Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Wow, you have a hard time getting even the simplest of facts correct. "Such was the economic condition of the country, and such was the political atmosphere, when on July 1st, 1920, by order of His Majesty's Government a Civil Administration was established in Palestine." (SOURCE:

The Palestine Order in Council was back when Palestine was still occupied enemy territory.
Palestine has occupied enemy territory from 1917 to 1924.

Totally separate from the activities of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA), the occupied territories at the Caucasian Northern Front [Russian-Ottoman Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA)]
in which the Allied Powers promised Russia, in exchange for their agreement on the Sykes-Picot Arrangement and the future of territorial gains of France and Britain in the Middle East, along the southern FEBA, the Russians were to establish an Administration (1915-1917) over "the Regions of Erzurum, Trabzon, Van, and Bitlis up to a definite point on the coast of the Black Sea on a time table set by them. The Armistice of Mudros of 30 October 1918, marked the end of the conflict beginning at noon the next day, at which time the OETA officially activated. The OETA was dissolved on 1 July 1920, as agreed by the Allied Supreme Council at the San Remo on 26 April of that year; at which time the Military Occupation and Governorship ended and the British Civil Administration began (ending the Occupation).

The partition of the Administrative Divisions under Ottoman Rule known as the Vilayet of Beirut, the Sanjak of Jerusalem, and the Wadi west of the Jordan River to the Gulf of Aqaba, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, would be named "Palestine" by the Order in Council as delineated within such boundaries as may be fixed by them.

Most Respectfully,
british mandate for palestine colonial power
at which time the Military Occupation and Governorship ended and the British Civil Administration began (ending the Occupation).
Britain ruled as a colonial power until 1948. During this time, Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a "state within a state" (Britain's term not mine.) including a military. This military began conscripting soldiers in December of 1947.

It was a piece of cake for the Zionists to roll their military over Palestine attacking, expelling, and killing virtually unarmed civilians.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I could not find one sentence in your responses that were not corrupted with a measure of deceit.

british mandate for palestine colonial power
at which time the Military Occupation and Governorship ended and the British Civil Administration began (ending the Occupation).
Britain ruled as a colonial power until 1948. During this time, Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a "state within a state" (Britain's term not mine.) including a military. This military began conscripting soldiers in December of 1947.

It was a piece of cake for the Zionists to roll their military over Palestine attacking, expelling, and killing virtually unarmed civilians.

The British Civil Administration under a Mandate by the Allied Powers, following the appropriate Enemy Occupation, is NOT the same as the imposition of colonialism. It was established under the San Remo Convention, Article 95
(SECTION VII • SYRIA, MESOPOTAMIA, PALESTINE) of the Treaty of Sevres as replaced by Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne.
The International Relations Dictionary • Nationalism - Imperialism - and Colonialism said:
The rule of an area and its people by an external sovereignty pursuing a policy of imperialism. Historically, two broad types of colonialism can be identified:

(1) that which involved the transplanting of emigrants from the mother country to form a new political entity at a distant location; and​
(2) that which involved the imposition of rule over the technologically less-developed indigenous peoples of Asia and Africa. In either case, the colony was established to advance the military security, economic advantage, and international prestige of the imperial power. See also Dependent Territory.​
SOURCE: CLIO Dictionaries in Political Science
History Central said:
1947 Unrest In Palestine - Britain Turns Problem Over To UN -On November 29, 1947, the U.N. General Assembly met to vote on the proposal to partition Palestine. All of Zionist foreign policy was tied to this one moment. Members of the Zionist delegation lobbied continually to ensure that the partition motion was passed. The members of the American Zionist Movement were especially instrumental in influencing many wavering delegations to vote for the partition. The final results were as follows:​
Supporting the partition:​
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussia (part of the Soviet Union), Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Union of South Africa, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Uruguay and Venezuela.​
Against partition:​
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.​
Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom.​
After the vote, Abba Hillel Silver spoke on behalf of the Jewish Agency, saying, "The Jewish people will be forever grateful to the nations which contributed to the decision; we're especially appreciative of the leadership provided by the United States and the Soviet Union and are happy that, in the solution of the Palestine problem, these two great powers worked harmoniously together."​
SOURCE: History Central
I noticed that of the 13 countries that voted against the resolution, 6 (nearly half) contributed forces to the 1948 invasion during the Arab Israeli War of Independence.

