Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It could be that the Pals Iranian leaders demanded some action.

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire
Israeli aircraft target weapons manufacturing facility, underground infrastructure belonging to terror group, after 2 projectiles fired at Ashkelon

By TOI STAFF23 October 2020, 2:46 am 0

Illustrative: Flames are seen following an Israeli air strike in the town of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, October 20, 2020. (Said Khatib/AFP)
Israel carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip against the Hamas terror group early Friday, the military said, after two rockets were fired into Israeli territory by Palestinian terrorists.
One of the ways to ensure that Islamic terrorists continue their acts of Islamic terrorism is to keep funding those syndicates.

The EU is doing exactly that.

report from ngo-monitor.org
On June 30, 2020, the European Commission updated its Financial Transparency System (FTS) with details about grants to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) authorized in 2019.1

NGO Monitor’s analysis of this information shows that in 2019, the EU authorized 32 grants totaling €30.1 million for projects listed under “Palestine” and an additional 9 grants totaling €3.3 million for projects listed under “Israel” involving Israeli NGOs and human rights. Of these:
  • least 3 grants totaling €5.8 million involve Palestinian NGOs with ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an EU-designated terrorist group. This is in addition to at least €31.2 million that the EU authorized in 2011-2018 to NGOs with ties to the PFLP. (See NGO Monitor’s report “EU Funding to Terror-Linked Palestinian NGOs Since 2011.”)
  • Seven grants totaling €11.8 million for projects on Jerusalem; some are clearly related to the EU’s highly politicized “strategic approach”, namely the “urgent need to preserve the Palestinian identity of EJ (East Jerusalem).” Of note, one grant seeks to “protect Islamic and Christian Waqf2 religious and cultural heritage properties against Israeli violations and threats.”
  • Seven grants totaling €6 million claiming to advance peace or protect human rights. The Palestinian NGO grantees promote hateful antisemitic conspiracy theories and/or glorify terror.
  • At least 3 grants totaling €1 million aim to directly to influence Israeli democracy. The EU supports highly politicized NGOs to influence Israeli public attitudes on the conflict, to lobby public officials, and to intervene in the legal system.
  • The intended beneficiaries of EU funding to Israeli NGOs for human rights projects are mainly Palestinians (5 of 9 grants, totaling €1.87 million). With few exceptions, in 2019, the EU did not direct funds to tackle human rights issues affecting Israeli citizens.
  • Relatedly, the overwhelming majority of funding to organizations claiming to promote human rights are for political initiatives related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (6 of 9 grants, totaling €2.47 million). This indicates that the EU views its engagement with human rights in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza strictly through the filter of the conflict, not an objective appraisal of a diverse range of human rights challenges.
  • Many of the EU’s NGO grantees in 2019 have repeatedly received funding for similar projects, again illustrating the closed circle of funders and recipients.
This is the person Israel is treating for Wuhan virus.

Saeb Erekat in his own words
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Oct 25, 2020

Dr. Terror and Mr. Peace – the legacy of PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat
  • Support for terror and terrorists
  • Rewriting history
  • Threatening "chaos and bloodshed" in response to US embassy move to Jerusalem
  • “Peace” as a means to destroy Israel
For almost three decades, PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat touted himself as a man of peace. In his role as Mr. Peace, Erekat traveled the world to sweet talk the willfully blind with the illusion of the Palestinian moderation, flexibility, and thirst for peace. But at home, in Arabic, Erekat, in his dominant role as Dr. Terror, made his true feelings clearly heard. Support for terrorists, whitewashing terror organizations and terror, threats of violence, rewriting history, and perpetuating libels against Israel, are just some of the views and actions espoused and carried out by Erekat.
While Palestinian Media Watch has often exposed the statements made by Erekat, the following is a special compilation focusing on a number of different themes exposing the true face of Saeb Erekat.
The Palis are screeching about Sudan's acceptance of normalization of ties with Israel.

Predictably, the Pals are whining about a ''stab in the back''. Such silly melodrama.

Sudan and Israel agreed on Friday to normalise relations, in a U.S.-brokered deal to end decades of hostility that was widely welcomed but stirred Palestinian anger.

