Who are The Real Racists?

GunnyL said:
In the meantime you are more than willing to redistribute what i have earned to people who earn less or just flat-out suck off our tax dollars. If you want to give away money you earned to support deadbeats, that's your business. When you start trying to give away mine, then it's my business.

And I DO think who the troll is around here is subjective, so you might want to back off a bit on the labelling.

I don't think you and I have ever discussed economic policy. Though I'm sure you make assumptions about the things you *think* I believe. You might be wrong on some/correct on others.

As for the troll, I think someone who calls an entire group of people names, is rude to people who have been polite and then, on top of that, engages in plagarism probably does a better job of it than most.

And I get the feeling that you think anyone who disagrees with you is trolling. Might be wrong, but kind of what I observe.

And, on the board, in general, people on the right side of the divide get away with huge amounts of rudeness and name-calling. Someone on the other side who might have some strong opinions and maybe doesn't express them as gently as they might, ends up in the red within minutes. Just something I've seen.
Dr Grump said:
And there lies the rub. You think it is deviant sexual behaviour. I do not. What two consenting adults do is their business, nobody else's. If you have a problem with that, it is your problem, not theirs. You are interferring with their right to happiness for no other reason than you do not like it. As I said before you think homos are born hetro and just "become" gay? Why would they do that - since the beginning of time??

You are mixing apples and oranges. I have no problem with what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home. I DO have a problem with calling what is abnormal normal, and/or creating special laws that cater to that abnormality.
jillian said:
I don't think you and I have ever discussed economic policy. Though I'm sure you make assumptions about the things you *think* I believe. You might be wrong on some/correct on others.

As for the troll, I think someone who calls an entire group of people names, is rude to people who have been polite and then, on top of that, engages in plagarism probably does a better job of it than most.

And I get the feeling that you think anyone who disagrees with you is trolling. Might be wrong, but kind of what I observe.

And, on the board, in general, people on the right side of the divide get away with huge amounts of rudeness and name-calling. Someone on the other side who might have some strong opinions and maybe doesn't express them as gently as they might, ends up in the red within minutes. Just something I've seen.

I do not dictate board policy, nor do I set the standard of conduct for other posters, so your observations of what you think is or is not wrong with this board are wasted breath when aimed my way.

Perhaps you should open your eyes a little bit. The liberals on this board, as a group, are about as ill-mannered as it gets. Most of the conservatives don't even engage you in argument because they choose not to "wallow in the mud." Some of us just like a good fight and are willing to accomodate, but we are the minority within the conservative community of this board who are generally well-mannered, educated people.
GunnyL said:
I do not dictate board policy, nor do I set the standard of conduct for other posters, so your observations of what you think is or is not wrong with this board are wasted breath when aimed my way.

Perhaps you should open your eyes a little bit. The liberals on this board, as a group, are about as ill-mannered as it gets. Most of the conservatives don't even engage you in argument because they choose not to "wallow in the mud." Some of us just like a good fight and are willing to accomodate, but we are the minority within the conservative community of this board who are generally well-mannered, educated people.

Oh...I don't think it's a function of board policy, at all. In fact, the mods have been very welcoming to me since I got here, even if we don't see eye to eye on politics. And with most people here I have gone out of my way to be courteous. I'm a big girl and suck it up when someone takes potshots at me. But I will respond in kind.

And while I appreciate your comments, I'm not going to allow a pissant like RSR to plagarize, mouth off and comment at will without being responsive. Frankly, if he can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out.
GunnyL said:
You are mixing apples and oranges. I have no problem with what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home. I DO have a problem with calling what is abnormal normal, and/or creating special laws that cater to that abnormality.

It is your opinion that it is abnormal. As for laws, I agree there should be no laws specifically FOR gay people, only laws that give them the same rights as everybody else. As I have said before, anybody who doesn't like them having the same laws is bigotted...
GunnyL said:
I do not dictate board policy, nor do I set the standard of conduct for other posters, so your observations of what you think is or is not wrong with this board are wasted breath when aimed my way.

Perhaps you should open your eyes a little bit. The liberals on this board, as a group, are about as ill-mannered as it gets. Most of the conservatives don't even engage you in argument because they choose not to "wallow in the mud." Some of us just like a good fight and are willing to accomodate, but we are the minority within the conservative community of this board who are generally well-mannered, educated people.