I find it almost deplorable and disgraceful that you would suggest that the Haganah were the only side engaged in "conscripting soldiers in December of 1947." Just because the Arab Palestinians lacked unity, had poor leadership, and dependent on the Arab League Forces from five major members is NOT the fault of the Jewish Organized Response. As you like to point out, the Arab population was the significant majority in the territory.

Chapter 2 • The Partition Plan and the end of the British Mandate said:
The adoption of resolution 181 (II) was followed by outbreaks of violence in Palestine. As the situation deteriorated, the Security Council called for a special session of the General Assembly, which then met from 16 April to 14 May 1948. On 17 April, the Security Council called for the cessation of all military and paramilitary activities in Palestine, and on 23 April it established a Truce Commission to supervise and help bring about a ceasefire...
SOURCE:The Question of Palestine and the United Nations

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I could not find one sentence in your responses that were not corrupted with a measure of deceit.

british mandate for palestine colonial power
at which time the Military Occupation and Governorship ended and the British Civil Administration began (ending the Occupation).
Britain ruled as a colonial power until 1948. During this time, Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a "state within a state" (Britain's term not mine.) including a military. This military began conscripting soldiers in December of 1947.

It was a piece of cake for the Zionists to roll their military over Palestine attacking, expelling, and killing virtually unarmed civilians.

The British Civil Administration under a Mandate by the Allied Powers, following the appropriate Enemy Occupation, is NOT the same as the imposition of colonialism. It was established under the San Remo Convention, Article 95
(SECTION VII • SYRIA, MESOPOTAMIA, PALESTINE) of the Treaty of Sevres as replaced by Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne.
The International Relations Dictionary • Nationalism - Imperialism - and Colonialism said:
The rule of an area and its people by an external sovereignty pursuing a policy of imperialism. Historically, two broad types of colonialism can be identified:​
(1) that which involved the transplanting of emigrants from the mother country to form a new political entity at a distant location; and​
(2) that which involved the imposition of rule over the technologically less-developed indigenous peoples of Asia and Africa. In either case, the colony was established to advance the military security, economic advantage, and international prestige of the imperial power. See also Dependent Territory.​

SOURCE: CLIO Dictionaries in Political Science​

History Central said:
1947 Unrest In Palestine - Britain Turns Problem Over To UN -On November 29, 1947, the U.N. General Assembly met to vote on the proposal to partition Palestine. All of Zionist foreign policy was tied to this one moment. Members of the Zionist delegation lobbied continually to ensure that the partition motion was passed. The members of the American Zionist Movement were especially instrumental in influencing many wavering delegations to vote for the partition. The final results were as follows:​
Supporting the partition:​
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussia (part of the Soviet Union), Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Union of South Africa, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Uruguay and Venezuela.​
Against partition:​
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.​
Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom.​
After the vote, Abba Hillel Silver spoke on behalf of the Jewish Agency, saying, "The Jewish people will be forever grateful to the nations which contributed to the decision; we're especially appreciative of the leadership provided by the United States and the Soviet Union and are happy that, in the solution of the Palestine problem, these two great powers worked harmoniously together."​

SOURCE: History Central
I noticed that of the 13 countries that voted against the resolution, 6 (nearly half) contributed forces to the 1948 invasion during the Arab Israeli War of Independence.

I find it almost deplorable and disgraceful that you would suggest that the Haganah were the only side engaged in "conscripting soldiers in December of 1947." Just because the Arab Palestinians lacked unity, had poor leadership, and dependent on the Arab League Forces from five major members is NOT the fault of the Jewish Organized Response. As you like to point out, the Arab population was the significant majority in the territory.

Chapter 2 • The Partition Plan and the end of the British Mandate said:
The adoption of resolution 181 (II) was followed by outbreaks of violence in Palestine. As the situation deteriorated, the Security Council called for a special session of the General Assembly, which then met from 16 April to 14 May 1948. On 17 April, the Security Council called for the cessation of all military and paramilitary activities in Palestine, and on 23 April it established a Truce Commission to supervise and help bring about a ceasefire...​

Most Respectfully,
Britain was supposed to render administrative assistance and advice in the best interest of the people. Britain maintained its military presence during the mandate period and actually increased its forces.

That is some heavy duty administrative assistance and advice.
Last edited:
I find it almost deplorable and disgraceful that you would suggest that the Haganah were the only side engaged in "conscripting soldiers in December of 1947."
Blah, blah, blah.

