Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Among the endless excuses and ''blame-gaming'' by the Pals for their failure to build a workable society and achieve statehood, some obvious deficiencies; powerful strategy, unity and leadership are noted in the linked article.

Billions of dollars in welfare donated to competing Islamic terrorist enclaves has garnered incredible wealth for the kingpins of a few Islamic terrorist syndicates. They shop at luxury malls built with western welfare money while they vilify the west for their failures.

Over 72 years, Israel has offered land for peace and a Palestinian state. The Palestinians have rejected all offers. How much longer should the world wait?

Only a tiny fraction of the world’s national groups have nation states. Both Kurds and Tibetans aspire to statehood, yet haven’t achieved it. Of 192 members of the United Nations, only 20 are nation states—the rest are multinational states. Thus, the failure of the Palestinians to achieve statehood is not unusual. Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership. Sadly, these qualities have eluded the Palestinians, preventing them from seizing multiple opportunities for statehood.

Palestinians embrace a “conquest” strategy. As stated in the 1968 Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian people are dedicated to the complete “liberation of Palestine,” and “elimination of Zionism in Palestine.” The Charter insists that “Armed struggle is the . . . overall strategy.” While Palestinian leaders have pledged to eliminate this belligerent goal, the PLO has never done it.

Likewise, the Charter of Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules Gaza, states “resistance shall continue until liberation is accomplished, the return [of Palestinians] is fulfilled and a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital” on the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, encompassing all of Israel.
Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership.

So who is talking about creating a new state?
The CHAZA - GAZA frauds,

you know, the only 2 countries that never existed before being "occupied".
Al Qaws, the Palestinian LGBTQ group, will hold a protestagainst both Palestinian patriarchy and Israeli oppression tomorrow.

But they won’t be holding it in Ramallah or Hebron. They are doing it in Haifa.

I suppose it pains them for me to point out that they chose to do the protest in Israel and not in their own Palestinian controlled areas – because they know that in the Palestinian territories they would be attacked and arrested by policewhile in Israel they will be protected by police.

This is the “pinkwashing” they rail against – where they choose to protest in the very nation that they claim is oppressing them.

(full article online)


Pallywood, pallywood...

Already debunked,
because you idiots can't even match the lies.

Israel admits to it. They just give their standard bullshit excuse for it.

Pallywood, pallywood...

Already debunked,
because you idiots can't even match the lies.

Israel admits to it. They just give their standard bullshit excuse for it.

Sure, like when BDS-holes claimed Shakira cancelled a show, that was never booked.

Or the Jihadi filth from two weeks ago, claimed to be an innocent bunny,
in spite the video you've demanded, confirmed the ramming attack.

Isn't there anything you won't lie about?
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Among the endless excuses and ''blame-gaming'' by the Pals for their failure to build a workable society and achieve statehood, some obvious deficiencies; powerful strategy, unity and leadership are noted in the linked article.

Billions of dollars in welfare donated to competing Islamic terrorist enclaves has garnered incredible wealth for the kingpins of a few Islamic terrorist syndicates. They shop at luxury malls built with western welfare money while they vilify the west for their failures.

Over 72 years, Israel has offered land for peace and a Palestinian state. The Palestinians have rejected all offers. How much longer should the world wait?

Only a tiny fraction of the world’s national groups have nation states. Both Kurds and Tibetans aspire to statehood, yet haven’t achieved it. Of 192 members of the United Nations, only 20 are nation states—the rest are multinational states. Thus, the failure of the Palestinians to achieve statehood is not unusual. Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership. Sadly, these qualities have eluded the Palestinians, preventing them from seizing multiple opportunities for statehood.

Palestinians embrace a “conquest” strategy. As stated in the 1968 Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian people are dedicated to the complete “liberation of Palestine,” and “elimination of Zionism in Palestine.” The Charter insists that “Armed struggle is the . . . overall strategy.” While Palestinian leaders have pledged to eliminate this belligerent goal, the PLO has never done it.

Likewise, the Charter of Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules Gaza, states “resistance shall continue until liberation is accomplished, the return [of Palestinians] is fulfilled and a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital” on the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, encompassing all of Israel.
Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership.

So who is talking about creating a new state?
The CHAZA - GAZA frauds,

you know, the only 2 countries that never existed before being "occupied".
Among the endless excuses and ''blame-gaming'' by the Pals for their failure to build a workable society and achieve statehood, some obvious deficiencies; powerful strategy, unity and leadership are noted in the linked article.

Billions of dollars in welfare donated to competing Islamic terrorist enclaves has garnered incredible wealth for the kingpins of a few Islamic terrorist syndicates. They shop at luxury malls built with western welfare money while they vilify the west for their failures.

Over 72 years, Israel has offered land for peace and a Palestinian state. The Palestinians have rejected all offers. How much longer should the world wait?

Only a tiny fraction of the world’s national groups have nation states. Both Kurds and Tibetans aspire to statehood, yet haven’t achieved it. Of 192 members of the United Nations, only 20 are nation states—the rest are multinational states. Thus, the failure of the Palestinians to achieve statehood is not unusual. Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership. Sadly, these qualities have eluded the Palestinians, preventing them from seizing multiple opportunities for statehood.

Palestinians embrace a “conquest” strategy. As stated in the 1968 Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian people are dedicated to the complete “liberation of Palestine,” and “elimination of Zionism in Palestine.” The Charter insists that “Armed struggle is the . . . overall strategy.” While Palestinian leaders have pledged to eliminate this belligerent goal, the PLO has never done it.

