Who is going to be the backup quarterback for the Democrats team?

I think a problem the Democrats have is that, if a new face jumps in now, it will look like they're trying to save the party from a crappy field.
Outside of maybe Pete and Tulsi it is pretty shit and in need of saving. Not that I agree with either of them but they at least dont appear radical like the others.
Of this field, I'd like to see Yang in there somewhere. He's the only person in or around DC who sees where the economy is going.

The only person I can see making a huge splash would be Michelle O, but she's said she won't run (plus I remember reading that she hated being cooped up in the WH).

I have to just hold out hope that another independent outsider shows up somehow.

Do you mean straight down the toilet if we were to let any of the Dems back in power?

You do realize that even if a Dem sneaks out an EC victory, they will likely be facing a Republican House and a Republican Senate. They would be a lame duck on January 20, 2021!
Of course. Since both parties are controlled by their nutters, they're not allowed to work together.
It's interesting that so many crazy Trump supporters are commenting on something that isn't their concern anyway when they have to figure out how to make 1/3 of the country enough to put that clown in office again.

Like your overall personality, your math skills suck! 30 out of 50 states is not 1/3. Go back to elementary school where you belong.

You're a silly old fart, aren't you?

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