Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Finally, after doing everything the PA has demanded of them for years, the EU has had enough.

From Axios:

The EU, France, Germany, the U.K. and Norway made clear that they consider annexation to now be off the table, and thus the Palestinians should accept the $750 million in revenues now held by the Israeli Ministry of Finance.

After lower-level pressure on the Palestinians didn’t bear fruit, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called Abbas last Wednesday.

He repeated the same message in the call, European diplomats say: Until the Palestinians resume the acceptance of tax revenues from Israel, the EU will not provide new loans or other financial assistance.

Borrell also urged Abbas to relaunch security and civilian coordination with Israel, but Abbas was noncommittal, the diplomats say.

Some Palestinian officials around Abbas think his decision to suspend all ties with Israel and the U.S. is self-defeating.

But Abbas has so far fended off that pressure. He's betting that Joe Biden will win in November and bring with him a much different set of policies toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

This is another game changer. After the Arab world has shown willingness to criticize the Palestinian leadership publicly, the EU is starting to move in the same direction.

(full article online)

Finally, after doing everything the PA has demanded of them for years, the EU has had enough.

From Axios:

The EU, France, Germany, the U.K. and Norway made clear that they consider annexation to now be off the table, and thus the Palestinians should accept the $750 million in revenues now held by the Israeli Ministry of Finance.

After lower-level pressure on the Palestinians didn’t bear fruit, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called Abbas last Wednesday.

He repeated the same message in the call, European diplomats say: Until the Palestinians resume the acceptance of tax revenues from Israel, the EU will not provide new loans or other financial assistance.

Borrell also urged Abbas to relaunch security and civilian coordination with Israel, but Abbas was noncommittal, the diplomats say.

Some Palestinian officials around Abbas think his decision to suspend all ties with Israel and the U.S. is self-defeating.

But Abbas has so far fended off that pressure. He's betting that Joe Biden will win in November and bring with him a much different set of policies toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

This is another game changer. After the Arab world has shown willingness to criticize the Palestinian leadership publicly, the EU is starting to move in the same direction.

(full article online)

willingness to criticize the Palestinian leadership publicly,
Why not? The Palestinians have been publicly criticizing their leadership for decades.
Finally, after doing everything the PA has demanded of them for years, the EU has had enough.

From Axios:

The EU, France, Germany, the U.K. and Norway made clear that they consider annexation to now be off the table, and thus the Palestinians should accept the $750 million in revenues now held by the Israeli Ministry of Finance.

After lower-level pressure on the Palestinians didn’t bear fruit, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called Abbas last Wednesday.

He repeated the same message in the call, European diplomats say: Until the Palestinians resume the acceptance of tax revenues from Israel, the EU will not provide new loans or other financial assistance.

Borrell also urged Abbas to relaunch security and civilian coordination with Israel, but Abbas was noncommittal, the diplomats say.

Some Palestinian officials around Abbas think his decision to suspend all ties with Israel and the U.S. is self-defeating.

But Abbas has so far fended off that pressure. He's betting that Joe Biden will win in November and bring with him a much different set of policies toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

This is another game changer. After the Arab world has shown willingness to criticize the Palestinian leadership publicly, the EU is starting to move in the same direction.

(full article online)

willingness to criticize the Palestinian leadership publicly,
Why not? The Palestinians have been publicly criticizing their leadership for decades.
Hamas tends to take a dim view of criticism from those who elected them into office. Islamic terrorist dictators are like that.
Mahmoud "My Middle Name is International Law" Abbas is approaching panic mode as his Arab sources of welfare money are drying up. Islamic terrorists appealing to some standard of "international Law'' is a total hoot.

He's built an elaborate hoax of invented victimhood, wherein he can seethe, whine and make absurd appeals to the Arab Street for his status of the "forever oppressed Arab-Moslem" in the endeavor of securing sympathy for his failures and ineptitudes.

In an address to the UN General Assembly, Abbas asked Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to convene the meeting “early next year” and bring in “all relevant parties".

“The conference should have full authority to launch a genuine peace process based on international law,” Abbas told the virtual General Assembly in a recorded address.
Dubai, a Gulf Arab state, is not letting Pali whining interrupt their embrace of relations with Israel.

A kosher restaurant near Burj Khalifa skyscraper. Watch out for a flood in the desert... Of Pali crocodile tears.

