Who are The Real Racists?

Dr Grump said:
Tyranny of the majority, persuit of happiness and all that. Plus my main gripe - if it doesnt' affect you in anyway, shape or form, why do you care? If it affects you, sure, I can see that...but outsida that, I mean seriously, who cares?

That "doesn't affect you" argument is lame, and it appears to be your only comment. Several people, including myself have repeatedly given examples of how it adversely affects our society to which there continually is no response.

Get a new line. That one doesn't work.
Kathianne said:
:laugh: You've just joined Jasen...

Why? Also, I see Jasen and Red State in the same light, but just on different sides of the political divide. If Jasen is a troll, then so is Red State. You, being conservative, fail to see that and instead just apply the term troll to the one who is the different side of the political spectrum. It is a conservative trait, which is why Bush and bi-partisan do not belong in the same sentence. I see neither of them as trolls, just passionate about on which side the fall in politics....
Dr Grump said:
Why? Also, I see Jasen and Red State in the same light, but just on different sides of the political divide. If Jasen is a troll, then so is Red State. You, being conservative, fail to see that and instead just apply the term troll to the one who is the different side of the political spectrum. It is a conservative trait, which is why Bush and bi-partisan do not belong in the same sentence. I see neither of them as trolls, just passionate about on which side the fall in politics....
Ah you don't read everything I see.
GunnyL said:
That "doesn't affect you" argument is lame, and it appears to be your only comment. Several people, including myself have repeatedly given examples of how it adversely affects our society to which there continually is no response.

Get a new line. That one doesn't work.

No, people have provided examples of how they think it affects their lives. It doesn't. As I said, if two gay guys live next door to you and get married how has your life changed? You start growing daisy's out your butt? Start taking a liking to lilac? Think Ru Paul is someone to aspire to? What is lame is you cannot tell me how it affects YOUR life directly. The only thing is does is make you feel uncomfortable - so do scratchy woollen jerseys, but I don't think they should be outlawed...
Dr Grump said:
Really? Like the gay issue where conservatives are trying to tell them how to run their lives? Ditto the abortion issue? I think there is plenty of higher ground going around on both sides...

Libs made gay marrage and aboirtion an issue by thumbing their nose at established law

Libs seem to think if they do not agree with the law they can ignore it

If they do not agree with how the people vote on an issue they will have a liberal judge toss out the votes
Dr Grump said:
Tyranny of the majority, persuit of happiness and all that.

Too thin, Dr Grump. How about representative government, "any power not specifically granted to the federal government automatically reverts to the states respectively - or to the people", and all that? Guarding against the "tyranny of the majority" is the quite sensible principle behind our electoral system - it is not a magic wand that gives the minority tyrannical powers over the rest of us; nor does it in any way supercede the constitutionally-designed devolution of power away from central government - and to the people.

Plus my main gripe - if it doesnt' affect you in anyway, shape or form, why do you care? If it affects you, sure, I can see that...but outsida that, I mean seriously, who cares?

But it DOES affect me, Dr Grump. It insinuates the federal government into areas of my life where that body is strictly forbidden to go - by MY Constitution. It makes me a slave to elitist government tyranny, by taking matters of the conduct of my everyday life out of my hands, and giving it to an elite few who imagine they know better. It is this kind of abuse that sparked the American Revolution to begin with.
musicman said:
Too thin, Dr Grump. How about representative government, "any power not specifically granted to the federal government automatically reverts to the states respectively - or to the people", and all that? Guarding against the "tyranny of the majority" is the quite sensible principle behind our electoral system - it is not a magic wand that gives the minority tyrannical powers over the rest of us; nor does it in any way supercede the constitutionally-designed devolution of power away from central government - and to the people.

But it DOES affect me, Dr Grump. It insinuates the federal government into areas of my life where that body is strictly forbidden to go - by MY Constitution. It makes me a slave to elitist government tyranny, by taking matters of the conduct of my everyday life out of my hands, and giving it to an elite few who imagine they know better. It is this kind of abuse that sparked the American Revolution to begin with.

One thing I have noticed about liberals is when they are in power they are dangerous. They can turn their kook liberalism into law

When they are out of power they are comical. They become unhinged and delusional. Now they must rely on liberal judges to turn their kook liberalism into law
jasendorf said:
You're not even worth debating.

That's funny you would say that, I was just shaking my head and saying to my girlfriend....."this asshole's(jasendork) shit posts aren't even worth reading.".:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
red states rule said:
Now they must rely on liberal judges to turn their kook liberalism into law

That's where the REAL danger lies, IMHO. The Constitution concedes human frailty - its inherent lust for power - and thoughtfully tries to thwart our inexorable march toward tyranny at every turn. A truly ingenious document it is: it can instantly identify a wolf (to the wide-awake, at least), though he may wear the finest in sheep's clothing; he'll be the one trying to pervert, dismantle, or otherwise frustrate the design of the U.S. Constitution!
Dr Grump said:
Why? Also, I see Jasen and Red State in the same light, but just on different sides of the political divide. If Jasen is a troll, then so is Red State. You, being conservative, fail to see that and instead just apply the term troll to the one who is the different side of the political spectrum. It is a conservative trait, which is why Bush and bi-partisan do not belong in the same sentence. I see neither of them as trolls, just passionate about on which side the fall in politics....

gee Dr. Grump I'm hurt, I've been doing my best to troll you guys in this thread.......is this keyboard on? is this keyboard on?
sitarro said:
gee Dr. Grump I'm hurt, I've been doing my best to troll you guys in this thread.......is this keyboard on? is this keyboard on?