The announcement makes Sudan, technically at war with Israel since its 1948 foundation, the third Arab country to forge diplomatic relations with the Jewish state in the last two months.

“HUGE win today for the United States and for peace in the world,” U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted.

Other U.S. allies, including Germany, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, welcomed the deal as a boost to stability in the West Asia.
The Palis are screeching about Sudan's acceptance of normalization of ties with Israel.

Predictably, the Pals are whining about a ''stab in the back''. Such silly melodrama.

Sudan and Israel agreed on Friday to normalise relations, in a U.S.-brokered deal to end decades of hostility that was widely welcomed but stirred Palestinian anger.

The announcement makes Sudan, technically at war with Israel since its 1948 foundation, the third Arab country to forge diplomatic relations with the Jewish state in the last two months.

“HUGE win today for the United States and for peace in the world,” U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted.

Other U.S. allies, including Germany, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, welcomed the deal as a boost to stability in the West Asia.
I can just picture all the Palestinian supporters squirming. It brings me such joy!!
The Pal-Arab Death Cult, led by Pom Pom flailing Jibril Rajoub has been extolling the virtues of shared mental illness that afflicts so many in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank.

So as not to leave any doubt…

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 26, 2020
The PA extols with limitless praise that murderers of Israelis are “heroes,” “our glory, our honor,” “giants and legends”

  • “O Martyrs, you create our glory, our honor, and life” - Murderers glorified on official PA TV
  • All the terrorist prisoners are “heroic,” “viewed with admiration” - PA Grand Mufti
  • Terrorist murderers - including Hamas founder Yassin - are “giants and legends” - Top PA/Fatah official Jibril Rajoub
It’s a simple matter to see the effects of the mentally disturbed who spend their miserable lives in a single minded pursuit of dysfunction.

The terrorists featured in a PA TV video are responsible for stabbings, murders, attacking IDF soldiers and attempted bombings.
Pal Islamic terrorists won’t get quite the allowance for Islamic terrorist activities they’re accustomed to.

Israeli Alternate Premier and Defense Minister Benny Gantz has signed four orders authorizing the seizure of funds and property that Hamas transferred
to families of terrorists in Israel.

According to a statement sent by the Israeli Defense Ministry to TV7, the decision comes as part of an economic campaign against terrorism being waged by the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBTCF) at the Ministry of Defense, jointly with the Israel Security Agency, IDF Military Intelligence, Israel Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other divisions.
The notion of replacing the Pal leadership is problematic at its core in that there are two versions / entities of that leadership: Abbas and the West Bank syndicate in competition with the Gaza syndicate. That, and you have both syndicates as Islamic terrorist / criminal enterprises which are hierarchies supporting the livelihoods and financial benefits of hundreds at the top of that hierarchical pyramid. They’re not going away while UNRWA and international welfare money is being showered upon them.

The Palestinians are still being surprised from time to time by local, regional and international calls and statements calling for the “replacement” of the Palestinian leadership, in conjunction with the wave of normalisation taking place, as a prelude to bringing in leadership that agrees to this path and joins it. The Palestinians are even more surprised when these calls are made by forums and figures, who until recently, were part of the circles close to the Palestinian leadership and worked with it for many years.
I think it’s important to point out that when the Islamic terrorist talking heads use the “I’m going to...” slogan, it usually means that someone else in the Islamic terrorist territories is going to take one for the gee-had.

PA threat to Israel: “I’m taking my enemies down with me… Either [we get] Palestine, or a fire [will burn] generation after generation”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Oct 27, 2020
Claiming that the US and Israel are planning to “redesign” the Middle East via “normalization” and US President Trump’s peace plan, the PA threatened “anarchy, violence, and instability” in an editorial in its official daily. The PA lashed out at the Arab states that have recently signed peace agreements with Israel, while stating that “a fire [will burn] generation after generation” unless the PA gets “Palestine”:
“Let the American administration and those doing its bidding not be deluded that it is possible to erase the strong Palestinian number from the equation of the conflict, whether by alternatives (!!) [parentheses in source] or by other means. This is because the option of ‘I’m taking my enemies down with me’ remains a Palestinian option regarding which there is no disagreement, if the battle becomes a battle of life or death. The meaning of ‘I’m taking my enemies down with me’ will only be as follows: Either peace for everyone, or anarchy, violence, and instability. We have always emphasized, and we still emphasize: ‘Either [we get] Palestine, or a fire [will burn] generation after generation.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida editorial, Oct. 13, 2020]
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I think it’s important to point out that when the Islamic terrorist talking heads use the “I’m going to...” slogan, it usually means that someone else in the Islamic terrorist territories is going to take one for the gee-had.