Likewise, the Charter of Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules Gaza, states “resistance shall continue until liberation is accomplished, the return [of Palestinians] is fulfilled and a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital” on the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, encompassing all of Israel.
Creation of a state requires powerful strategy, unity and leadership.

So who is talking about creating a new state?
The CHAZA - GAZA frauds,

you know, the only 2 countries that never existed before being "occupied".

Actually two - one in CHAZA and one in GAZA

both frauds.
I believe what is not addressed in the linked article is Iran’s influence in Gaza politics. All indications are that Iran is still supplying arms and welfare money to Hamas. Shia Iran has no benevolent interest in aiding the Sunni Pals who view the Shia as apostates.

I have to believe that at some point, the mullocrats in Iran are going to demand that Hamas strike out at Israel.

That could get very ugly for the Pal “dead Islamic terrorist walking” lackeys.

The situation in Gaza? "What concerns Hamas the most is the economy." The sovereignty bid? "It won't be an excuse to resume hostilities." The next round of violence? "If they indiscriminately fire on Israel, we'll find it hard to contain our response." The IDF Southern Command's intelligence chief suggests Hamas tread lightly when dealing with Israel.
The Palis are on a roll, including the addition of obligatory conspiracy theories.

PA says Jewish history in Jerusalem is “fabricated,” “forged,” “delusional myths,” “lies,” “libels,” “legends,” and “stolen heritage”
Itamar Marcus | Jul 29, 2020

The Palestinian Authority:
“[Israeli] plots are being woven against it [Jerusalem] to forge its identity”
“The stones in the ground are fabricated graves planted [by Israel] to prove… an ancient Israeli and Jewish presence”
“The greatest liar is [Israel]… stealing our heritage”
”[Jewish history is] delusional myths and the arrogance of power”
”They [Israel] imagine that by this brute force they can invent a [Jewish] history”
“Their so-called 'Temple' - the greatest crime and forgery in history"
Another campaign involves the Pals spending some of their welfare money of Sharpie markers and drawing images of King Mahmoud on $1.00 US currency. They can add several zeros after the number 1 and make themselves rich.

This campaign is following last week's viral Instagram post from user astagfirolah, which accused Apple and Google of removing the label "Palestine" from their respective digital world maps.
The Islamic terrorists who take UNRWA welfare money may be feeling some heat regarding their glorification of mass murdering Islamic terrorist psychopaths.

In May, the European Union passed resolutions condemning the PA for continuing to teach hate. In response, Palestinian Education Minister Marwan Awartan presented a report to the Palestinian cabinet in which he laid out planned changes to the curriculum. His plans put Palestinian nationalism front and center of the changes, clearly paving the way for a curriculum of heightened division, rather than the toning down the EU had hoped for.
The Palestinian Authority’s refusal to cooperate with Israel, ostensibly because of “annexation” plans that have not happened, is only hurting Palestinians.

Which means the media is not reporting on the repercussions for fear of upsetting the narrative that Palestinian suffering comes from Israel alone.

A close reading of the UN’s OCHA-OPT reports for the last two months give a small glimpse of the issue, even though they try to downplay it as well.

From OCHA’s Gaza Strip: Snapshot June 2020, released this week:

(full article online)


PHILADELPHIA – July 31, 2020 – Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) has written to President Donald Trump calling on him to designate the Palestinian Authority's (PA) Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and its Director Qadri Abu Bakr as sponsors of terror because of their direct involvement in the monthly payments to terrorists and their families.
The Arabs-Moslems are falling over themselves with a new conspiracy theory, one that involves Israeli-Jewish influencers.

Palestinian Authority (PA) Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki alleged in a July 18 interview with Palestine TV that “Israeli-Jewish influence” prompted Apple and Google remove the name “Palestine” from their respective maps.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Al-Maliki called for a petition to bring the “Palestine” name back to Apple and Google Maps, but said that a petition itself would not be enough.

“It is clear that these two companies have obvious orientations,” Al-Maliki said. “It is obvious who owns them, and the Israeli-Jewish influence on them is also obvious. All this makes them biased towards Israel.”

He added that the PA is looking to file international lawsuits against Apple and Google “for treating Palestine this way. We hope that we can begin taking such measures in the next few days.”
Sacrifices must be made for the gee-had and for payments to convicted Islamic terrorists.

RAMALLAH, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinian government on Sunday said it will pay the public service employees half of their salaries, for the second consecutive month amid current critical fiscal situation.

The Palestinian Finance Ministry explained in a press statement that those receiving approximately 500 U.S. dollars will get their full salaries, but others paid above this amount will receive only half.

The ministry said it will only be able to cover 50 percent of June's salary, which is slightly above the minimum wage in Palestine, or around 420 dollars.
The Arab-Moslems are angry. They take offense to criticism about their financing Islamic terrorist acts and paying Islamic terrorists.

Palestinians on Sunday condemned Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) for demanding that the US impose personal sanctions on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other senior PA officials.

In a letter to President Donald Trump, Lamborn wrote that the Palestinian leadership “has continued to pay the terror rewards to terrorists, spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year to these monsters and their families.”

Lamborn was involved in initiating the Taylor Force Act, signed into law by President Trump in 2018, which conditions US direct aid to the PA on the abolition of the PA’s payment of cash rewards to terrorists and their families.
Ahed Tamimi poses with a thank you to the Italian artists who were expelled by Israel for making this beautiful art on the Israeli segregation wall in the occupied West Bank.

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