Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Removing Islamic terrorist infrastructure.

The Pal-Arabs have developed a deep-seated paranoia, really, a pathology that affects their every waking moment.

Gazan Journalist Alaa Al-Asi: Any Form of Dialogue with Israelis – Even Peace Activists – That Takes Place Outside of the Framework of the Resistance Is Collaboration with the Enemy
A common sense approach. Without accountability on the part of the Arabs-Moslems, there’s no reason to shower money on a population when that money can be diverted by Hamas for their personal fortunes or used for acts of Islamic terrorism.

The Trump administration will not be sending US coronavirus assistance to the Gaza Strip due to concerns that funds could fall into the hands of the US-designated terrorist group Hamas.

"The Trump administration is not supporting assistance to Gaza," a senior administration official with knowledge of the decision told The New York Post. "There is a Hamas government in Gaza. They have indicated no interest in engaging with us, no interest in peace with Israel, and in fact, they continue – despite having coronavirus cases in Gaza – to fire rockets at the Israelis on a regular basis."
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
RE: Hamas brags about its Ramadan terror attacks - and takes credit for starting 2014 Gaza war
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Now this is interesting... It is exceptionally nice of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) to document their own confession.


While I don't suspect that the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor will take any action to include such things into the record, they are clear violations of - and - subject to unilateral prosecution by the Israelis under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as some are subject to unilateral prosecution under Article 19(2) of the 1997 Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings. This neutralizes the impact of HAMAS and the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (FATAH) manipulation and corruption. It would also avoid the necessity to involve of the Hague Bureaucratic justice system or the malfeasant ICC.
I am also wondering what the feasibility might be, once the ICC is done screwing around, the prosecute selected members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), HAMAS, FATAH and media personalities under Articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) and or the UN Security Council Resolution 1624:

Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;
I'm sure many of the key Arab Palestinian Leaders encouraging, praising, and inciting violent action against Israel. I'm wondering what the possibility is to seize the assets of key personalities who facilitated the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, or which engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun-running. What would the past and present leaders of the Arab Palestinians think if the Israelis began to seize their assets? (Hmmmm!)


Most Respectfully,
The Pals are losing a former ally and they're not happy about it. It seems more than naive for the Pals not to understand that aligning with Shia Iran would be a huge issue for the KSA. The House of Saud has their own interests to look after and Israel has a lot to offer as (begrudgingly), an ally.

Arguments have erupted on social media between Saudi and Palestinian activists over a TV programme on Saudi-run MBC. Palestinians are outraged that some Saudi activists have said that they are the enemy, not Israel. The issue arose after an episode of a comedy show, Makhraj 7.
Yesterday, the International Committee of the Red Cross tweeted:

The need for social distancing is making this Ramadan tough for many families in the West Bank.

It will be especially so for those with relatives in detention in Israel, who are currently unable to visit their loved ones due to the #covid19 pandemic. pic.twitter.com/Rs8auTDMhS
— ICRC in Israel & OT (@ICRC_ilot) April 28, 2020

A poor old woman, pining to visit her son in prison, but she is being stopped. How sad.

Except that there is no difference between her and pretty much everyone else on the planet who cannot visit their relatives. What makes her situation any different? Prisoners in Israel can and do make phone calls, the same way we are all getting by with phone calls. The COVID-19 restrictions are meant to save people like this old woman.

On first glance, this tweet seems like a gratuitous effort to keep the plight of Palestinian prisoners in the spotlight when the world has other issues to deal with.

On second glance, this is much worse.

(full article online)

Trouble in Islamic paradise?

From the river to Sea West Bank....

In the past week, PA security forces arrested a number of Hamas activists after they were caught distributing food parcels and cash to needy families.

The Palestinian Authority believes that Hamas is using the coronavirus crisis to score points with Palestinians in the West Bank.
The differences could hardly be more stark. While Israel has developed a world class economy and stable society, the Arabs-Moslems are warring tribes.

