders Shake Hands with Iranian Murderers, PA Supports the Murderers in the Syrian Regime.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never quite thought of it that way. But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat
(who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.

PA: Terrorist murderers are “The Giants of Palestinian History”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 12, 2020

Who are “The Giants of Palestinian History”? According to the PA, the murderers of Israelis are the ones who deserve this distinction.

It is a shame really. They are a culture that believes suicide and murder are interpreted as morals that their religion promotes as accepted value. Whereas, most western cultures are the exact opposite.

For a while, I thought that Mahmoud Abbas would be praised as the father of the modern country of Palestine. But under his watch, much of the 1948 allocation dissolved in his hands. So that leaves him out.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never quite thought of it that way. But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat
(who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.

PA: Terrorist murderers are “The Giants of Palestinian History”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 12, 2020

Who are “The Giants of Palestinian History”? According to the PA, the murderers of Israelis are the ones who deserve this distinction.

It is a shame really. They are a culture that believes suicide and murder are interpreted as morals that their religion promotes as accepted value. Whereas, most western cultures are the exact opposite.

For a while, I thought that Mahmoud Abbas would be praised as the father of the modern country of Palestine. But under his watch, much of the 1948 allocation dissolved in his hands. So that leaves him out.


Most Respectfully,
But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat (who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.

Ummmm......Arafat was a terrorist.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat (who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.
Ummmm......Arafat was a terrorist.

Ah, Yeah! That is what happens to be an absurd and self-contradictory statement. But it happens.

Arafat the terrorist becomes a world-renowned peacemaker. (It must be Magic!)
There must be a political alchemist in the background. (Absurd isn't it.)


Most Respectfully,

The teenager, named Zaid Qaysia, was hit in the head by a live round and four others were also wounded in Al-Fawar refugee camp near the city of Hebron, the ministry said.

Clashes between IDF troops and Palestinians in the West Bank

Israeli army said the clashes erupted during a raid in the area as part of Israel's efforts to locate the perpetrator who killed IDF soldier Amit Ben Yigal on Tuesday by throwing a rock at his head.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never quite thought of it that way. But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat
(who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.

PA: Terrorist murderers are “The Giants of Palestinian History”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 12, 2020

Who are “The Giants of Palestinian History”? According to the PA, the murderers of Israelis are the ones who deserve this distinction.

It is a shame really. They are a culture that believes suicide and murder are interpreted as morals that their religion promotes as accepted value. Whereas, most western cultures are the exact opposite.

For a while, I thought that Mahmoud Abbas would be praised as the father of the modern country of Palestine. But under his watch, much of the 1948 allocation dissolved in his hands. So that leaves him out.


Most Respectfully,
But if you rule-out Yassar Arafat (who BTW is the Palestinians only Nobel Laureate) then the only consistent people they memorialize for are all terrorists.

Ummmm......Arafat was a terrorist.

Arafat was given the the title, "world's most successful terrorist". That seems fitting.
From Pal Media Watch, another look into the going maw of degenerate psychopaths who have a UN sponsored welfare entitlement.

PA: Blow up Israeli civilians in Haifa and Atlit – TV song urges suicide-terror against Israel

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 11, 2020
  • “Strap on the explosive belt, detonate it in Haifa”
  • “How sweet is the taste of Martyrdom”
Even the Coronavirus crisis is not enough to cause the Palestinian Authority stop indoctrinating Palestinians that nothing surpasses dying as a “Martyr” while murdering Israeli civilians.

The PA’s message to carry out suicide bombings - even specifying which Israeli cities to target: Haifa and Atlit - was repeated at least 4 times in the last few weeks on an official PA TV station, which broadcast a song and dance that was first performed in 2017 at a Palestinian cultural festival:
It just never ends with these psychopaths.

On May 7, 2020, Al-Aqsa TV (Gaza – Hamas) aired a police graduation ceremony. A speaker at the ceremony said: "Palestine is a mother [that says]: 'My son, come join the fight. You were not born to live, but in order to die as a martyr, blowing up your enemies in the occupation.'"

Speaker: "Palestine is a mother that gives birth only to heroes. When she pushes a child out of her belly, what does she say to him? 'My son, come join the fight. You were not born to live, but in order to die as a martyr, blowing up your enemies in the occupation.'"

The report came hours after clashes were reported overnight in the town of Ya'abad, as IDF soldiers searched for the murderer of Sergeant First Class Amit Ben Yigal.

  • “How sweet is the taste of Martyrdom”
The Pal Arabs have a rather skewed definition of motherhood and of a hero, one that suggests a severe mental disorder,

Mother of murderer: My greatest achievement in life was giving birth to a hero

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 13, 2020

As a deterrent against future terror attacks, Israel this week demolished the house of terrorist Qassam Barghouti. Barghouti was one of the terrorists who murdered the 17-year-old Israeli girl Rina Shnerb. The terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) used a remote detonator to activate a bomb next to the Shnerb Family as they visited the Danny Spring near the town of Dolev north of Ramallah on Aug. 23, 2019. Rina was killed and her father and brother were injured.
The Pal-Arab gee-had against Pal-Arab Banks is underway.

I guess it was only a mattter of time before we saw this sort of depravity in Abu Mazen's mini-caliphate, sometimes called the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas Islamic terrorist syndicate.

A series of violent incidents occurred in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the last few days as Palestinians have reacted with fury to the closure of bank accounts held by terrorists imprisoned in Israel and their families, the Israeli news site Walla reported.

The bank accounts were closed due to an Israeli order that the banks themselves would be considered collaborators with terrorism if the accounts — which are regularly replenished by the Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of its so-called “pay-for-slay” policy — were left open.
The Islamic terrorists representing the Hamas franchise are threatening to kidnap Israeli soldiers. Probably a bad move as this might well put the IDF in a posture to view any interaction with Pal-Arabs as a life threatening situation.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh threatened that the Gaza-based terrorist organization can still kidnap more Israeli soldiers, Channel 12 reported.

Haniyeh spoke to Al Jazeera in an interview – which was held in honor of the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba – held in Doha, the capital of Qatar, as the Hamas leader has not returned to the Gaza Strip in the last two months.

The comment came while he was discussing the prisoner exchange negotiations between Hamas and Israel, as he added that he was still waiting for a breakthrough.

"We can increase our loot, our hand is strong," he said, implying that Hamas has the ability to kidnap more soldiers, which can be used as bargaining chips in following negotiations.
The IDF was doing some landscaping in Islamic terrorist'istan as part of a neighborhood beautification program.

The Israel Defense Forces this week carried out the partial demolition of the home of Qassem Shibli, also known as Qassem al-Barghouti, (aka Qassem "no rent due this month" al-Barghouti -ed.), in the village of Kobar, in the Ramallah area. Shibli is suspected of involvement in the murder of Rina Shnerb, 17, who was killed in an IED detonation at the Ein Bubin spring near the community of Dolev, last August.
There are some apparent differences separating the angry islamists in the competing mini-caliphates of Sinwar'istan and Mahmoud'listan.

Perhaps these angry islamists could settle their differences as they did during their earlier civil war with street killings and various forms of torture.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) announced on Wednesday that they would not attend a meeting of the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah this coming Saturday to discuss Israel’s plan to apply sovereignty to parts of the West Bank
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