They don't tend to lead from the front.

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Oct 27, 2020
Claiming that the US and Israel are planning to “redesign” the Middle East via “normalization” and US President Trump’s peace plan, the PA threatened “anarchy, violence, and instability” in an editorial in its official daily. The PA lashed out at the Arab states that have recently signed peace agreements with Israel, while stating that “a fire [will burn] generation after generation” unless the PA gets “Palestine”:

“Let the American administration and those doing its bidding not be deluded that it is possible to erase the strong Palestinian number from the equation of the conflict, whether by alternatives (!!) [parentheses in source] or by other means. This is because the option of ‘I’m taking my enemies down with me’ remains a Palestinian option regarding which there is no disagreement, if the battle becomes a battle of life or death. The meaning of ‘I’m taking my enemies down with me’ will only be as follows: Either peace for everyone, or anarchy, violence, and instability. We have always emphasized, and we still emphasize: ‘Either [we get] Palestine, or a fire [will burn] generation after generation.’


This is the very classic "Boogeyman Approach."

Jun 26, 2020 · Their hallmark is the boogeyman approach: they’re “coming to get you.” It’s the old Wizard of Oz trick, but we are pulling back the curtain. Bullies are cowards. That’s why they’re bullies. They think like reptiles: predator or prey.​

The Boogeyman Approach is to use the threat (make you afraid) of a mythical monster (US and Israel in this case) is coming. It is an attempt to scare little children (The Arab League/OPEC Nations) into assuming certain behaviors (oppose normalization or hostile political posture). In the higher order of functions, it is a form of coercion. Saint Thomas Aquinas suggests, the use of “force and fear” in order to restrain those who are “found to be... a threat." In this special case, The Arab League/OPEC Nations pose the threat by taking normalization measures that oppose the political positions held by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). The HoAP believes that if some key nations take up a posture of normilization with Israel - that will encourage other nations to follow suit. This will begin to erode some of the key support the HoAP has held to date.

It reminds me of the Jim Henson/Sesame Street Book Jon Stone:

There's a Monster at the End of this Book.png

I must have read that book a hundred times to my oldest daughter.
Most Respectfully,
The debilitating psycho-social ailments that are so much a part of the Pali Death Cult continue to be rewarded by the Europeans. They still have this need to fund Islamic terrorist franchises even seeing the direct results of rewarding Islamic terrorism.

A Palestinian child can walk to school along a street named after Abu Jihad, who planned a bus hijacking that killed 38 Israelis, including 13 children, spend the day learning in a school named after Hamas founder Ahmad Yassin, and end the day in a youth center named after terrorist Abu Iyad, responsible for killing the Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich.

“Do you think it is beautiful?” a male host asks an 11-year old girl on a popular Palestinian TV program
Seeing the president of Turkey, an overwhelmingly Sunni majority nation, “normalizing” Pal Islamic Jihad (Shia controlled), may seem like a contradiction. However, it’s just another case of the Sunni and Shia tribes coming together in an uneasy alliance when they share a common enemy in Israel.

Erdogan still laments the loss of the Turkish caliphate. The existence of Israel on lands of the former caliphate appears to be infuriate and embarrass Erdogan. For the time being, he will put aside his revulsion for the heretical Shia if he can use PIJ as a flail against Israel.

As part of Turkey’s ruling party hosts Hamas terrorists, it has also begun to try to normalize Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), an extremist terror group that is widely seen as an Iranian proxy. Israel has put pressure on PIJ in recent years, killing Bahaa Abu el-Atta in November 2019. According to Russian media, Islamic Jihad deputy leader Akram al-Ajouri’s home was also hit with an airstrike last year in Damascus.
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