Post someting liberal and then check your rep-comments in the user cp. Enjoy reading "go fuck yourself"..."you condescending piece of shit"...etc.

When people argue politics they strike at core beliefs. Liberals and conservatives on this board get upset. It is the nature of political debate. When this happens people say things that are far from good natured.

There are smart and classy liberals on this site. There are ill-mannered liberals here as well. There are smart and classy conservatives at USMB. But again, there are also a few dicks.

It would be false to generalize one group as ill-mannered heathens and the other as a welcoming group of intellects. Neither is completely perfect, neither is completely terrible.
Dr Grump said:
It is your opinion that it is abnormal. As for laws, I agree there should be no laws specifically FOR gay people, only laws that give them the same rights as everybody else. As I have said before, anybody who doesn't like them having the same laws is bigotted...

it is your opinion that gay sex is normal.....as for laws their issue is they want a special set just for them because the laws that exist for everyone won't let them have their way ..... they want a law that makes society accept their behaviour as normal and appropriate.....
manu1959 said:
it is your opinion that gay sex is normal.....as for laws their issue is they want a special set just for them because the laws that exist for everyone won't let them have their way ..... they want a law that makes society accept their behaviour as normal and appropriate.....

It's a difficult issue IMO. Not that straightforward. I really don't like any kind of special law for any person. All I see them doing is wanting what everybody else is entitled to. It's not like they are saying "hey, we want a law saying we can marry...and while your at it, add a rider that says hetros aren't allowed to marry"...
manu1959 said:
it is your opinion that gay sex is normal.....as for laws their issue is they want a special set just for them because the laws that exist for everyone won't let them have their way ..... they want a law that makes society accept their behaviour as normal and appropriate.....

So many people seem so set on gay sex being some sort of flaw in decision making or something completely abnormal.

I believe I had this discussion with you before, but homosexuality is likely a matter of biology...thus making it as normal as being able to twist your tongue into a taco shape.

Whether it is caused by psychology or genetics...it is going to happen in society. It really is a part of nature. Why isolate a group as abnormal and create a lack of tolerance for them?

I am not sure if it was you or another person who mentioned to me that they don't want their kids to be gay. The facts seem to indicate there are two ways a person can be gay: intense psychological conditioning leaning towards a more feminine disposition...or simple genetics. Either way, learning that gay people are acceptable will not turn your kids homosexual. But, if children learn homosexual acts are almost criminal will turn your kids into mindless little homophobes.
Dr Grump said:
It's a difficult issue IMO. Not that straightforward. I really don't like any kind of special law for any person. All I see them doing is wanting what everybody else is entitled to. It's not like they are saying "hey, we want a law saying we can marry...and while your at it, add a rider that says hetros aren't allowed to marry"...

The problem, then, is that someone must say - objectively - that a given behavior is normal and societally acceptable, or it is not. Rights don't enter into it.

According to our Constitution, who gets to make that distinction - the people or the central government?
1549 said:
So many people seem so set on gay sex being some sort of flaw in decision making or something completely abnormal.

I believe I had this discussion with you before, but homosexuality is likely a matter of biology...thus making it as normal as being able to twist your tongue into a taco shape.

Whether it is caused by psychology or genetics...it is going to happen in society. It really is a part of nature. Why isolate a group as abnormal and create a lack of tolerance for them?

I am not sure if it was you or another person who mentioned to me that they don't want their kids to be gay. The facts seem to indicate there are two ways a person can be gay: intense psychological conditioning leaning towards a more feminine disposition...or simple genetics. Either way, learning that gay people are acceptable will not turn your kids homosexual. But, if children learn homosexual acts are almost criminal will turn your kids into mindless little homophobes.

you sure make a lot of assumptions about what other people believe

none the less, gay sex is not normal and society should not have to accept it as such.....those that want to practice it...go for it....but don't to shame society in to passing laws to condone a behaviour that they don't want to accept.
musicman said:
The problem, then, is that someone must say - objectively - that a given behavior is normal and societally acceptable, or it is not. Rights don't enter into it.

According to our Constitution, who gets to make that distinction - the people or the central government?

In a perfect world? The individual should make the distinction. Outsida that, probably in America's case, state level...but even then it is found wanting IMO...
manu1959 said:
you sure make a lot of assumptions about what other people believe

none the less, gay sex is not normal and society should not have to accept it as such.....those that want to practice it...go for it....but don't to shame society in to passing laws to condone a behaviour that they don't want to accept.