Last month, the United Arab Emirates, followed by Bahrain, broke a longstanding taboo by not just signing a diplomatic agreement with Israel but also launching a full-throttled normalization of relations—moves that the Palestinian Authority’s leadership has decried as a historic betrayal. This week, the Israeli and Emirati foreign ministers visited the Holocaust memorial in Berlin together. A succession of Israeli business and academic delegations have visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Dubai’s main soccer club, al-Nasr, has already signed up an Israeli midfielder. A kosher restaurant opened this month near Dubai’s iconic Burj Khalifa skyscraper, the world’s tallest building.
It’s truly difficult to believe the Pals don’t understand that bending and scraping in adulation before the Shia Iranian Mullocrats is the greatest affront to Sunni / Salafi Islamism.

The Hamas movement on Thursday rejected the statements of a Saudi official in which he attacked Palestinian leaders, describing them as “ungrateful”.

This came in a brief statement of the Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri on Twitter, in response to the remarks made by former Secretary of the Saudi National Security Council Bandar Bin Sultan, during an interview with Al-Arabiya on Wednesday evening.
It looks like the EU is losing patience with the Pals manufacturing their own crises and demanding others provide the welfare bail out.

European Union leaders have told the Palestinian Authority they will refuse to provide any additional financial aid as long as the Palestinians refuse to accept tax revenues collected by Israel, European diplomats and Israeli officials tell me.

Why it matters: The unprecedented ultimatum is another indication that frustration with leaders in Ramallah is growing, even among staunch supporters of the Palestinians.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I think our friend "Hollie" is more than correct in her assessment.

BLUF: I am just hoping that the indicators
(political and economic) and sentiments as expressed by Prince Bandar (seeming growing in the Gulf States) are more than a flash in the pan (a temporary apparition).

It’s truly difficult to believe the Pals don’t understand that bending and scraping in adulation before the Shia Iranian Mullocrats is the greatest affront to Sunni / Salafi Islamism.

The Hamas movement on Thursday rejected the statements of a Saudi official in which he attacked Palestinian leaders, describing them as “ungrateful”.

This came in a brief statement of the Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri on Twitter, in response to the remarks made by former Secretary of the Saudi National Security Council Bandar Bin Sultan, during an interview with Al-Arabiya on Wednesday evening.

The patience of the Gulf Nations with the never-ending Palestinian-Israeli dispute does seem to be reaching a critical stage in the relationship between the Arab Palestine State and the membership of the Arab League Nations (ALNs) of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC). Each member of the ALN and GCC have their own concerns and their own independent political views. They are not bound by a single political promise and lead around like a chain gang. Make no mistake, there is still a great deal of solidarity with the Arab Palestinians as a people, a nation, and a cause; but, a schism is beginning to grow between the leaders of the ALN and the GCC with that of the leadership in Gaza and Ramallah.

How Gulf Arab “Exasperation” with Endless Conflict Led to UAE-Israel Normalization
Saudi royal criticises Palestinians for accusing Gulf states of betrayal
Attack seen as hardening of Riyadh’s position and adds to speculation about recognition of Israel
What Arab TV Says About Evolving Attitudes Toward Israel
In drama and comedy, the trend is toward sympathetic and humanizing portrayals of Jews.

Most Respectfully,
I'm afraid the Pal Arabs are, as usual, playing the victim card.

It's really debilitating to think of the billions of dollars showered on the Pals and that money has provided vanishingly small return on the investment, unless off course, you happen to be among the few serial Pal thieves who have amassed fortunes in stolen welfare dollars.

Placing blame on the international community for the failures of the Pals to cobble together a functioning society falls squarely on them. That the Pals cannot meet the standards of a functioning state as history grinds on past 72 years since the establishment of Israel is nothing more than tacit admission that the Pals are incapable of ever being self-sufficient.

RAMALLAH, Friday, October 09, 2020 (WAFA) – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Riyad al-Maliki said today that the critical situation in occupied Palestine, including East Jerusalem, reflects the serious shortcomings of the international system, whereby the international community only condemns rather than takes action to prevent the Israeli violations of the Palestinian human rights.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I think our friend "Hollie" is more than correct in her assessment.

