Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who are the Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists?

Israel really needs to stop its war.

When the last act of war is waged by the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians.

Not true but keep banging on that.

Who declared war in 1921, 1923, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1947 and every year since, why the islamonazis of which the Palestinians are members. Find a declaration of war by Israel against the Palestinians if you can ?
Still peddling your crap propaganda in an attempt to convince ignorant and uneducated people, that have been bombarded by Zionist propaganda from early childhood that a people don't exist. The Palestinians have existed since ancient times, that's what the inhabitants of Roman Palaestina Prima were called.

Do you think by claiming that Palestinian Muslims and Christians don't exist makes it ok to kill thousands of them, mostly women and children, at a whack as your brethren routinely do every 2 years or so?

You are a pathological liar.

Even in modern times the Christian and Muslims of Palestine considered themselves the people of Palestine.

Posted again to make it clear that you are a pathological liar and propagandist.

From the UN Archives correspondence from 1922, when the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) pleaded with the British to stop their colonization of their land by European Jews.


No. 1.
The Palestine Arab Delegation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

London, W.C.,
February 21st, 1922.

We wish to express our thanks to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for his courtesy in allowing us to see the draft of a proposed Palestine Order in Council embodying a scheme of Government for Palestine, and to discuss the same in our capacity of representatives of the Arab People of Palestine.

  • We would, therefore, submit the following observations:—

Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable.
If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration.

We, therefore, hold that the proposed constitution is wholly unsatisfactory, because:—

UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization/British policy in Palestine: "Churchill White Paper" - UK documentation Cmd. 1700/Non-UN document (excerpts) (1 July 1922)
Once again, repetitive misleading deceptive crapola:


163. The Arabs of Palestine consider themselves as having a "natural" right to that country, although they have not been in possession of it as a sovereign nation.

166. The desire of the Arab people of Palestine to safeguard their national existence is a very natural desire. However, Palestinian nationalism, as distinct from Arab nationalism, is itself a relatively new phenomenon, which appeared only after the division of the "Arab rectangle" by the settlement of the First World War.
Okay. So I listened to the first three minutes which is basically, "yes, they have the right to resist" and it lists a whole pile of specific things they have a right to resist.

Here's the thing. If Palestinians have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples. If the Palestinians have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them SO TOO the Jewish people have a right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them (and to put right the wrongs of those who have successfully ethnically cleansed them in the past). If the Palestinians have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the theft of their land, or their natural resources and their political imprisonment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist torture and assassination and assassination attempts. If the Palestinians have the right to secure their own freedom SO TOO do the Jewish people. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from foreign domination and alien subjugation SO TOO do the Jewish people.

The question you need to ask is who has stopped the Palestinians from exercising their free determination and how was this done. The silence will be deafening and the replies non existent
Good question. The Palestinians declared independence in 1948. Who is in there with guns preventing that?
You've fallen down and bumped your head again, right?
The legal position of Palestine under international law was that it was a provisionally independent State receiving administrative assistance and advice from the Mandatory. The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine but it was a dormant sovereignty exercised on behalf of the people of Palestine by the Mandatory power.

The British administration set up the Government of Palestine. Palestine had its own fixed boundaries, its own nationality and its own currency. The Government of Palestine entered into hundreds of agreements on behalf of the people of Palestine with various Mandated territories or sovereign governments.

Article 28 of the Mandate contemplated that at the termination of the Mandate, the territory of Palestine would pass to the control of "the Government of Palestine." The termination of the Mandate on the 15th day of May, 1948, fully vested sovereignty over Palestine in the inhabitants of the country. Palestine became a sovereign, independent nation in fulfillment of Paragraph 4 of Article XXII of the Covenant of the League of Nations, in accordance with the terms of the Mandate, the British White Paper of 1922, the British White Paper of 1939 and according to the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine to self-determination and independence.

Chapter : Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

WRONG as there was no state of Palestine in existence until 1988. Time for the UN to declare the statute of limitations is up on Palestine and the nation dissolved.

And why do you always go for the islamonazi propaganda sites that are proven to be a pack of lies every time.

The mandate of Palestine did not terminate it changed hands to the UN and is still in existence

For those interested this link is to the site of Issa Nakhleh the
Senior Advisor UN Palestinian Delegation
The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine
(December 14, 1915 — March 29, 2003)
Issa Nakhleh was a Christian.
So, what is all this about there not being Palestinians until 1967? Or there not being Palestinians at all? You just posted:

"which appeared only after the division of the "Arab rectangle" by the settlement of the First World War."

Ok, have it your way. The Muslim and Christian inhabitants of Palestine became Palestinians in 1918. They were the people of the Ottoman Sanjak of Jerusalem prior.

You are such a dummy.

By the way, from your link. (I would quite linking to it if I were you, it alone debunks most of your propaganda.)

It affirms that the British policy ran counter to the principles set forth by the Covenant of the League of Nations with respect to self-determination of the native inhabitants.

