Who Could Have Seen This Coming?

Not all the drugs being used in this Country are coming accross the border. Meth is a major problem all accross this Country & a good percentage of it is being manufactured by gangs all accross this Country. A person can cook enough meth in their basement & in one batch can probably keep 500 users high for a week. The law requiring customers to show an ID to buy cold medicine is a farce.

This Country has gone to hell & the drug trade is a major contributor.

Sorry about your neice.
Good points clipper, and yes that's true as well, but we gotta take care of the major's and then work towards the minor's. It is tragic when you see illegal operations operating right in broad day light, and the drug enforcement isn't doing jack about it. I know of places right now that the law keeps riding by while there are shootings, drugs, and prostitution going on in broad day light. You are right, this nation has gone to hell with gasoline drawers on.
Thank you. It's heartbreaking.
Got bad stuff going on in the family as well brother.... It's hell getting old, because time runs out quick on us, but it's all good if we got the Lord on our side.. No Fear....
Got bad stuff going on in the family as well brother.... It's hell getting old, because time runs out quick on us, but it's all good if we got the Lord on our side.. No Fear....
I've seen the bottomless pit of drug abuse in my own family. It's a living hell. No one comes out unscathed.

Keep the Faith.
Well they chose there god. Nothing we could do. They chose drugs.
What led them to those drugs is the question ? Was it liberal/leftist ideologies of "hey just live and let live", you know "you only live once", so give it all ya got right ?? The only live once I'm guessing is a Godless ideal, where as the person expressing that undoubtedly doesn't think that there is life after death.

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