April could be called “creative map month” in the PA. As Palestinian Media Watch ‎has documented, the PA as policy always completely erases Israel in maps and ‎replaces it with “Palestine.” But this past month, to remind Palestinians to “stay at ‎home” everywhere in the “homeland” because of the Coronavirus, the PA and ‎Fatah maps erasing Israel have been even more creative than usual. ‎
This is what the Pal Death cult worships as heroes.

"Fatah posts picture of fighter shooting rifle: "The end of Israel, the liberation of Palestine"
Fatah - The Main Page, Facebook | Feb 9, 2015

Text on image: "Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in Palestine, The Path of the Storm. The end of Israel, the liberation of Palestine."
Click to view bulletin
The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal’istanians are losing another source of welfare

Banking restrictions on Interpal threaten to sever aid 'lifeline' for Palestinians

Palestinians in Gaza say the most vulnerable will suffer if British charity is forced to cut programmes, after HSBC said it would no longer process donations.

HSBC, which is one of the world's largest banks, has a record of closing down accounts, including those of prominent Muslim customers, without explanation, withdrawing banking facilities from a number of organisations and community leaders in 2014 and 2015.

Those affected included the Finsbury Park Mosque in London and Anas Altikriti, founder and CEO of the Cordoba Foundation, a think tank which says that it devotes itself to building bridges between Islam and the west.

At the time, HSBC said that the account closures had taken place in the context of a global review of its businesses conducted after it agreed to pay a $1.9bn fine to US authorities for allowing Latin American drugs cartels to use its banks to launder hundreds of millions of dollars.
PMW to UNICEF: Stop ignoring PA recruitment of child soldiers/terrorists

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus | Feb 24, 2020
Every year, the local branch of UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) releases a biased report on “Children and Armed Conflict,” which routinely blames Israel for its treatment of Palestinian children combatants but ignores the fact that it is the Palestinian Authority who recruits the children into combat - in violation of international law.

To counter this bias, Palestinian Media Watch has sent an extensive and detailed report to UNICEF describing how the PA recruited child soldiers/terrorists, in 2019.

PMW's report shows how the PA indoctrinates Palestinian children to hate Jews and Israel; to aspire to the destruction of Israel; brainwashes the Palestinian children to admire murderers; weaponizes the Palestinian children and promotes their participation in violence. The report further shows how the PA pays substantial financial rewards to the child terrorists. Damningly, PMW’s report also shows how the PA leadership openly admits that the child terrorists are the PA’s soldiers.
In the twisted world of the Islamic terrorist enclave of the West Bank, children thrown onto the raging bonfire of Islamic hatreds are "sanctified".

Abbas on terrorists: Our Martyrs and prisoners are the most sanctified

Official Palestinian Authority TV | PA Presidential Office, Facebook | Aug 10, 2019 · Aug 11, 2019

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "We will not agree that they [Israel] consider our Martyrs terrorists – our Martyrs, the homeland's Martyrs! And we will not agree that they deduct one penny from their money. All of their money will return to them – because for us the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners are the most sanctified.”
It seems to me that it’s Racist™️, maybe even islamophobic™️ To suggest that young martyrs in training not have the tools used in appropriate lessons paid for by international welfare.

UN agency finds hand grenade in Gaza school
United Nations Relief and Works Agency condemns incident, calls on Hamas, the ‘de facto authorities,’ to respect the ‘inviolability’ of its premises

23 April 2020, 3:37 pm 1

  • Palestinian schoolchildren studying at an UNRWA school in Gaza City. (IRIN/Creative Commons via JTA)
Palestinian schoolchildren studying at an UNRWA school in Gaza City. (IRIN/Creative Commons via JTA)

The UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees appealed to the Hamas terror group to respect the “inviolability of its premises” after a hand grenade and a military vest were found in one of its schools in the Gaza strip.
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