176. With regard to the principle of self-determination, although international recognition was extended to this principle at the end of the First World War and it was adhered to with regard to the other Arab territories, at the time of the creation of the "A" Mandates, it was not applied to Palestine, obviously because of the intention to make possible the creation of the Jewish National Home there. Actually, it may well be said that the Jewish National Home and the sui generis Mandate for Palestine run counter to that principle.
The concept of "land and homes that were stolen from their ancestors" is a very slippery slope for the Arab Palestinians to assume. It is just as applicable to the Israelis as it would be to the Palestinians.

Thank you.
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]

Palestinian Media Watch. LOL
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]

Palestinian Media Watch. LOL
The angry boy. LOL
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]

Palestinian Media Watch. LOL
The angry boy. LOL

Hollow Hollie confuses derision with anger. You are the poster child for the hilarious ZioNutter. We need posters like you. Keep it up.
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]

Palestinian Media Watch. LOL
The angry boy. LOL

Hollow Hollie confuses derision with anger. You are the poster child for the hilarious ZioNutter. We need posters like you. Keep it up.
I'll note you're not actually challenging the data I posted. You're left to spam the thread with name-calling. LOL
Hollow Hollie is a term of endearment. Anything out of a Hasbara propaganda organ is false ad priori. That's why you won't find the story in a normal news outlet.
The question you need to ask is who has stopped the Palestinians from exercising their free determination and how was this done. The silence will be deafening and the replies non existent
Good question. The Palestinians declared independence in 1948. Who is in there with guns preventing that?
You've fallen down and bumped your head again, right?
The legal position of Palestine under international law was that it was a provisionally independent State receiving administrative assistance and advice from the Mandatory. The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine but it was a dormant sovereignty exercised on behalf of the people of Palestine by the Mandatory power.

The British administration set up the Government of Palestine. Palestine had its own fixed boundaries, its own nationality and its own currency. The Government of Palestine entered into hundreds of agreements on behalf of the people of Palestine with various Mandated territories or sovereign governments.

Article 28 of the Mandate contemplated that at the termination of the Mandate, the territory of Palestine would pass to the control of "the Government of Palestine." The termination of the Mandate on the 15th day of May, 1948, fully vested sovereignty over Palestine in the inhabitants of the country. Palestine became a sovereign, independent nation in fulfillment of Paragraph 4 of Article XXII of the Covenant of the League of Nations, in accordance with the terms of the Mandate, the British White Paper of 1922, the British White Paper of 1939 and according to the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine to self-determination and independence.

Chapter : Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

WRONG as there was no state of Palestine in existence until 1988. Time for the UN to declare the statute of limitations is up on Palestine and the nation dissolved.

And why do you always go for the islamonazi propaganda sites that are proven to be a pack of lies every time.

The mandate of Palestine did not terminate it changed hands to the UN and is still in existence

For those interested this link is to the site of Issa Nakhleh the
Senior Advisor UN Palestinian Delegation
The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine
(December 14, 1915 — March 29, 2003)
Issa Nakhleh was a Christian.

Does not stop him from spouting islamonazi propaganda does it ?
So, what is all this about there not being Palestinians until 1967? Or there not being Palestinians at all? You just posted:

"which appeared only after the division of the "Arab rectangle" by the settlement of the First World War."

Ok, have it your way. The Muslim and Christian inhabitants of Palestine became Palestinians in 1918. They were the people of the Ottoman Sanjak of Jerusalem prior.

You are such a dummy.

By the way, from your link. (I would quite linking to it if I were you, it alone debunks most of your propaganda.)

It affirms that the British policy ran counter to the principles set forth by the Covenant of the League of Nations with respect to self-determination of the native inhabitants.

176. With regard to the principle of self-determination, although international recognition was extended to this principle at the end of the First World War and it was adhered to with regard to the other Arab territories, at the time of the creation of the "A" Mandates, it was not applied to Palestine, obviously because of the intention to make possible the creation of the Jewish National Home there. Actually, it may well be said that the Jewish National Home and the sui generis Mandate for Palestine run counter to that principle.

You do realise that it is your link that this is lifted from freddy, making you rather silly
Who are the Pal'istanian welfare scammers?

Abbas confirms that the PA is still paying salaries to terrorists - PMW Bulletins

In the Norwegian minister's meeting with Abbas today, according to the Norwegian daily Dagen, when Abbas was confronted with PMW's charge that the PA was still paying salaries to terrorists in prison, Abbas did not deny that the PA still funds salary payments to prisoners. Rather he confirmed that the salaries are still being paid, when he assured the Norwegian Foreign Minister that these salaries are just not paid with Norwegian money.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Brende:
"'In the meeting, I emphasized that this support program in which financial payments are increased the [longer] the prisoners serve time [in prison], is unacceptable and should be abolished. I emphasized that with the political and economic challenges that Palestinians now face, it is in their own best interest to abolish this program,' says [FM] Brende.
Abbas responded by repeating assurances that Norwegian funds are not going to finance the program."
[Dagen (Norway), May 4, 2016]

Palestinian Media Watch. LOL

More truthfull than your pallywood propaganda outlets that you use.
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