Who do you really trust with our National Security?

ScreamingEagle said:
People are taking the Coast Guard issue out of context and blowing it out of proportion. They are leaving out the conclusion of the Coast Guard report on the matter.

for those of you who have 'never' worked in the field...let me bring to your attention that political pressure does have a impact on senior members of any organization...Coast Guard,Customs et al...the troops in the field have to take the brunt of 'all' bad decisions...and are ultimately blamed for any bad decisions...'shit' flows down hill...been there done that...sorta kinda thingee!

So to blantantly support 'bad' decisions is dishonest to say the least!

and for the record..."Ship manifests" are are the descretion of the port export/import administrators...we would need approximately 1m Customs and Coast Guard officers to be able to examine all suspected cargo based on gut feeling vs actual declared shippments! Until you have been there and done that...well at least defer to those who have! :firing:
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archangel said:
for those of you who have 'never' worked in the field...let me bring to your attention that political pressure does have a impact on senior members of any organization...Coast Guard,Customs et al...the troops in the field have to take the brunt of 'all' bad decisions...and are ultimately blamed for any bad decisions...'shit' flows down hill...been there done that...sorta kinda thingee!

So to blantantly support 'bad' decisions is is dishonest to say the least!

and for the record..."Ship manifests" are are the descretion of the port export/import administrators...we would need approximately 1m Customs and Coast Guard officers to be able to examine all suspected cargo based on gut feeling vs actual declared shippments! Until you have been their and done that...well at least defer to those who have! :firing:

bluntly, No
archangel said:
up yours....dillo the wannabee water boy!

LOOK OUT ARCH--the Coast Guard has been pressured by the white house into sinkig your little floaty boat! Lock and load !!!!! :rotflmao:
dilloduck said:
LOOK OUT ARCH--the Coast Guard has been pressured by the white house into sinkig your little floaty boat! Lock and load !!!!! :rotflmao:

I really am fed up with all this BS..and I am at a point that I am starting to not care about your fate...I live in the high desert far away from intended targets...if ya get my drift! I chose my retirement location from experience(I know, puke, as you experts in here want to apply to my opinions) But rest assured most who have served in this field are in fact far away from the rucus that will come! ;)
archangel said:
I really am fed up with all this BS..and I am at a point that I am starting to not care about your fate...I live in the high desert far away from intended targets...if ya get my drift! I chose my retirement location from experience(I know, puke, as you experts in here want to apply to my opinions) But rest assured most who have served in this field are in fact far away from the rucus that will come! ;)

dmp dinged me after this comment with no comment??????
archangel said:
dmp dinged me after this comment with no comment??????

Stay on topic. And that wasn't the comment I 'dinged'. Check your glasses.
archangel said:
I really am fed up with all this BS..and I am at a point that I am starting to not care about your fate...I live in the high desert far away from intended targets...if ya get my drift! I chose my retirement location from experience(I know, puke, as you experts in here want to apply to my opinions) But rest assured most who have served in this field are in fact far away from the rucus that will come! ;)

So you really believe that HIDING is going to protect you? I figured out in elementary school that hiding under my desk was pretty stupid considering nukes were what I was supposedly hiding from.
archangel said:
dmp dinged me after this comment with no comment??????

I gave it back.

It's pretty clear at this point, that this subject boils down to those who would "like" to see an arab company that's had dealings with known terrorists take over our port security operations, and those who would NOT "like" to see this.

I think this country needs two or three more 911's before it'll truely pull it's head out of it's ass.
Pale Rider said:
I gave it back.

It's pretty clear at this point, that this subject boils down to those who would "like" to see an arab company that's had dealings with known terrorists take over our port security operations, and those who would NOT "like" to see this.

I think this country needs two or three more 911's before it'll truely pull it's head out of it's ass.

I would say that the subject boils down to not trusting Americas ability to defend it self from a terrorist attack. We have been told for years now that it doesn't take a company to achieve this. It takes one man to succeed with WMD. If we are to be afraid of this one man, we certainly should be afraid of a Nationally owned Arab port authority. We don't trust our own ability to screen and monitor foreign companies.
dilloduck said:
I would say that the subject boils down to not trusting Americas ability to defend it self from a terrorist attack. We have been told for years now that it doesn't take a company to achieve this. It takes one man to succeed with WMD. If we are to be afraid of this one man, we certainly should be afraid of a Nationally owned Arab port authority. We don't trust our own ability to screen and monitor foreign companies.

To me, not letting an arab company take over our port security IS protecting ourself against further terrorism.
Pale Rider said:
To me, not letting an arab company take over our port security IS protecting ourself against further terrorism.

I know---a lot of people think it's that simple.
dilloduck said:
I know---a lot of people think it's that simple.

It is. It's politicians and money that complicate the matter.
Pale Rider said:
It is. It's politicians and money that complicate the matter.

No doubt---the liberals think this is really a big coup for them and conservatives are just tinkled pink to join the bandwagon. As I said in another post--I'm MORE afraid of liberals ruining America than DPW operating some ports.
dilloduck said:
No doubt---the liberals think this is really a big coup for them and conservatives are just tinkled pink to join the bandwagaon. As I said in another port--I'm MORE afraid of liberals ruining America than DPW operating some ports.

It does appear to be a toss up, who's more dangerous. A liberal with the power to make/change laws, or a jihadist.
Pale Rider said:
It does appear to be a toss up, who's more dangerous. A liberal with the power to make/change laws, or a jihadist.

Well you have seen me obsess about this issue and I'll take my chances with DPW before I'll risk my country under liberal thumbs.They have the talking point they need to look tough on national security. That used to be conservative territory.
dilloduck said:
Well you have seen me obsess about this issue and I'll take my chances with DPW before I'll risk my country under liberal thumbs.They have the talking point they need to look tough on national security. That used to be conservative territory.

Why does that need to be a choice?
Pale Rider said:
Why does that need to be a choice?

I think the liberals threw down the gauntlet on this one for pure political reasons. They were even fortunate enough to get some conservative support but in the long run this port deal has all the earmarkings of a ploy to make the conservatives appear almost traitorous. I think the port deal can be examined further WITHOUT having to appear as stupid as the liberals would like for them to appear. Look how quickly everyone jumped when they didn't have a clue what a port operation even WAS. I'm just urging calm before making these giant leaps of assumption. Why play into thier hand?
dilloduck said:
I think the liberals threw down the gauntlet on this one for pure political reasons. They were even fortunate enough to get some conservative support but in the long run this port deal has all the earmarkings of a ploy to make the conservatives appear almost traitorous. I think the port deal can be examined further WITHOUT having to appear as stupid as the liberals would like for them to appear. Look how quickly everyone jumped when they didn't have a clue what a port operation even WAS. I'm just urging calm before making these giant leaps of assumption. Why play into thier hand?

Well, we all know the liberals have very little reason to even exist nowadays, so yeah, they're going to make a HUGE deal out of anything that even REMOTELY looks like they can gain politically from it, no matter what it is, or what the cost may be.

I agree let's just step back and look at what the deal is, and NOT play into the liberals hands.

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