Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

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J. Edgar Hoover saw the Black Panthers' Free Breakfast Program as "infiltration" of the Black community. So here is an example well inside your time frame of Black people helping themselves, which conservatives on this board relentlessly claim is what they want, and it scared a conservative hero so bad he was shaking in his brassiere.

If you want me to say liberals are Black people's bestest best friend forever, well that is obviously untrue. But to say conservatives have just no culpability? Maybe if every damn thing Black people did wasn't treated as a threat by conservatives, they'd have made a little more progress over the last 60 years.
You know you've won an argument when you ask a simple straightforward question and they won't answer it directly. Just insults and hateful rants for daring to ask the question.
Since it's not straight forward and not honest there is no reason to answer it except with the derision it so richly deserves.
Who can blame Democrats for not owning up.
Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Slavery first and foremost, obviously.

Then the right wing conservatives who enacted Jim Crow laws and perpetrated discrimination for over a century.

I would continue with right wing conservatives, particularly those in the Deep South, who opposed the granting of civil rights to blacks.

But even Martin Luther King knew the greatest resistance to civil rights would come from right wing conservatives in the North.

However, once the barriers to civil rights began to collapse, the liberals exacerbated the black dilemma with their " soft bigotry of low expectations" as one brilliant man put it.

Liberal policies coddle irresponsibility.

I also blame the black community itself which has a culture which frowns upon those who succeed, excuses any malfeasance committed by a black leader, and which chooses leadership who are just as exploitative of black people as any white vote-seeking liberal.
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Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Black African Americans are responsible for their own effing plight, with a great assist from the dimocrats. Their attitude about shit that happened 250/300 years ago when their own tribal chiefs SOLD them to the Amsterdam human traffickers caused their original plight, if getting off that God forsaken continent is, in fact, a bad thing. At least the race is still around and they don't look like this...

Searching for their next meal...bugs.
Black America is one huge clusterfuck. The welfare agenda promoted by liberals has been a monumental failure.
This is just another stupid topic trying to conflate the right wing conservative Democrats of more than half a century ago with the liberal Democrats of today.

The requisite historical ignorance to buy into this bullshit is profound, really.
Where is the GOP support today? In the South. Where did they vote to keep the ******* down, including against the Civil Rights acts, in the South. Carry on boys.
Black America is one huge clusterfuck. The welfare agenda promoted by liberals has been a monumental failure.
It was an Anti-Poverty agenda and it sure worked for your beloved Ben Carson, who was feed, clothed, housed, and schooled on our government dime now didn't it?
You know you've won an argument when you ask a simple straightforward question and they won't answer it directly. Just insults and hateful rants for daring to ask the question.
Since it's not straight forward and not honest there is no reason to answer it except with the derision it so richly deserves.
Who can blame Democrats for not owning up.
nothing to own up to.
it's a republican masturbation fantasy.
There must be some radio station or tv "news" station which continuously repeats this propaganda which tries to mix up the minds of their gullible listeners. It's the only explanation I can think of for why we are bombarded with topics like this one on an almost clockwork basis which attempt to conflate the right wing conservatives of the old Deep South with the modern day Democrats.

It's some sort of weird propaganda reinforcement technique we are seeing here. It's creepy in its robotic regularity.

Democrats opposed Civil Rights Act-meep! Democrats enacted Jim Crow-meep!
Slavery - Democrats
KKK - Democrats
Jim Crowe - Democrats
Civil Rights Act filibuster - Democrats
Welfare programs designed to break up the black family unit - Democrats
There must be some radio station or tv "news" station which continuously repeats this propaganda which tries to mix up the minds of their gullible listeners. It's the only explanation I can think of for why we are bombarded with topics like this one on an almost clockwork basis which attempt to conflate the right wing conservatives of the old Deep South with the modern day Democrats.

It's some sort of weird propaganda reinforcement technique we are seeing here. It's creepy in its robotic regularity
to add, the fascists who claim to be republicans today are nothing like the party of Lincoln .
if he were alive his size 14 booths would be so far up the repub party's ass they could see the laces.
How the racists of the South have ruled this nation from the very beginning
bySusan GrigsbyFollow forDaily Kos

attribution: John T. Bledsoe - Library of Congress, U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
It all started with a Constitution that allowed slavery to continue unmolested in the Southern states, only limiting the importation of additional slaves after 1808. In addition to requiring the return of escaped slaves to the slave labor camps, it required them to be included in the census as three-fifths of a free person for taxation and representation.
Because seats in the House of Representatives are based on population, not on the number of registered voters or even on the number people eligible to vote, but of total population—including people held in slavery, even if each was only considered three-fifths of a man—the South received more that their fair share. And it was not just extra House seats that their slave population provided, but also additional muscle in the Electoral College that selects the president. According to Edward E. Baptist in The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism:
One result was the South’s dominance of the presidency over the next seventy years. Four of the first five presidents would be Virginia slaveholders. Eight of the first dozen owned people.Oh, but you say, we fought a Civil War and ended all of that nonsense when we freed the slaves. Slavery ended 150 years ago, it is time to move on. To get past it. Get over it.
I wish that we could, but if you follow me below the fold I will trace for you the reasons it never ended and continues today.
How the racists of the South have ruled this nation from the very beginning#
You know you've won an argument when you ask a simple straightforward question and they won't answer it directly. Just insults and hateful rants for daring to ask the question.
Since it's not straight forward and not honest there is no reason to answer it except with the derision it so richly deserves.

In other words you can't admit to the simple fact that those big cities have been run by Dems for decades and are now basically ruins.
Not the years of slavery
Not the years of legalized racism
Not the years of Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for blacks to start businesses let alone drink water etc.
It sure wasnt making it illegal and punishable by death to learn how to read.
It wasnt the GI Bill who let whites buy property to build family wealth and prevented blacks from doing the same.
It wasnt the burning down of successful black Cities during hundreds of race riots that destroyed and envied success
It wasnt the war on drugs
Its not the unfair justice system that punishes blacks harsher than whites
And if they are punished harsher that doesnt change the fact that the locked up person should be there for his family
Its not underfunded schools
Its not underfunded housing
Its not the development of "the projects" which is almost like Jail Light
Its not testing Syphilis on blacks who only wanted to serve this country
Its not hanging blacks from trees and taking pictures of their murders
Its not any of those things.

Its black people....Thats whats wrong with black people....Or thats what whites want blacks to believe to cover their own Holocaust in America

The KKK Democrats and Margaret Sanger Eugencists were behind everything you just named. And they still are.

You're going to try and blame the entire institution of American racism on Democrats? Really? Why not also blame them for the conquistadors' killing of Native Americans and the 1572 St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? Get them for nuts in chocolate candy bars while you're at it.
Did he put the poll question for only covering 60 years? LOL Only Dems are around blacks and Republicans never even heard of "responsible" LOL

Are you going to argue that Republicans were responsible before the 1960's?

No I'm finding it funny that Republicans havent weighed in on any issue that involved blacks in 60 years lol

You cant get more apologist than that lol

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