Who is more intolerant of political opponents the "left" or "the right"

There is no left in America. Just right and extreme right.
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.
He who looks in mirror see all things wrong way round. (Old Chinese Proverb)
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
There is no left in America. Just right and extreme right.
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.
He who looks in mirror see all things wrong way round. (Old Chinese Proverb)
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
There is no left in America. Just right and extreme right.
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.
He who looks in mirror see all things wrong way round. (Old Chinese Proverb)
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.
He who looks in mirror see all things wrong way round. (Old Chinese Proverb)
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
There is no left in America. Just right and extreme right.
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.

That would reflect your attitude towards government as a concept though. The democrats are probably more left leaning but I understand that they are in hock to monied interests.

Its not too dissimilar to the UK where the labour party is ostensibly left but in reality has peddled a tory lite set of policies since the 90s under Blair.

So we still get light touch monitoring of financial markets,privatisation of public services through PFI deals and wars in the Stan and Iraq.

On the counter to that we had devolution and they did invest in health. None of that would have happened under the tories who only represent their paymasters.

So in summary it gets a bit better or a lot worse.
There is no left in America. Just right and extreme right.
thats interesting, I see the government as left or extreme left.

That would reflect your attitude towards government as a concept though. The democrats are probably more left leaning but I understand that they are in hock to monied interests.

Its not too dissimilar to the UK where the labour party is ostensibly left but in reality has peddled a tory lite set of policies since the 90s under Blair.

So we still get light touch monitoring of financial markets,privatisation of public services through PFI deals and wars in the Stan and Iraq.

On the counter to that we had devolution and they did invest in health. None of that would have happened under the tories who only represent their paymasters.

So in summary it gets a bit better or a lot worse.
being from the U.S. I actually had to read that a few times to get it. But I think I understand.
and if I do understand, I think the opposite is true here, the republican party is ostensibly right, but for the last couple decades it has been leaning more left with each year. This trend is what those of us who voted for Trump are hoping to start to reverse. as far as health care, my has been outstanding for as long as I can remember. no it has not be cheap, but it was affordable, If I were forced into the ACA for any reason, I would not be able to afford to use it at all.
He who looks in mirror see all things wrong way round. (Old Chinese Proverb)
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
and sometimes he ends up looking at the truth, or in some cases the problem.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
No I dont want to see someone die from something curable because they couldnt afford treatment, yet on the other hand I dont want to see any of my family members die because I couldnt afford my new out of pocket that I have to pay in order to provide service to the other guy that would have died without treatment.
see the problem here?
The right wingers here accuse the "liberals" to be intolerant of political opponents, but are they any better?
It's a tough call. Both ends of the spectrum are very intolerant in their own ways.

That's why we'd be better off if wingers would find another hobby. A majority of Americans are decent, sincere and tolerant.
I cannot think how the federal government in the USA is in any way Left (with the possible exception of the U.S. Postal Service). Private Enterprise runs so much there.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
No I dont want to see someone die from something curable because they couldnt afford treatment, yet on the other hand I dont want to see any of my family members die because I couldnt afford my new out of pocket that I have to pay in order to provide service to the other guy that would have died without treatment.
see the problem here?
Everyone is guaranteed essentials in a socialist or social democratic state. You would not go without. But I do not see Americans going for this because corporations own the country.
Who is more intolerant?

Hmmmm, well since...
- Obama spied on Conservatives (people, reporters, and also Congress)...

- Obama used the IRS as a weapon (One of only 2 Presidents to ever do so, both Democrats) against Conservatives to help him win re-election...

- The Hillary campaign and Obama organized and financed the violence against Trump supporters...

- Soros has helped finance riots and violence during and since the election...

- Liberals have violently attacked Trump supporters at Trump Rallues, chading them down, beating them, bloodying them, and even hospitalizing some of them...

- Liberals have burned American flags, called for the overthrow of the govt, called for the racist murdets of all whites and cops, called for the assassination of the new President elect...

- Liberals FIREBOMBED the HQ on the GOP HQ in NC and has vandalized and robbed others...

- Obama used his US AG / DOJ to threaten Americans for using their Constitutional Rights of Free Speech for speaking out against radical Islamists...

...I personally would have to say Liberals are the more intolerant.
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I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
No I dont want to see someone die from something curable because they couldnt afford treatment, yet on the other hand I dont want to see any of my family members die because I couldnt afford my new out of pocket that I have to pay in order to provide service to the other guy that would have died without treatment.
see the problem here?
Everyone is guaranteed essentials in a socialist or social democratic state. You would not go without. But I do not see Americans going for this because corporations own the country.
Nobody in the UK would want an American system which relies on ability to pay.

I broke my ankle this time last year and was laid up for the best part of 6 months. I had excellent treatment from world class Doctors and I was not presented with a bill for any of it. I pay a small sum every month through my tax but I get a great deal from this.

Its amazing.

Even better, when I am fit and healthy, I know my contributions are helping my neighbour. Its community, we are bound together by mutual support and self interest.

The NHS is under threat from tories who want to bring in an American system despite the NHS being proven to be better value for money.
I think when we say the government is left, or right that we are talking about DC, congress, senate, president etc...
and when I look at the things that are being done, I dont see right, I see heavy left. the ACA is a good example, that is without argument a very left type of program. Same with food stamps, abortions and so on. The federal government certainly leans heavy to the left.
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
No I dont want to see someone die from something curable because they couldnt afford treatment, yet on the other hand I dont want to see any of my family members die because I couldnt afford my new out of pocket that I have to pay in order to provide service to the other guy that would have died without treatment.
see the problem here?
Everyone is guaranteed essentials in a socialist or social democratic state. You would not go without. But I do not see Americans going for this because corporations own the country.
Who pays for these guaranteed things?
The Affordable Care Act is not Left in the strict sense as I understand it except is the broadest sense that the government wants to make sure everyone get health care but doesn't everyone? You see, a left or socialist health system would not look at all like ACA because the American system is all about insurance coverage from private insurance corporations. True socialist health care is when the actual care is provided by the state with state-employed doctors in state-owned hospitals. By contrast the ACA is positively capitalist and the insurance corporations must love it.
Similarly, the American food stamp program gives vouchers to the poor but they are redeemed in private stores. The shop owners must love this. In a socialist or Left program the state would actually provide the food from state-owned warehouses. The American system is wrongly termed Left only because the government does not want to see the poor begging on the streets and dying but who does?
nobody does, however not everybody can afford the payments that would come along with the ACA. redistribution of income is a definite left type of thing.
I wont even refer to it as redistribution of wealth, wealth would indicate that someone actually had the extra money to pay for someone else, with the ACA this is not the case.
Rather than use a phrase such as "redistribution of income", I would use the term tax. Socialist programs use tax revenue to provide essential services, such as healthcare, to the people. If some people do not want their taxes to pay for heart operations of other citizens then people will die who are treatable but lack the fees. It is not civilized for a family to fear that a child will get leukemia because they might be unable to pay for treatment. You do not have to be Left to have compassion but to redistribute wealth so that people have the essentials in life is how the Left think and this is not the American way.
No I dont want to see someone die from something curable because they couldnt afford treatment, yet on the other hand I dont want to see any of my family members die because I couldnt afford my new out of pocket that I have to pay in order to provide service to the other guy that would have died without treatment.
see the problem here?
Everyone is guaranteed essentials in a socialist or social democratic state. You would not go without. But I do not see Americans going for this because corporations own the country.
Who pays for these guaranteed things?
Everybody does.

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