I apply the term kook to most liberals. See the Liberal Kook test thread. It nails libs pretty well and tells you all you need to know about them
red states rule said:
I apply the term kook to most liberals. See the Liberal Kook test thread. It nails libs pretty well and tells you all you need to know about them

Hence you being the actual troll on this ole thread. And I'd say you have a lot to learn about everything.

And you know, it's kinda funny, I was looking at your tagline...you know, your words of wisdom talking about democrats not working. In the meantime, I've worked hard all my life, earned everything I accomplished.

Just wondering what you do in between trolling messageboards and playing nintendo? Maybe you need more difficult high school classes to keep your interest so you can do constructive things.
musicman said:
Too thin, Dr Grump. How about representative government, "any power not specifically granted to the federal government automatically reverts to the states respectively - or to the people", and all that? Guarding against the "tyranny of the majority" is the quite sensible principle behind our electoral system - it is not a magic wand that gives the minority tyrannical powers over the rest of us; nor does it in any way supercede the constitutionally-designed devolution of power away from central government - and to the people.

But it DOES affect me, Dr Grump. It insinuates the federal government into areas of my life where that body is strictly forbidden to go - by MY Constitution. It makes me a slave to elitist government tyranny, by taking matters of the conduct of my everyday life out of my hands, and giving it to an elite few who imagine they know better. It is this kind of abuse that sparked the American Revolution to begin with.

You don't need a constitutional amendment to allow gay marriage.
jillian said:
Hence you being the actual troll on this ole thread. And I'd say you have a lot to learn about everything.

And you know, it's kinda funny, I was looking at your tagline...you know, your words of wisdom talking about democrats not working. In the meantime, I've worked hard all my life, earned everything I accomplished.

Just wondering what you do in between trolling messageboards and playing nintendo? Maybe you need more difficult high school classes to keep your interest so you can do constructive things.

What do you do besides lie? Are you a lawyer?
Dr Grump said:
Why? Also, I see Jasen and Red State in the same light, but just on different sides of the political divide. If Jasen is a troll, then so is Red State. You, being conservative, fail to see that and instead just apply the term troll to the one who is the different side of the political spectrum. It is a conservative trait, which is why Bush and bi-partisan do not belong in the same sentence. I see neither of them as trolls, just passionate about on which side the fall in politics....

I think you have your ideologies mixed up. One-way-ism is most definitely a liberal trait.
Dr Grump said:
No, people have provided examples of how they think it affects their lives. It doesn't. As I said, if two gay guys live next door to you and get married how has your life changed? You start growing daisy's out your butt? Start taking a liking to lilac? Think Ru Paul is someone to aspire to? What is lame is you cannot tell me how it affects YOUR life directly. The only thing is does is make you feel uncomfortable - so do scratchy woollen jerseys, but I don't think they should be outlawed...

You're full of crap, as is your argument. When you legitimize deviant sexual behavior as normal, you are in fact telling every child in this Nation that it is okay to be gay. When it isn't. It's deviant sexual behavior.

And no one is speaking of outlawing being gay. Let the small minority of sexual deviants take their act into their bedrooms and keep it there.

Being a minority and having equal rights is one thing. Having laws that cater to that minority's identifiying trait at the expense of the majority is just bullshit.
jillian said:
Hence you being the actual troll on this ole thread. And I'd say you have a lot to learn about everything.

And you know, it's kinda funny, I was looking at your tagline...you know, your words of wisdom talking about democrats not working. In the meantime, I've worked hard all my life, earned everything I accomplished.

Just wondering what you do in between trolling messageboards and playing nintendo? Maybe you need more difficult high school classes to keep your interest so you can do constructive things.

In the meantime you are more than willing to redistribute what i have earned to people who earn less or just flat-out suck off our tax dollars. If you want to give away money you earned to support deadbeats, that's your business. When you start trying to give away mine, then it's my business.

And I DO think who the troll is around here is subjective, so you might want to back off a bit on the labelling.
GunnyL said:
You're full of crap, as is your argument. When you legitimize deviant sexual behavior as normal, you are in fact telling every child in this Nation that it is okay to be gay. When it isn't. It's deviant sexual behavior.

And no one is speaking of outlawing being gay. Let the small minority of sexual deviants take their act into their bedrooms and keep it there.

Being a minority and having equal rights is one thing. Having laws that cater to that minority's identifiying trait at the expense of the majority is just bullshit.

And there lies the rub. You think it is deviant sexual behaviour. I do not. What two consenting adults do is their business, nobody else's. If you have a problem with that, it is your problem, not theirs. You are interferring with their right to happiness for no other reason than you do not like it. As I said before you think homos are born hetro and just "become" gay? Why would they do that - since the beginning of time??

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