Who here has regretted voting for someone?


So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
I regret voting for Dubya both times. I wish I had started abstaining from voting at the federal level sooner.

Not that I would have preferred Gore. Hell no.

I just wish I hadn't soiled my soul by casting a vote for Bush.

Ah, you can console yourself with the knowledge that these elections are rigged anyway. Regardless who we vote for, our state is going in to Congress lying through their teeth with some shit about "unanimous", so it was never a real vote to begin with. We could vote with the state, against the state, or not at all and the state would have done the same thing in every case.
I don't buy that our elections are rigged. I do think they are bought. And I think the media has betrayed its watchdog role, and therefore has betrayed the country.

As for my votes for Bush, I was like many Trump voters are today. I thought the idiot act was just that. An act.

I finally realized he actually was stupid. Really stupid.

By "rigged" I mean that that state, whichever it is, is trotting into Congress dumping all its electoral votes for a single candidate despite the fact that no candidate ever has scored a unanimous win. If you're in a red state, your state is voting red with all its votes, regardless what you do. If you're in a blue state, your state is voting blue with all its votes, regardless what you do. And if you stay home, or if you vote 3rd party, it STILL votes red or blue. Therefore your vote is worthless; no matter what you do with it, it has zero effect.

That's what I call a rigged system. But it also means you may absolve yourself of the Bush vote, since it was going to happen anyway.

None of that is to disagree that elections are bought though. They absolutely are.
The flaw in your argument is that a "red state" is red precisely because of how people vote. So votes do count.

Nope, only in the aggregate. And by definition an individual has no influence on the aggregate, unless the contest is LITERALLY down to one vote. Bottom line remains: the voter who wants Rump is California or Clinton in Texas can vote for his/her choice, vote against his/her choice, or stay home and make brownies, and all three result in the same thing. Except with option C you at least get brownies.

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?

Me, I voted for the guy that cost Gore the 2000 Election in Florida...

No, Not George W. Bush but the Green Candidate..
Do you know in that election, networks called the state for Bush at first when the panhandle was still voting. they are in central time, not eastern. So man voters left the polls. And the panhandle of the state is solidly Republican. This was not that close. Also in a close election, Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee. Should I repeat that? He wins Tennessee he is President.

Losing one's home state is neither unusual nor very controllable. Just in the last decade, Rump lost his home state, bigly. And Mitt Romney lost BOTH his home states, although one could have been controllable but for the "Jeep moving to China" canard.

As for "not that close", you can't reach that conclusion based on your own speculation about woulda-shoulda-coulda.
Tennessee is not New York. Again a close election in votes and electoral college. And Romney, well when he gave the election to Obama that was the end for me with him.

Nobody said "Tennessee is New York". The point is that winning or not-winning one's home state is a meaningless metric. POTUS candidates are not running for President of the state.
voted for Ronny Ray Gun in the 1980 POTUS election; I still regret that vote, to this day.

did not make that mistake in 1984.

I find solace in knowing that Ronny is playing golf with Hitler, in Hell.
who here regrets that stupid politicians are the only ones who run for elections. funny, they have it rigged that you have to have millions of dollars to run against them. how many in here are tired of that?

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I supposed I was smart at a young age, I learned my money was my money and dems wanted my money. Plus, I lived in the Chicago area, so everyday was a lesson on how foul demolosers really were/ are. If they could count the hairs on your ass, they would tax you for each hair you had.

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?

Me, I voted for the guy that cost Gore the 2000 Election in Florida...

No, Not George W. Bush but the Green Candidate..
Do you know in that election, networks called the state for Bush at first when the panhandle was still voting. they are in central time, not eastern. So man voters left the polls. And the panhandle of the state is solidly Republican. This was not that close. Also in a close election, Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee. Should I repeat that? He wins Tennessee he is President.

Losing one's home state is neither unusual nor very controllable. Just in the last decade, Rump lost his home state, bigly. And Mitt Romney lost BOTH his home states, although one could have been controllable but for the "Jeep moving to China" canard.

As for "not that close", you can't reach that conclusion based on your own speculation about woulda-shoulda-coulda.
Tennessee is not New York. Again a close election in votes and electoral college. And Romney, well when he gave the election to Obama that was the end for me with him.
Romney never had a chance

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

So who here has regretted a vote? If so, for whom?
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

I disagree

Carter manged to get a peace accord between Egypt and Israel. A major foreign policy accomplishment

He ran his economy on a balanced budget. Something conservatives claim to worship but never do
Inflation and unemployment wrecked his economy. Carter took the blame but held a balanced budget. Reagan came in and tripled th deficit and then took credit for the resulting economic surge

Iran brought down Carters Presidency. The Hostage situation made America look weak. If Carter had invaded or bombed them, he would have looked like a strong president. Instead he negotiated behind the scenes and brought everyone back alive
Carter 1976; Anderson 1980; Reagan 1984. It's called growing up.