The Zionist's attack on the Palestinians started months before any Arab army entered Palestine. They were two separate events.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I could not find one sentence in your responses that were not corrupted with a measure of deceit.

british mandate for palestine colonial power
at which time the Military Occupation and Governorship ended and the British Civil Administration began (ending the Occupation).
Britain ruled as a colonial power until 1948. During this time, Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a "state within a state" (Britain's term not mine.) including a military. This military began conscripting soldiers in December of 1947.

It was a piece of cake for the Zionists to roll their military over Palestine attacking, expelling, and killing virtually unarmed civilians.

The British Civil Administration under a Mandate by the Allied Powers, following the appropriate Enemy Occupation, is NOT the same as the imposition of colonialism. It was established under the San Remo Convention, Article 95
(SECTION VII • SYRIA, MESOPOTAMIA, PALESTINE) of the Treaty of Sevres as replaced by Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne.
The International Relations Dictionary • Nationalism - Imperialism - and Colonialism said:
The rule of an area and its people by an external sovereignty pursuing a policy of imperialism. Historically, two broad types of colonialism can be identified:​
(1) that which involved the transplanting of emigrants from the mother country to form a new political entity at a distant location; and​
(2) that which involved the imposition of rule over the technologically less-developed indigenous peoples of Asia and Africa. In either case, the colony was established to advance the military security, economic advantage, and international prestige of the imperial power. See also Dependent Territory.​

SOURCE: CLIO Dictionaries in Political Science​

History Central said:
1947 Unrest In Palestine - Britain Turns Problem Over To UN -On November 29, 1947, the U.N. General Assembly met to vote on the proposal to partition Palestine. All of Zionist foreign policy was tied to this one moment. Members of the Zionist delegation lobbied continually to ensure that the partition motion was passed. The members of the American Zionist Movement were especially instrumental in influencing many wavering delegations to vote for the partition. The final results were as follows:​
Supporting the partition:​
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussia (part of the Soviet Union), Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Union of South Africa, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Uruguay and Venezuela.​
Against partition:​
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.​
Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom.​
After the vote, Abba Hillel Silver spoke on behalf of the Jewish Agency, saying, "The Jewish people will be forever grateful to the nations which contributed to the decision; we're especially appreciative of the leadership provided by the United States and the Soviet Union and are happy that, in the solution of the Palestine problem, these two great powers worked harmoniously together."​

SOURCE: History Central
I noticed that of the 13 countries that voted against the resolution, 6 (nearly half) contributed forces to the 1948 invasion during the Arab Israeli War of Independence.

I find it almost deplorable and disgraceful that you would suggest that the Haganah were the only side engaged in "conscripting soldiers in December of 1947." Just because the Arab Palestinians lacked unity, had poor leadership, and dependent on the Arab League Forces from five major members is NOT the fault of the Jewish Organized Response. As you like to point out, the Arab population was the significant majority in the territory.

Chapter 2 • The Partition Plan and the end of the British Mandate said:
The adoption of resolution 181 (II) was followed by outbreaks of violence in Palestine. As the situation deteriorated, the Security Council called for a special session of the General Assembly, which then met from 16 April to 14 May 1948. On 17 April, the Security Council called for the cessation of all military and paramilitary activities in Palestine, and on 23 April it established a Truce Commission to supervise and help bring about a ceasefire...​

Most Respectfully,
I could not find one sentence in your responses that were not corrupted with a measure of deceit.
Israeli authorities are taking something of a no-nonsense approach to distribution of Islamic terrorist funds.

Israeli Alternate Premier and Defense Minister Benny Gantz has signed four orders authorizing the seizure of funds and property that Hamas

families of terrorists in Israel.

According to a statement sent by the Israeli Defense Ministry to TV7, the decision comes as part of an economic campaign against terrorism being waged by the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBTCF) at the Ministry of Defense, jointly with the Israel Security Agency, IDF Military Intelligence, Israel Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other divisions.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I think you are grasping at straws.

Britain was supposed to render administrative assistance and advice in the best interest of the people.

The British, nor the Allied Powers, did not directly owe the Arab Palestinians any particular obligation. The British Administration tried to interest the Arab Palestinians to engage in establishing self-government; but, to no avail.

