Who here supports BLM?

Do you support BLM?

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I bet you think George Floyd killed himself?

The overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful. And of the ones that weren't, half of those were started by cops.

You are a liar and a racist!
They really are THIS STUPID. It probably takes a monumental effort to maintain such an incredible level of ignorance like this assclown. If they put that much effort into a paying career they'd all be fucking millionaires.

BLM has caused violent riots, they have been behind cancel culture. They have been behind the destruction of historical statues of white men who built a civilized world, almost many of them, having nothing to do with Confederate states being born hundreds of years before the confederate states.

I see what BLM has done to some fellow Americans, who get very angry, they engage in hateful rhetoric. If they see somebody disagree with BLM. That’s not right.

BLM is opposed by the great majority of black Americans and white Americans.

I don’t support BLM because I oppose racism. And I oppose BLM leaders who steal money from poor people to build mansions.

There’s no excuse for destruction of statues in America. It’s only white statues that were targeted by BLM rioters in the summer of 2020. .. nothing of the like was done to statues of Africans or Indians that owned slaves so this is political Hypocrisy, and it is racism from the far left.

In a world where racism and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. Here in the United States today we are the number one destinations for African refugees and migrants.

Praise be to God for this glory in America for this love and unity of the American people. We the American people are united and it is the racist BLM and any similar group any white racist or black racist who tries to tear this country apart is opposed by the majority of Americans. This might not be the case in other countries of the world today but it is in America because undeniably we are the number one destination for African refugees. What an incredible job by the American people.
I support them being hung!
I think after hundreds of years of systemic oppression and almost 60 years following the civil rights act activists were not too concerned with being considerate. I’d imagine getting attention and their message out there was the goal and they reached the point where noise needed to be made. Like it or not it worked

YOU???? "think"??


If that is the result of "thinking" you should consult professional help. Millions of africans hope and dream to come here. People from all over the world risk their lives crossing illegally to get here, but according to bed wetters like this jabbering douche bag, they do so in order to be oppressed and exploited.

This is why I don't waste time with moonbats. The stupid is in their DNA. They can not be fixed.
Hey they can do what they want. What they cant do is complain when what the choose to do has negative impacts which this name choice did in fact have. The leaders of the national movement being grifters doesn't help either but whatever.
You are half right… they can’t do what they want including complaining about whatever they want. I agree with you that they have many provocative messages. I don’t think the name is preventing any of those people who make a big fuss about the name from supporting them
He was KILLED. And the cop who killed Jim was convicted

Shut up
You're brain dead. You did that to yourself though.

Kirby overdosed, he not only did THAT to himself, he attempted to commit a serious felony, got himself arrested, then acted like an incorrigible fool and died before a paramedic could waste resources and allow the scumbag to continue stealing oxygen.

For that matter every breath you take is a misdemeanor.


Fuckin carnival freak.

BLM is a threat to America. They’re one of the worst things ever happened to this country. They don’t have the support of the American people. They have the support of multi millionaires and billionaires like the CEO of Starbucks and bank CEO to get billions of dollars to blm and similar organizations.

Most Americans black and white want a better life they want to be able to afford a home but our economy is so horrible right now they can’t. And so what the politicians do is they create racism and division in our country through things like George Floyd they make things up about police officers. All of this is a distraction from our terrible economy, and the fact that more Americans than ever are renting instead of owning a house. But all the cross country people are waking up black and white and it’s a beautiful thing and there’s a lot of positive things happening just a matter of time before blm loses.

BLM and their millionaire supporters are responsible for creating division in this country the massive Looting and Violence in the summer of 2020 and the general feeling of anti-Americanism across the inner cities. But again positive things are happening people are waking up and love is fighting against hatred.
BLM has caused violent riots, they have been behind cancel culture. They have been behind the destruction of historical statues of white men who built a civilized world, almost many of them, having nothing to do with Confederate states being born hundreds of years before the confederate states.

I see what BLM has done to some fellow Americans, who get very angry, they engage in hateful rhetoric. If they see somebody disagree with BLM. That’s not right.

BLM is opposed by the great majority of black Americans and white Americans.

I don’t support BLM because I oppose racism. And I oppose BLM leaders who steal money from poor people to build mansions.

There’s no excuse for destruction of statues in America. It’s only white statues that were targeted by BLM rioters in the summer of 2020. .. nothing of the like was done to statues of Africans or Indians that owned slaves so this is political Hypocrisy, and it is racism from the far left.

In a world where racism and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. Here in the United States today we are the number one destinations for African refugees and migrants.

Praise be to God for this glory in America for this love and unity of the American people. We the American people are united and it is the racist BLM and any similar group any white racist or black racist who tries to tear this country apart is opposed by the majority of Americans. This might not be the case in other countries of the world today but it is in America because undeniably we are the number one destination for African refugees. What an incredible job by the American people.
WHO in the hell doesn't support that a black life matters,
Just like any person of any color life matters
What could you mean?
Check out the angry hate filled rhetoric HERE on this site.
There is very little unity here in our country.

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