Who are these people who are for Bust. Where are they?

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

You have to realize, the left utilization of social media is similar to that by ISIS and al Qaeda. There is in reality, a small number of them. But they each have multiple social media accounts, so it makes them appear larger than they really are. If you remember awhile back, it was discovered that Obama had millions of fake Twitter accounts.
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

You have to realize, the left utilization of social media is similar to that by ISIS and al Qaeda. There is in reality, a small number of them. But they each have multiple social media accounts, so it makes them appear larger than they really are. If you remember awhile back, it was discovered that Obama had millions of fake Twitter accounts.
with fake tweeters, here is a pic of two of those fakers.
True, there are accounts. Hillarry has them to the level there 60% of her Twitter "followers." But fake accounts are silent. The Facebook traffic I see is anything but silent
I thought this thread was about busts

If you meant Bush, you should have said boobs
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which optimistic democrat pollsters take as a positive.
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I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...

Well you're the Hillary supporter. Give me one qualification she has to be president. Besides having a vagina, I mean.
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...

Well you're the Hillary supporter. Give me one qualification she has to be president. Besides having a vagina, I mean.
My, you see with such clairvoyance, do you know where I left my keys? Then I'll tell you what your myopic mind will not allow you to see...
“Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?”

Polls are anonymous.

And all the rightists here who say they hate Bush will vote for him when he's the nominee.
I haunt Facebook and Disqus and Google+. There is NO one on any of the boards who likes Bush, You look at Bush postings on Facebook and you read the comments.. there are like 100 comments on them, and every one of them is anti Bush, most of them very vociferous.

I have been here two days. Not representative, but there is no positive Bush postings here. There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...

Well you're the Hillary supporter. Give me one qualification she has to be president. Besides having a vagina, I mean.
My, you see with such clairvoyance, do you know where I left my keys? Then I'll tell you what your myopic mind will not allow you to see...

So just admit it. You don't have a fucking clue why she's running.
The problem for the useful idiots on the left is that they only read the stuff that tends to reinforce their skewed view of the world. There are more than a dozen republican candidates and only three democrat candidates. Hillary is the top democrat and her negatives are so shocking that the democrat pollsters dare not discuss them. Fully half of the people polled do not like Hillary and the other half don't give a damn one way or the other which democrat pollsters take as a positive.

Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...

Well you're the Hillary supporter. Give me one qualification she has to be president. Besides having a vagina, I mean.
My, you see with such clairvoyance, do you know where I left my keys? Then I'll tell you what your myopic mind will not allow you to see...

So just admit it. You don't have a fucking clue why she's running.
Yes I do, but I don't vote but for the Green Party....
Hell, I can't even get a single illustrious member of the left to tell me one qualification Hillary has to be the president.

They must not have very much faith in her.
If you don't know, then your kidding yourself about being the intellectual you play...

Well you're the Hillary supporter. Give me one qualification she has to be president. Besides having a vagina, I mean.
My, you see with such clairvoyance, do you know where I left my keys? Then I'll tell you what your myopic mind will not allow you to see...

So just admit it. You don't have a fucking clue why she's running.
Yes I do, but I don't vote but for the Green Party....

The Green party? Seriously? They're even less qualified to run this country, unless your idea of paradise is Greece or Somalia.

Oh well, to each his own.
There are postings on every one else, but none for Bush. Trump gets positive postings! Trump! How desperate are people for a candidate that they like Trump! But nothing on Bush...just crickets and the sound of wind.

Then the polling numbers come in, and he is first on the list! How can that be?

It's because the unwashed answering polls will go with "I've heard of that guy". They prolly have no clue who Bernie Sanders or Lincoln Chafee or Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina are, but they've seen Donald T. Rump on Teevee (blessèd be its Holy Name) so they check his name. You can ask "who's best qualified to be President" any way you want to word it, but the unwashed will hear, "which of these names have you heard of?".

It goes right back to "nobody every went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

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