Who is going to cook the food and raise kids in this country?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.
I was first a parent at age 27, then two more children followed. My job allowed a lot of "flex" time, so while the ex-Mrs. H. pursued her education and career I spent a lot of time with our children. I did everything but have those kids and breast-feed them. And I'm glad for it.

PS- fuck that bitch.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.
Where I come from everyone can learn how to do everything.

Enlightened people aren't tied down by throwback gender roles.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.

This is one of the great problems with arguing with liberals. YOu can't introduce truth or any facts that contradict their worldview.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.

I'm such an elitist sometimes. I'm so much better than the people that pick cotton in the fields because I have a degree.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.
I'm one of those people.
I do Uber to pay my bills. I'd prefer to have a real job but nobody is willing to hire full time employees and pt companies want flexible hours so that you can't work two pt jobs.

I don't qualify for unemployment since I've been self employed for that past 30+ years.
I don't qualify for food stamps because my gross earnings is too high, even though 1/2 my pay goes into the car and shouldn't be counted as income for that purpose.
In fact I'm one of the ones who can't afford insurance, can't afford co-pays if I had insurance and am Bi-polar and would end up in jail or a nut house if I didn't have the VA paying my medical. EVen then I owe them over 3 grand in co-pays. I also owe 50 thousand on my student loan, including interest and late fees for that AA degree I got that does absolutely nothing in helping me find a job.
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I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.

Gallup has real unemployment nearing 10% while the government has it at 4.7%. <--One of these people is lying.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.

This is one of the great problems with arguing with liberals. YOu can't introduce truth or any facts that contradict their worldview.

It also helps when you have an argument. You do not
day care centres dominated by lesbian pedophiles.

Everyone knows that the government will raise them. No need to parent at all anymore.
no. They have dominated the universities where teaching degrees must be obtained, and the colleges where childcare qualifications are obtained.

This is no longer contained within the government. Cultural marxists decide who makes it into the private sector in many industries.

it's, shall we say, gone airborn. to avoid it now, you must move to a country town and prepare to go completely off grid.

The small government tactic didn't work and now, it's too late.
I though there was a gazillion people who were unemployed but Obama wasn't counting them? Another lie by the right wing I suppose. Tsk Tsk...

As for cooking and cleaning, the kids being raised in red states are the most likely candidates. They "cut spending to the bone" on fancy things like schools and colleges.

Its okay, the world needs ditch diggers too.

This is one of the great problems with arguing with liberals. YOu can't introduce truth or any facts that contradict their worldview.

It also helps when you have an argument. You do not

Maybe if you thought of one yourself you wouldn't feel the need to replace that particular void in your post with condescension towards anyone who disagrees with you. Your insecurity is becoming more and more obvious.
The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.

Is this question from 1972?
"the one absolute aim of female education must be with a view to the future mother"
-- from 'Mein Kampf'
The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.

Is this question from 1972?

It could be by the sound of it but in the early seventies it was quite innocent and the marriage was never threatened by women going out and getting jobs. Now I kind of see young people treating living together as the same being married. It isn't. It isn't a financial arrangement between two parties either. That is the relationship I have with my employer. I really don't give a shit about them and they don't about me because when the arrangement is over with no one cares. The same can't be said about boyfriend and girlfriends. When the financial arrangement is ended the two parties are usually really pissed off at each other. This tells me that their must be something more to men and women than just a financial pack to take care of each other.

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