UK History of Administration said:
22. Later in 1923, a third attempt was made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government. The mandatory Power now proposed “the establishment of an Arab Agency in Palestine which will occupy a position exactly analogous to that accorded to the Jewish Agency”. The Arab Agency would have the right to be consulted on all matters relating to immigration, on which it was recognised that “the views of the Arab community were entitled to special consideration”. The Arab leaders declined that this offer on the ground that it would not satisfy the aspirations of the Arab people. They added that, never having recognised the status of the Jewish Agency, they had no desire for the establishment of an Arab Agency on the same basis.
  • “The British Government desired to establish a self-government in Palestine, but to proceed in this direction by stages…. It had been announced that the nominated Advisory Council was to be the first stage. The second stage would have been a Legislative Council without an Arab majority. If this worked satisfactorily, the third stage, after a lapse of perhaps same years, would have been a constitution on more democratic lines.”
In practice it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: A/AC.14/8 UK History of Administration 2 October 1947

It was not the fault of the British Administration that the territory was exclusively administered by British officials.

Britain maintained its military presence during the mandate period and actually increased its forces.
That is some heavy-duty administrative assistance and advice.

There was not one signle government in the Middle East that did not have an Armed Force; not now and not then...

The Administration of Palestine (exclusively administered by British officials) was responsible for the preservation of peace, order, and defence of the country. This was part of the Mandate and the Hague Regulation.

To complain about the Military Presence and Territorial Police, is ridiculous. This is especially true when dealing with enemies like the heavily armed Palestinian Black Hand.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: It is damn difficult to prove a promise was never made.

The British, nor the Allied Powers, did not directly owe the Arab Palestinians any particular obligation.
I hear that a lot but have never seen any proof that it is true. Just a lot of say-so by Israel supporters.

You promised us to keep an open mind! • "But I have never seen any proof that it is true." • Can you prove that

Most Respectfully,
More of what you expect from Islamic terrorist psychopaths.

Not surprisingly, the Death Cultists claim “we” will sacrifice but quickly identifies that “we” really mean sacrificial children.

Such are the dangers of insular, Islamic terrorist enclaves.

PA: “We are prepared to sacrifice… We will sacrifice our children”‎
Itamar Marcus | Oct 15, 2020
PA threatens “bloodshed and chaos,” “escalation of the resistance,” and ‎‎“national rebellion” - PA’s response to Arab states making peace with Israel ‎

PA Chairman Abbas’ special emissary Jibril Rajoub continues to meet and plan a ‎unified “escalation of the resistance” together with “the factions” - terror organizations ‎that include Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and PFLP. According to Rajoub, this “escalation” ‎will include “sacrifice” of Palestinian children:‎
“We are prepared to sacrifice… We will sacrifice our children”‎
‎[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub,
and Al-Mayadeen (Lebanon), Oct. 7, 2020]‎
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I see you went for the go-to response.

It is damn difficult to prove a promise was never made.
Nice duck!
If you can't prove it, don't say it.

This is the fallacy known as an Appeal to Ignorance.

It is like asking the question, what is the last significant digit in the number π (Pi) ? The answer can be any number between 0 and 9. It cannot be proven in this forum, since π (Pi) is an irrational number. The question can be asked, yet the question is meaningless. Any answer can be given, but the answer is meaningless.

You promised us to keep an open mind! • "But I have never seen any proof that it is true." • Can you prove that?
I can't keep an open mind when my questions are always ducked.

◈ Your ability to keep an open mind has nothing to do with my response.​
◈ I don't duck your questions at all. You just don't like the response.​

Typically you like to either:

◈ Avoid the Question​
◈ Change the Question​

In doing so, you place even a greater question as to the validity of your position. In this case, you claimed that I ducked the question; but refuse to critique what weakness you see in my response. This is called an unsubstantiated claim.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I see you went for the go-to response.

It is damn difficult to prove a promise was never made.
Nice duck!
If you can't prove it, don't say it.

This is the fallacy known as an Appeal to Ignorance.

It is like asking the question, what is the last significant digit in the number π (Pi) ? The answer can be any number between 0 and 9. It cannot be proven in this forum, since π (Pi) is an irrational number. The question can be asked, yet the question is meaningless. Any answer can be given, but the answer is meaningless.

You promised us to keep an open mind! • "But I have never seen any proof that it is true." • Can you prove that?
I can't keep an open mind when my questions are always ducked.

◈ Your ability to keep an open mind has nothing to do with my response.​
◈ I don't duck your questions at all. You just don't like the response.​

Typically you like to either:

◈ Avoid the Question​
◈ Change the Question​

In doing so, you place even a greater question as to the validity of your position. In this case, you claimed that I ducked the question; but refuse to critique what weakness you see in my response. This is called an unsubstantiated claim.

Most Respectfully,
You make a claim.

I ask you to prove your point.

You duck.

If you can't prove it, don't say it.
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