Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I am a Christian who follows the Zionist teachings of Jesus.



What "Zionist teachings" of what "Jesus" are you following?

Do you know what Talmud writes about Jesus from Nazareth?

In some of the texts, the father produced a son with a woman named Mary (Miriam in Hebrew). Several of the texts indicate that the mother was not married to Pandera, and was committing adultery and – by implication – Jesus was a bastard child.[96]

"On (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover Jesus the Nazarene was hanged and a herald went forth before him forty days heralding, 'Jesus the Nazarene is going forth to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and instigated and seduced Israel to idolatry. Whoever knows anything in defense may come and state it.' But since they did not find anything in his defense they hanged him on (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover.

Jesus in the Talmud - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God.

Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, according to the Koran, Jesus was the son of God, a Muslim prophet.

According to the Talmud Jesus was neither the son of God, nor a prophet.

So how on earth can Jesus be a teacher of Zionism?

The Talmuds are not canon, and most everyone knows the Pharisees started the rabbinical Orthodox cult long after the first Revolt was over, and only represented a small part of the Jewish peoples.

lol never mind, just noticed it's a necro-thread.
Nature has pre-programmed successful animals with a desire to survive, and once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear (at least, one that can be expressed by doing something more than just fleeing, like all other animals do).

Truly remarkable that an insular society can so completely undue natural instincts.

Female suicide bomber felt “like a bride on her wedding day, preparing to go to ‎her groom”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 5, 2020

During the Palestinian Authority’s terror war – the second Intifada – which lasted ‎almost 5 years and during which over 1,100 Israelis were murdered, terrorist Shifa Al-‎Qudsi took on a suicide mission. Planning to pose as a pregnant woman, the female ‎would-be suicide bomber was to carry 33 pounds of explosives hidden under a ‎maternity dress, and detonate it somewhere in the Israeli city of Netanya.‎

Luckily, her attack was thwarted and Al-Qudsi was arrested before she was able to ‎murder anyone.‎

Today she still recalls her thoughts and feelings while getting ready for the attack. In ‎an interview on Israeli TV last month, Al-Qudsi remembered how she felt joyous while ‎preparing to murder Israelis: “Like a bride on her wedding day, who is preparing to go to ‎her groom.”‎
Al Jazeera has a rather slanted piece that predictably blames Arabs, the Great Satan™️ and others for the failures and ineptitudes of the Pals. Missing, of course, is any commentary regarding Islamic terrorist attacks perpetrated against Israel, the Hamas Charter and the refusal by both Hamas and Fatah to end their gee-had directed at Israel.

The article’s reference to a “new era” in the region is dismissive of the mutually beneficial relations between Arab nations and Israel. The article largely ignores the reduction in potential conflict, ignores the obvious benefits to the region while making the entirety of the Middle East about two competing Islamic terrorist enclaves.

The signing of the deal between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE at the White House on September 15 is, admittedly, the beginning of a new era that has started in the Middle East; however, it will not bring about – with its unbalanced power relations – a just solution to the Palestinian question.
Gee whiz. Two decades and 10,000 rockets fired at Israel, the failed Islamic terrorist border gee-had amid calls to “rip the hearts out” of Israelis, knife attacks, car ramming, roadmaps to nowhere, etc., etc., etc., the Pal terrorists are whining about a lack of “peace partners”.

Two Decades After the Second Intifada, Palestine Still Has No Partner for Peace
Ramadan. Another way to spell gee-had.

Israel also said its forces assassinated Hamas commander Hamed al-Khoudary by targeting his car in an airstrike. The 34-year-old militant leader was allegedly responsible for transferring money from Iran to terrorist organizations in Gaza.

The Islamic Jihad militant group, a Hamas ally, said Sunday that two of its members were killed in Israeli bombings.

A total of 15 Palestinians, including at least eight militants, have been killed in the current round of fighting, according to Gaza's health ministry.

