Who are The Real Racists?

Of course, we cannot forget the classic line Howie Dean McGovern said

During a meeting Friday with the Democratic black caucus, Dean praised black Democrats for their work for the party, then questioned Republicans’ ability to rally support from minorities.

“You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room?,” Dean asked to laughter. “Only if they had the hotel staff in here.”

I’ll bet those Black Caucus Negroes just sat there and laughed, totally unaware that their new white chairman had just insulted them (on so many levels). But they’d probably lynch me for publicly referring to them as “Negroes.”

Typical. And disgusting…

Kathianne said:
Your pomposity, just wondering how it was earned.Note I'm assuming you have at least a bachelor's.

I don't believe that is the reason you want to know. As for pomposity - interesting how others read posts. I have posted on several messageboards, and I have never been accused of pomposity before - by friend or foe....
Dr Grump said:
I don't believe that is the reason you want to know. As for pomposity - interesting how others read posts. I have posted on several messageboards, and I have never been accused of pomposity before - by friend or foe....
First time for everything. Well we'll have to assume no higher ed for you. Thus an aberration. Most libs of your ilk are more highly educated.
Kathianne said:
First time for everything. Well we'll have to assume no higher ed for you. Thus an aberration. Most libs of your ilk are more highly educated.

Lets' see; I'm pompous, Loki is snide...Mayhap it is the quality of the opposition that gets on your goat so therefore insults are in order. You come across and arrogant and patronising. I bet if I met you in real life you probably are not like that. I could be reading your posts wrong, or I may have garnered such an opinion due to what others have said about you. Either way, I could be dead wrong due to the medium that we use to communicate is sterile. As for education - you be honest with me as to why you want to know and I'll tell you.
Dr Grump said:
Lets' see; I'm pompous, Loki is snide...Mayhap it is the quality of the opposition that gets on your goat so therefore insults are in order. You come across and arrogant and patronising. I bet if I met you in real life you probably are not like that. I could be reading your posts wrong, or I may have garnered such an opinion due to what others have said about you. Either way, I could be dead wrong due to the medium that we use to communicate is sterile. As for education - you be honest with me as to why you want to know and I'll tell you.

By their very nature, libs have a huge superiority complex. They actually believe they know what is best for everyone

Hell to a liberal is having to mind their own business and stop meddling in other peoples lives
Dr Grump said:
Lets' see; I'm pompous, Loki is snide...Mayhap it is the quality of the opposition that gets on your goat so therefore insults are in order. You come across and arrogant and patronising. I bet if I met you in real life you probably are not like that. I could be reading your posts wrong, or I may have garnered such an opinion due to what others have said about you. Either way, I could be dead wrong due to the medium that we use to communicate is sterile. As for education - you be honest with me as to why you want to know and I'll tell you.
Ah, you used Dr. In your nic? How's that? As for most of my posts, I doubt I'm all that arrogant, since I usually think I'm addressing on venue of multi-venue takes.
red states rule said:
Hell to a liberal is having to mind their own business and stop meddling in other peoples lives

Really? Like the gay issue where conservatives are trying to tell them how to run their lives? Ditto the abortion issue? I think there is plenty of higher ground going around on both sides...
Kathianne said:
Ah, you used Dr. In your nic? How's that? As for most of my posts, I doubt I'm all that arrogant, since I usually think I'm addressing on venue of multi-venue takes.

? re the doctor. Do you think William Joyce IS William Joyce? Baronvonbigmeat has..er..you know? KarlMarx is a communist? Jimmyeatworld is in the band or DOES eat the world? When I signed on I was reading a piece about a doctor in another window, and as explained previous, used Grump because it was an anathema to my true self. I could have said Mr Grump, Prof Grump, Grumpy Grump...it's just a handle. Nothing more, nothing less.
Dr Grump said:
? re the doctor. Do you think William Joyce IS William Joyce? Baronvonbigmeat has..er..you know? KarlMarx is a communist? Jimmyeatworld is in the band or DOES eat the world? When I signed on I was reading a piece about a doctor in another window, and as explained previous, used Grump because it was an anathema to my true self. I could have said Mr Grump, Prof Grump, Grumpy Grump...it's just a handle. Nothing more, nothing less.
:laugh: You've just joined Jasen...
Dr Grump said:
Really? Like the gay issue where conservatives are trying to tell them how to run their lives? Ditto the abortion issue? I think there is plenty of higher ground going around on both sides...

True conservatives revere the U.S. Constitution. That document is clear and plain on the conduct of the people's everyday lives (matters such as gay marriage and abortion): it is none of the federal government's business; it is for the people to decide, through their duly elected state representatives.

Would that work for you? And - if not - why not?
musicman said:
True conservatives revere the U.S. Constitution. That document is clear and plain on the conduct of the people's everyday lives (matters such as gay marriage and abortion): it is none of the federal government's business; it is for the people to decide, through their duly elected state representatives.

Would that work for you? And - if not - why not?

Tyranny of the majority, persuit of happiness and all that. Plus my main gripe - if it doesnt' affect you in anyway, shape or form, why do you care? If it affects you, sure, I can see that...but outsida that, I mean seriously, who cares?

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