BLUF: I am just hoping that the indicators
(political and economic) and sentiments as expressed by Prince Bandar (seeming growing in the Gulf States) are more than a flash in the pan (a temporary apparition).

It’s truly difficult to believe the Pals don’t understand that bending and scraping in adulation before the Shia Iranian Mullocrats is the greatest affront to Sunni / Salafi Islamism.

The Hamas movement on Thursday rejected the statements of a Saudi official in which he attacked Palestinian leaders, describing them as “ungrateful”.

This came in a brief statement of the Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri on Twitter, in response to the remarks made by former Secretary of the Saudi National Security Council Bandar Bin Sultan, during an interview with Al-Arabiya on Wednesday evening.

The patience of the Gulf Nations with the never-ending Palestinian-Israeli dispute does seem to be reaching a critical stage in the relationship between the Arab Palestine State and the membership of the Arab League Nations (ALNs) of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC). Each member of the ALN and GCC have their own concerns and their own independent political views. They are not bound by a single political promise and lead around like a chain gang. Make no mistake, there is still a great deal of solidarity with the Arab Palestinians as a people, a nation, and a cause; but, a schism is beginning to grow between the leaders of the ALN and the GCC with that of the leadership in Gaza and Ramallah.

How Gulf Arab “Exasperation” with Endless Conflict Led to UAE-Israel Normalization
Saudi royal criticises Palestinians for accusing Gulf states of betrayal
Attack seen as hardening of Riyadh’s position and adds to speculation about recognition of Israel
What Arab TV Says About Evolving Attitudes Toward Israel
In drama and comedy, the trend is toward sympathetic and humanizing portrayals of Jews.

Most Respectfully,
It is (too) common around the world that governments and their people are not on the same page.
How much is the annual olive oil yield in the West Bank? According to UN-OCHA, it is between $110 and $120 million a year.

Articles try to say how critical the olive oil business is the the Palestinian economy, with figures tossed around that it is the main income for 100,000 Palestinian families. Simple math shows that this is impossible because that would mean each family only has an annual income of $1200, when theaverage Palestinian family income is over $20,000. Clearly the olive oil industry is not nearly as large as we are told.

But there is another comparison that is useful. The annual budget in the Palestinian Authority to pay prisoners, "marytrs" and their families was $315 million in 2016 - meaning that the Palestinian Authority gives nearly triple the annual olive oil revenues to terrorists and their families every year.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Two references and definitions you need to keep in mind:

Article 43 • Hague Convention 1907.png

Definition of Militant.png

It doesn't matter. Palestinians can only be considered militants while actively engaged in armed conflict. As unarmed protesters, they are unarmed protesters. Political affiliation is irrelevant.

You will note, closely, that neither reference mentions being "armed." It is also important to remember that prosecution of the acts in violation of Article 43, Hague Regulation, is actually taken under the authority of Article 68 of the Geneva Convention:

Article 68 • GCIV.png

All that matters is the damage or injury that is attempted or inflected (the criminal intent). If (as an example) Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian activist, and former juvenile delinquent, throws a rock at a Police Officer or Soldier performing Article 43 Duties, it is assumed that the intent was to do harm.


Like I've said before, people like yourself make-up these distinctions and definitions that are often wrong and misleading; a form of spreading false or inaccurate information deliberately intended to deceive readers of the discussion.
Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Two references and definitions you need to keep in mind:

It doesn't matter. Palestinians can only be considered militants while actively engaged in armed conflict. As unarmed protesters, they are unarmed protesters. Political affiliation is irrelevant.

You will note, closely, that neither reference mentions being "armed." It is also important to remember that prosecution of the acts in violation of Article 43, Hague Regulation, is actually taken under the authority of Article 68 of the Geneva Convention:

All that matters is the damage or injury that is attempted or inflected (the criminal intent). If (as an example) Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian activist, and former juvenile delinquent, throws a rock at a Police Officer or Soldier performing Article 43 Duties, it is assumed that the intent was to do harm.


Like I've said before, people like yourself make-up these distinctions and definitions that are often wrong and misleading; a form of spreading false or inaccurate information deliberately intended to deceive readers of the discussion.
Most Respectfully,

View attachment 400882
The problem with Israel is that it does not even pretend to be a legitimate occupying power. "Public order and safety" does not fit into its settler colonial project.
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