Who else is tired of Obama bashing American prosperity?

Who else is tired of Obama bashing American prosperity? I cannot stand to listen to him. He hates everything that made this country great, and its not the UAW, not FDR's social programs, not redistributing wealth, but its a level playing field and was the world best incubator for Entrepreneurial talent.

The next President will run her (or his) campaign on American opportunity and exceptionalism, on the need to reform our failed social programs and pride in why this country works.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAtgEwJ6flQ]‪BIRD Cries Like A BABY!!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Any link or credible information whatsoever? Because otherwise your just another ranting bigoted Republican.
Who else is tired of the low unemployment, caused by big biz raping it's workers, paying them shit, sucking in record profits and stashing cash, all the while over-working their underpaid employees? Who is tired of THAT SHIT?

Also wanted to remind you that it was obiedobie and his pals at the union that sued to block thousands of new aircraft manufacturing jobs from being created because they weren't created by their terms.

Obamas policies helping to create jobs is as likely as a blind liberal flying a plane.
Who else is tired of the low unemployment, caused by big biz raping it's workers, paying them shit, sucking in record profits and stashing cash, all the while over-working their underpaid employees? Who is tired of THAT SHIT?

Yes Comrade

Our fight lives on ,,,,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPKH4GHiihg]‪Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is being forced to follow GOP policies.

0bama and the democratics had full control when he came into office... He didn't need the GOP to push his socialism...

If he resigned today it would still take years to dig out of his mess...

Kinda like diggin' out from shrub? Welcome to reality, dipshit!

0bama made it worse, fuckstain...

You 0bama fluffers ignore anything Dear Leader has done...
Who else is tired of the low unemployment, caused by big biz raping it's workers, paying them shit, sucking in record profits and stashing cash, all the while over-working their underpaid employees? Who is tired of THAT SHIT?

Also wanted to remind you that it was obiedobie and his pals at the union that sued to block thousands of new aircraft manufacturing jobs from being created because they weren't created by their terms.

Obamas policies helping to create jobs is as likely as a blind liberal flying a plane.

It's probably liberals who designed that plane. Republicans don't like "education".
Who else is tired of the low unemployment, caused by big biz raping it's workers, paying them shit, sucking in record profits and stashing cash, all the while over-working their underpaid employees? Who is tired of THAT SHIT?

Also wanted to remind you that it was obiedobie and his pals at the union that sued to block thousands of new aircraft manufacturing jobs from being created because they weren't created by their terms.

Obamas policies helping to create jobs is as likely as a blind liberal flying a plane.

It's probably liberals who designed that plane. Republicans don't like "education".

Good job exposing your advanced liberalism disease. You completely missed the point. Did you forget to take you "try to be normal" meds this morning?
0bama and the democratics had full control when he came into office... He didn't need the GOP to push his socialism...

If he resigned today it would still take years to dig out of his mess...

Kinda like diggin' out from shrub? Welcome to reality, dipshit!

0bama made it worse, fuckstain...

You 0bama fluffers ignore anything Dear Leader has done...

You calling someone else a "fuckstain" is hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Funny stuff! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who else is tired of Obama bashing American prosperity? I cannot stand to listen to him. He hates everything that made this country great, and its not the UAW, not FDR's social programs, not redistributing wealth, but its a level playing field and was the world best incubator for Entrepreneurial talent.

The next President will run her (or his) campaign on American opportunity and exceptionalism, on the need to reform our failed social programs and pride in why this country works.

The UAW, FDR ect is what brought us down!

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