Who Is John Miller?

/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.
Don't be bawling when Trump unleashes on Hillary's past...it's a treasure trove

I can hardly wait for it. Should be good and then we'll hear instead of their wails about racism. Sexism will be next. but LETS not forget how that party treated a woman Governor running for Vice President. Some of the nastiest stuff I've heard coming out from that party and their cult members

Their problem will be Trump doesn't care....he's not PC
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)
no, and I didn't hear one damn Policy from your old Fogies running for President. don't you care about that? or just nitpicking, spreading nonsense is your only care?

ps mr trump is OLDER THAN ms hillary. :lol:

here you go, steph... enjoy!

Learn more about Hillary’s vision for America, and key policies she will fight for as president. As Hillary campaigns across the country, she'll be talking about more issues—stay tuned.

Hillary Clinton on the issues
But his CURRENT wife is much Younger. Much much younger. Humongously younger.

Liberal Brigade saying how they are gonna use Trump's past to avoid the past of the Hildabeast.

/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
I don't think Team Clinton is going to bring it up, but

Liberal Brigade saying how they are gonna use Trump's past to avoid the past of the Hildabeast.

I doubt Team Clintons's superpacs bring it up, but when Donald brings it up, they'll put out immediate responses with this stuff in part to label him a buffoonish boor.
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
Obama has been anti-coal and the Hidabeast is right there with him. They target fossil fuels unless you live under a rock.

Complain about it while using more fuel than whole cities of people in their lavish ways and travel. Hypocrites one and all.
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
Obama has been anti-coal and the Hidabeast is right there with him. They target fossil fuels unless you live under a rock.

Complain about it while using more fuel than whole cities of people in their lavish ways and travel. Hypocrites one and all.

You are lying too. Par for the course.
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
Obama has been anti-coal and the Hidabeast is right there with him. They target fossil fuels unless you live under a rock.

Complain about it while using more fuel than whole cities of people in their lavish ways and travel. Hypocrites one and all.
They use transportation fueled with coal?
Rove running for President

Didn't think so.................

It was a video that killed them and not a terrorist attack. Divert..........shift blame.........none of that kills the truth that they played that political card...............She said it at the coffin ceremony.

The Hildabeast is rotten to the core.................and your side doesn't care. Says alot about the Ass party.
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

coal miners are already out of jobs due to lower natural gas prices ..
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

Hillary was talking about putting coal miners back to work. But...you'd have to be able to be honest to acknowledge that fact.

Your guy was being dishonest when he campaigned on that in WV.

Be a man and admit that, please.

Are you serious? Hillary says she is going to put a lot of coal miners out of work and you interpret that to mean she is going to put them back to work? LOL well the good people of West Virginia obviously disagree with you (most likely b/c you are wrong)

Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
Obama has been anti-coal and the Hidabeast is right there with him. They target fossil fuels unless you live under a rock.

Complain about it while using more fuel than whole cities of people in their lavish ways and travel. Hypocrites one and all.

You are lying too. Par for the course.
Did you just admit that the Hidabeast is a LIAR................I THINK YOU JUST DID.

/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL
and just were are you going to get that many bitter rightwing crackas as you are a minority

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