There's a big difference between acceptance and tolerance. No one is asking you to accept it, like it, or embrace it. But just because you think it's shameful doesn't mean it shouldn't be tolerated.
liberalogic said:
There's a big difference between acceptance and tolerance. No one is asking you to accept it, like it, or embrace it. But just because you think it's shameful doesn't mean it shouldn't be tolerated.

i neither need to accept nor tollerate it.....never said it was shameful.....proposed california text books as well as public school teaching teach gay acceptance in the second grade....so no they are not asking me to accept it....i have no choice.....they are teaching it to my children as normal......
manu1959 said:
i neither need to accept nor tollerate it.....never said it was shameful.....proposed california text books as well as public school teaching teach gay acceptance in the second grade....so no they are not asking me to accept it....i have no choice.....they are teaching it to my children as normal......

Teaching kids to tolerate and understand the differences of others should go across the board and should not be used as an instrument to promote the gay agenda. If kids can recognize that gays are human beings and should be treated respectfully, just like any other person in their lives, then that's all that matters. It's not the school's job to dictate morality.
Dr Grump said:
It is your opinion that it is abnormal. As for laws, I agree there should be no laws specifically FOR gay people, only laws that give them the same rights as everybody else. As I have said before, anybody who doesn't like them having the same laws is bigotted...

It is not just my opinion. It is biological FACT.

The laws we currently have give afford gays every right that anyone else has.
Dr Grump said:
And there lies the rub. You think it is deviant sexual behaviour. I do not. What two consenting adults do is their business, nobody else's. If you have a problem with that, it is your problem, not theirs. You are interferring with their right to happiness for no other reason than you do not like it. As I said before you think homos are born hetro and just "become" gay? Why would they do that - since the beginning of time??

OK then, let's say that it is what it is....a birth defect. So why would you say that we should redefine the word marriage so that a few defective humans that in reality have no interest in actually getting married can feel better about their assinine behavior(forgive the pun).... it's all bullshit and you have fallen for it hook, line, sinker and pole.
Dr Grump said:
It's a difficult issue IMO. Not that straightforward. I really don't like any kind of special law for any person. All I see them doing is wanting what everybody else is entitled to. It's not like they are saying "hey, we want a law saying we can marry...and while your at it, add a rider that says hetros aren't allowed to marry"...

The law does not state that heterosexuals can or cannot marry. It does not state that homosexuals can or cannot marry. It does not state that love is prerequisite to marriage. It states that marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. The same law applies to all, homo-or-heterosexual.

Redefining the law to cater to an aberrant minority IS making a special law just for them.
liberalogic said:
Teaching kids to tolerate and understand the differences of others should go across the board and should not be used as an instrument to promote the gay agenda. If kids can recognize that gays are human beings and should be treated respectfully, just like any other person in their lives, then that's all that matters. It's not the school's job to dictate morality.

Teaching tolerance of, and legitimizing abnormal as normal are two VERY different things.
jasendorf said:
Now THIS is the funniest post of all!

Anyone else see the irony here? In a thread where the Republicans are screaming mock indignation over Black Americans calling other Black Americans things like Uncle Tom (which for those who don't really know what that means is that it is a Black person who acts in such a way as to get along with whites)... here's one of them calling me a wigger!!!

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Congratulations GotZoom... you just won the Hypocritical Moron of the Day Award! :clap:

And, to all the supposedly upset conservatives here who didn't call him on it... you win second place!

Oh man... thanks for the laugh fellas! Way to prove that you had no other agenda! Not, that I expected altruism from you all... but still... BUWHAHAHAHAHAHA

You are definitely a little strange. If you had paid attention to my post you would see in my last sentence that I specifically stated that I don't know you well enough to determine if that word fits you. (Not to mention that it was somewhat tongue-in-cheek: get a sense of humor)

I only stated that the last 9 words of the definition did.

You sound more and more like many of the African-Americans who say they are "allowed" to use certain words because they are "their" words.

If the "N" word is offensive, then it shouldn't be used - period. Other words like Uncle Tom, Oreo, etc...all those words would (and have) cause(d) a huge uproar when they come out of a non-black's mouth; but when a black person says it, they get a pass.

Bullshit. Offensive is offensive.

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