Who here supports BLM?

Do you support BLM?

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I don't oppose their stated mission and their legal right to protest.

"Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes."

“Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting ... it’s lawlessness, plain and simple,” said Biden.
Your reaction to deaths like George Floyd and Ahmad Arbury say otherwise
What reaction are people supposed to have? It's not as if we knew these men. Their deaths might be tragic but you can say that about most people's deaths.

7500 people die every day in the US. Do you worry about all of them? Do you pause and think how tragic their deaths were? 50-60 people are murdered in the US every DAY. Do you mourn each and every one of them? Should we have national days of remembrance for each of them? I'm willing to bet most of them were better citizens than George Floyd ever thought about being.
That’s your problem with BLM?

I couldn't care less about BLM. Pointing out realities doesn't mean I have an issue with them. They are a scam for sure but I didn't fall prey to it so...
You spent many man hours defending them though. What do you generally charge for an hour of work? More than a dollar i presume.
Do you believe that worm "works" or does anything productive for money in return? If someone is paying that window licking bed wetter to post, it's probably someone from the RNC trying to embarrass the democrook crime syndicate.
They deserved to die and it amuses me that they are dead. It makes me chuckle when i think about it. :laugh:
I don't know about Arbury, but Kirby Floyd was a total piece of shit and the world is a better place with him inside it, rather than the surface. Then again the same can be said about 20 million bed wetting democrook voting lunatics that remain fugitives of Natural Selection.
BLM has caused violent riots, they have been behind cancel culture. They have been behind the destruction of historical statues of white men who built a civilized world, almost many of them, having nothing to do with Confederate states being born hundreds of years before the confederate states.

I see what BLM has done to some fellow Americans, who get very angry, they engage in hateful rhetoric. If they see somebody disagree with BLM. That’s not right.

BLM is opposed by the great majority of black Americans and white Americans.

I don’t support BLM because I oppose racism. And I oppose BLM leaders who steal money from poor people to build mansions.

There’s no excuse for destruction of statues in America. It’s only white statues that were targeted by BLM rioters in the summer of 2020. .. nothing of the like was done to statues of Africans or Indians that owned slaves so this is political Hypocrisy, and it is racism from the far left.

In a world where racism and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. Here in the United States today we are the number one destinations for African refugees and migrants.

Praise be to God for this glory in America for this love and unity of the American people. We the American people are united and it is the racist BLM and any similar group any white racist or black racist who tries to tear this country apart is opposed by the majority of Americans. This might not be the case in other countries of the world today but it is in America because undeniably we are the number one destination for African refugees. What an incredible job by the American people.
I bet you think George Floyd killed himself?

The overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful. And of the ones that weren't, half of those were started by cops.

You are a liar and a racist!
I don't support BLM. Not because I don't agree with their goals, but because I don't agree with their methods.

However I understand why they use the methods they use. Because they're fighting ingrained racism, ingrained corruption, ingrained problems in society.

BLM is a cause and effect group. You keep doing the same shit, at some point something is going to explode and BLM is a part of that explosion. Don't like it, CHANGE THINGS for the better.

Instead you all want things to be good for you and fuck everyone else. So, they'll fuck you back.
They're not "fighting" for anything close to a noble cause. They're enriching themselves by exploiting the dumbest fucks in the country, embodied by bed wetting imbeciles like you.

"Racism" as it is, is an institution of the democrook criminal syndicate, it has been since that "party" chose to defend slavery through war, established the kkk, and vehemently resisted all efforts to treat newly freed people with any sort of dignity.

Don’t lie to make a point you can’t make with actual evidence.
Oh, and GFY.
If that bed wetter is communicating, a lie is being advanced. It exists in a false reality created by apparatchik sociopaths and their collectivist global elite masters.
I bet you think George Floyd killed himself?

The overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful. And of the ones that weren't, half of those were started by cops.

You are a liar and a racist!
The cops started the riots? Got any proof of that like at all?
But it is the point many people took from the name. They need better marketing.
I think after hundreds of years of systemic oppression and almost 60 years following the civil rights act activists were not too concerned with being considerate. I’d imagine getting attention and their message out there was the goal and they reached the point where noise needed to be made. Like it or not it worked
I think after hundreds of years of systemic oppression and almost 60 years following the civil rights act activists were not too concerned with being considerate. I’d imagine getting attention and their message out there was the goal and they reached the point where noise needed to be made. Like it or not it worked

Hey they can do what they want. What they cant do is complain when what the choose to do has negative impacts which this name choice did in fact have. The leaders of the national movement being grifters doesn't help either but whatever.

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