The violence comes ahead of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, which begins Monday, and Israeli Independence Day celebrations on Wednesday.
There’s a stealth or low level civil war being fought in the territories occupied by competing Islamic terrorist factions. Likely won’t take much for gunfire to start.

Oct 5, 2020
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinian security services in the West Bank have been clamping down in recent days on supporters of the so-called Democratic Reform Current led by dismissed Fatah leader Mohammad Dahlan, who is based in the United Arab Emirates.

Read more: Palestinian Authority targets Dahlan’s supporters in West Bank
These folks are conspiracy theory addled.

Official PA Daily:‎ ‎Trump's Coronavirus may be fabrication to gain sympathy and avoid debating Biden
Itamar Marcus | Oct 4, 2020
  • Saeb Erekat: I’m certain that if [Joe] Biden or any other president rises [to ‎power], the first thing that person will do is to declare that [Trump’s] deal of ‎the century is off the table”‎
Mahmoud Abbas’ official PA daily ran a front page editorial with the headline “Trump's ‎Corona - False Claims and expectations.” The editorial says that if the claim is true that ‎Trump is deceiving the American people, it is because Trump wants to gain sympathy ‎of the American voters and to avoid future debates with Democratic challenger Joe ‎Biden. The fact that Trump’s infection was announced shortly after his debate with ‎Biden “which Trump turned into the worst debate in history” makes it logical that Trump ‎wants to avoid future debates by feigning illness, says the PA daily.‎

The PA editorial adds that if Trump is sick, possibly the illness will cause him to “re-‎examine the erroneous and aggressive policies towards humanity… while he fuels ‎racist extremist ideas, and sides with falsehood against truth.”‎
After insulting the US president repeatedly, the editorial ends on a more conciliatory ‎note, adding:
“whether or not the U.S. president has caught Corona virus, we will not ‎analyze this news based on wishful thinking. Corona virus is a disease that we do not ‎wish for the creatures of Allah wherever they are, and we pray for the speedy recovery ‎of all those infected‏.‏‎”‎
[Al-Hayat al-Jadida, Oct. 4, 2020]‎
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I, much like our friend "Hollie" find it interesting that

BLUF: Any solution to the Israeli vs Palestinian Conflict must, necessarily, be developed by them, not imposed upon them.

  • Saeb Erekat: I’m certain that if [Joe] Biden or any other president rises [to ‎power], the first thing that person will do is to declare that [Trump’s] deal of ‎the century is off the table”‎

What The President recommends as a solution or what a Presidential Candidate recommends should have little or no impact at all on what is accepted as a solution. The solution must be based on the benefits and compromises the two parties to the conflict are willing to accept and live with. The solution cannot be based on a politically inspired set of arrangements embossed upon them from the orbiting external forces.

It may be the case, no matter how alien it sounds to the outside observer, that the normal relationship
(natural order) between the two parties to the conflict → is → "conflict;" no matter how absurd it may sound. The Arab Palestinians take a very active role in passing, from generation to generation, hatred and ingrained tendencies for violence.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have established policies and practices of promoting violence and similar policies and practices of enforcing intellectuals, media people, orators, educators, and teachers, to perform their role, and to fulfill their duty, exerting influence in all sectors of society and throughout the world, using financial and media control, as well as the manipulation of the Rule of Law that will have an adverse impact on the Israelis. This is passed-down from generation to generation. The HoAP find it necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and mass-media outlets, and the youth organizations of the Islamic movements and factions, are induced to take part in propaganda operations that encourage violence and hatred. This included forcing UN Organization to make basic changes be made in the school curriculum that "cleanse it of the traces" of any aspect that encourages peace or suggests that violence by the Arab Palestinians is wrong.

Most Respectfully,

The good “doctor” has some sage advise for those sharia’ists who might be thinking about congratulating Israelis and Jews on Rosh Hashanah.

That will not score points with Allah.

Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra, the Vice Dean of the South Branch of the Islamic University of Gaza, said in a September 26, 2020 interview on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) that Arabs who have been congratulating Israelis and Jews on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, are "rushing headlong into heresy." He said that doing this is a violation of shari'a law, and that people who consider Israel to be a brotherly country are going against Allah's commands against befriending Jews or Christians.
Censorship is always a difficult subject to resolve as there are many competing interests and ultimately, who decides what is “hate speech”. Explicit promotion by Fatah of actions intending to cause injury or death to Israelis is where Facebook has drawn the line.

PMW welcomes Facebook’s limiting Fatah's page

Itamar Marcus & Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 6, 2020

After extensive PMW correspondence with Facebook about Fatah’s promotion of terror ‎and glorification of violence on its official Facebook page, and following PMW ‎campaigns against Fatah’s page and Facebook itself that informed and warned ‎Facebook that they were supplying a platform for Fatah’s terror promotion, hate ‎speech, and Antisemitism, Facebook finally took steps against Fatah. ‎

In June Fatah's Facebook page was temporarily closed following three warnings by ‎Facebook. This week Facebook took another significant step by canceling Fatah’s ‎option to boost posts - i.e., posts that are promoted as ads.‎

The image above posted by Fatah shows a computer screen with Facebook open on it ‎and a red “no” symbol over the page. Gold coins appear next to the screen.‎

Posted text: “As part of an ongoing campaign against Palestinian content‎
Facebook is stopping all the boosted posts of the official Fatah Facebook page”‎
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Sept. 26, 2020]‎
I’m curious as to why there’s some hoo-ha about a trial where the guilty parties to be named at a future date are denied access to lawyers.

Islamic totalitarian societies are not usually associated with western standards of jurisprudence.

At least 68 Palestinians - including veteran Hamas middleman Mohammed al-Khoudary - are standing trial on unknown charges with no access to lawyers, right group says
Some strong criticism from the KSA directed at the Pals.

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief and ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, slammed the Palestinian leadership for criticizing the decision of some Gulf states to normalize ties with Israel.

In an interview with Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television aired on Monday, the prince labelled the Palestinian authorities' criticism a "transgression" and "reprehensible discourse."
The former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. had a “take no prisoners” approach to the Pals and their denigration of Gulf Arabs.

Former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Al-Saud chastised the Palestinian leadership for its conduct following Israel's peace and normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain. His comments were made in an interview with Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) on October 5, 2020. Prince Bandar said that the Palestinian leaders had "the audacity to say despicable things" about the Gulf countries and their leaders. He added that while the Palestinian cause is just, the Palestinian leaders have failed at garnering support for this cause.

Prince Bandar further said that the Palestinian leaders have historically placed their bets on the losing party - from Haj Amin Al-Husseini's support for the Nazis during WWII to siding with Saddam Hussein in his occupation of Kuwait in 1990 and subsequently, his missile attacks against Saudi Arabia. He said that the Palestinians would repeatedly come to Saudi Arabia for financial aid and advice, and then they would take the aid and ignore the advice.
It is refreshing to read an honest assessment of the Islamic terrorist inspired gee-had groups on campuses here in the Great Satan™️

Many proponents of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement conflate the struggle for racial justice in the United States and the war against Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Duke University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter, unsurprisingly, is no exception; they hide behind their social media accounts to promote outright falsehoods, attempting to paint anti-Zionist activism as a virtuous fight against colonialism.
It is refreshing to read an honest assessment of the Islamic terrorist inspired gee-had groups on campuses here in the Great Satan™️

Many proponents of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement conflate the struggle for racial justice in the United States and the war against Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Duke University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter, unsurprisingly, is no exception; they hide behind their social media accounts to promote outright falsehoods, attempting to paint anti-Zionist activism as a virtuous fight against colonialism.
“Zionism is the Jewish national movement of self-determination in the land of Israel — the historical birthplace and biblical homeland of the Jewish people.”​
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