Still deeply embarressed about Carter, but I was only 20.
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

I disagree

Carter manged to get a peace accord between Egypt and Israel. A major foreign policy accomplishment

He ran his economy on a balanced budget. Something conservatives claim to worship but never do
Inflation and unemployment wrecked his economy. Carter took the blame but held a balanced budget. Reagan came in and tripled th deficit and then took credit for the resulting economic surge

Iran brought down Carters Presidency. The Hostage situation made America look weak. If Carter had invaded or bombed them, he would have looked like a strong president. Instead he negotiated behind the scenes and brought everyone back alive
Let's leave the dingbat equation aside. There is no way Carter can be represented as a strong leader then, anymore than Obama can be today.
i would have regretted voting for Obama over Romney, but it gave us Trump, and Mittens turned out to be a douche!
anyone who knew economics never voted for a demoloser ever.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

I disagree

Carter manged to get a peace accord between Egypt and Israel. A major foreign policy accomplishment

He ran his economy on a balanced budget. Something conservatives claim to worship but never do
Inflation and unemployment wrecked his economy. Carter took the blame but held a balanced budget. Reagan came in and tripled th deficit and then took credit for the resulting economic surge

Iran brought down Carters Presidency. The Hostage situation made America look weak. If Carter had invaded or bombed them, he would have looked like a strong president. Instead he negotiated behind the scenes and brought everyone back alive
Let's leave the dingbat equation aside. There is no way Carter can be represented as a strong leader then, anymore than Obama can be today.

History will have to decide

If Carter had gone batshit crazy and invaded Iran, the people would have loved him. It may have resulted in hundreds of deaths and possibly killed all the hostages.
Instead, Carter swallowed his pride. Worked behind the scenes and got the hostages released alive.

Cost him a second term
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

I disagree

Carter manged to get a peace accord between Egypt and Israel. A major foreign policy accomplishment

He ran his economy on a balanced budget. Something conservatives claim to worship but never do
Inflation and unemployment wrecked his economy. Carter took the blame but held a balanced budget. Reagan came in and tripled th deficit and then took credit for the resulting economic surge

Iran brought down Carters Presidency. The Hostage situation made America look weak. If Carter had invaded or bombed them, he would have looked like a strong president. Instead he negotiated behind the scenes and brought everyone back alive
Let's leave the dingbat equation aside. There is no way Carter can be represented as a strong leader then, anymore than Obama can be today.

History will have to decide

If Carter had gone batshit crazy and invaded Iran, the people would have loved him. It may have resulted in hundreds of deaths and possibly killed all the hostages.
Instead, Carter swallowed his pride. Worked behind the scenes and got the hostages released alive.

Cost him a second term
History has decided, 40 years on.
Hell, I was a kid when I voted for Carter. I was somewhat akin to a moderrn-day mileniial. That is to say, goofy and a\ bit of a snowflake.
I did the same.

Carter was in over his head but was under appreciated
Carter was way over his head. He brought in a Georgia mafia that was only fit to goven a state governemnt. He never had the merest clue how to conduct foriegn policy. Obama at least brought in some who understood something beyond community organizing. Unfortunately, Obama did not.

I disagree

Carter manged to get a peace accord between Egypt and Israel. A major foreign policy accomplishment

He ran his economy on a balanced budget. Something conservatives claim to worship but never do
Inflation and unemployment wrecked his economy. Carter took the blame but held a balanced budget. Reagan came in and tripled th deficit and then took credit for the resulting economic surge

Iran brought down Carters Presidency. The Hostage situation made America look weak. If Carter had invaded or bombed them, he would have looked like a strong president. Instead he negotiated behind the scenes and brought everyone back alive
Let's leave the dingbat equation aside. There is no way Carter can be represented as a strong leader then, anymore than Obama can be today.

History will have to decide

If Carter had gone batshit crazy and invaded Iran, the people would have loved him. It may have resulted in hundreds of deaths and possibly killed all the hostages.
Instead, Carter swallowed his pride. Worked behind the scenes and got the hostages released alive.

Cost him a second term
Reagan got them released, not Carter. Not going to allow you to rewrite history.

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