Who is investigating the Epstein murder?

You know the answer to that.

No, I really don't.

I mean, I understand why YOU care about Epstein. I don't. I don't care a rich guy hired a bunch of underage hookers.

I'm glad he spared us the expense of a trial by offing himself. If only more prisoners would be so courteous. We should offer every prisoner his own hari-kari sword.

I don't care that you don't care. You can hold whatever opinion you want.
The prison is a New York facility. If there is to be an investigation of the obvious murder of a criminal it should start in New York. And the FBI should be looking into this
I will say it's a bipartisan plot to murder Epstein because no one from either party seems interested in bringing the matter up.

Well, it's a Federal Facility, so they'd have jurisdiction

Here's why no one is all that interested. He probably killed himself, but given what an awful person he was, no one really cares if he was murdered.
I don't care that you don't care. You can hold whatever opinion you want.

Just don't get on here and pretend that this is a big deal.

A pedophile saved us the cost of a trial... we are better off for it.
You know the answer to that.

No, I really don't.

I mean, I understand why YOU care about Epstein. I don't. I don't care a rich guy hired a bunch of underage hookers.

I'm glad he spared us the expense of a trial by offing himself. If only more prisoners would be so courteous. We should offer every prisoner his own hari-kari sword.

I don't care that you don't care. You can hold whatever opinion you want.
Joe’s opinion mimics exactly what he is told by corporate/government run media.

Hey Joe, there’s your good buddy Bubba AGAIN
Joe’s opinion mimics exactly what he is told by corporate/government run media.

Hey Joe, there’s your good buddy Bubba AGAIN

And here he is with Trump


I don't think Trump killed him, either
Appears to be, there's not a single police officer assigned to investigate the murder of the man who ran the most notorious pedophile ring in the history of the world.

well the best investigaters we get in cases like this are people that are independent investigaters that get NO FUNDING and sometimes have to put their lifes on the line to get the truth out.

what we get stuck with though in this sad world is a keystones cops investigation such as the warren commission con job that goes down in history as the gospel truth by the media and our corrupt school systems of who the killer was instead of the TRUTH of who the KILLERS were and who all gained by it cause the trail always leads back to being an inside job from washington.
You know the answer to that.

No, I really don't.

I mean, I understand why YOU care about Epstein. I don't. I don't care a rich guy hired a bunch of underage hookers.

I'm glad he spared us the expense of a trial by offing himself. If only more prisoners would be so courteous. We should offer every prisoner his own hari-kari sword.

I don't care that you don't care. You can hold whatever opinion you want.
Joe’s opinion mimics exactly what he is told by corporate/government run media.

Hey Joe, there’s your good buddy Bubba AGAIN

joe has shit on his face right now.LOL
Joe’s opinion mimics exactly what he is told by corporate/government run media.

Hey Joe, there’s your good buddy Bubba AGAIN

And here he is with Trump

View attachment 290175

I don't think Trump killed him, either

Lots of elites involved with Epstein, but you think he committed suicide and no further investigation of those elites is needed. Did MSLSD tell you that?
I don't believe for a nano second that bill Clinton partook in the young flesh.... and there are a lot of reasons why... but mainly, because none of the girls said he did....Even Jeffrey's main squeeze at the time, Virginia Roberts, said she could not understand why Clinton was involved with Jeffrey, because he NEVER came for the girls.... Jeffrey told her it was business and something like Bill owed him... (I know Jeffrey was a huge donor of the DNC)

Yet Prince Andrew is named and Alan Dershowitz is named and even Trump has been named (of which I also do not believe partook in the young flesh and I have my reasons why)

The other 3 reasons I do not believe Clinton is involved is,

-He near always had his right hand man, from the Clinton foundation, Doug Band, with him when he took his flights and many times 5 or 6 Clinton Foundation staffers as well or other celebrities participation in his Clinton Global Initiative...mostly fighting AIDS events throughout the world that Jeffrey donated his plane to fly them around... (I went thru all of the Flight manifests that were online)

-He's not really 'in to' young pretty girls.... his attraction has been women he met through his work, usually just common looking women who were older...Monica was like the youngest and she was 22 thru 26 when that was going on... pretty 14 and 15 year olds didn't attract him.

-And lastly, the period Clinton was running around on Jeffrey's plane, Clinton had MAJOR Heart problems... he had gone through 2 minor heart surgeries and then the BIGGIE triple Open Heart surgery all around and during that time.... his wee wee was probably not going in the up direction during that time period imho.

MY CONCERN is how big was this operation or these operations of Jeffrey Epstein's throughout the world....? Was it mainly for just him and a handful of friends or was it really a big RING, where Big Guns...bigger and richer than Epstein were really at the top of this ring and how far did it go? and how did Epstein get so rich? And what was his involvement with this owner of Victoria's Secret, who gave him his penthouse in NYC as a gift... and the fake passport...what's that all about?

I think he likely lights outed himself, but there sure was a bunch of Murphy's Law going on that night, for the suicide to be able to happen?

Lots of elites involved with Epstein, but you think he committed suicide and no further investigation of those elites is needed. Did MSLSD tell you that?

No, the fact that he had already tried to kill himself once and he was in a prison told me that.

Occam's Razor, buddy. Occam's razor.

The Bane of Conspiracy Nuts everywhere.
This is clearly an issue that involves people from many walks of life and political affiliations. The thing that gets me is if Trump would demand a real investigation with the power of the government behind it and started arresting people, it would wipe Impeachment off the front pages.

It seems he is unwilling to do that. One also has to ask whether or not the whole impeachment thing was cooked up to take the emphasis off Epstein.
It was Trump himself who cooked up this impeachment thing. Presidents are not allowed to shake down foreign leaders for personal favors and anyone with a measurable IQ knows what he did.
Lots of elites involved with Epstein, but you think he committed suicide and no further investigation of those elites is needed. Did MSLSD tell you that?

No, the fact that he had already tried to kill himself once and he was in a prison told me that.

Occam's Razor, buddy. Occam's razor.

The Bane of Conspiracy Nuts everywhere.

Joey I don’t think you understand the meaning of Occam’s Razor. It doesn’t mean whatever government tells you is the truth. LOL.
This is clearly an issue that involves people from many walks of life and political affiliations. The thing that gets me is if Trump would demand a real investigation with the power of the government behind it and started arresting people, it would wipe Impeachment off the front pages.

It seems he is unwilling to do that. One also has to ask whether or not the whole impeachment thing was cooked up to take the emphasis off Epstein.
It was Trump himself who cooked up this impeachment thing. Presidents are not allowed to shake down foreign leaders for personal favors and anyone with a measurable IQ knows what he did.

We have done that forever.
Joey I don’t think you understand the meaning of Occam’s Razor. It doesn’t mean whatever government tells you is the truth. LOL.

No, it means that the simplest explanation is usually true, all other things being equal.

Epstein tried to kill himself before. He was facing a life in prison of being the lowest of the low in prison, a child molester.

That's pretty simple.

The Conspiracy Nut Theory. That Hillary Clinton used her evil powers to convince a prison inmate to kill Epstein, without leaving any forensic evidence, and then got the entire Bureau of Prisons to cover it up. And not one person in this vast conspiracy is speaking up.
Appears to be, there's not a single police officer assigned to investigate the murder of the man who ran the most notorious pedophile ring in the history of the world.

Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Kathleen Sawyer testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. She discussed the death of Jeffrey Epstein.

Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee | C-SPAN.org

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