Who Is Running Our Country Right Now?

Yeah and if Trump doesn't take control soon we are going to crash.
Funny. The last time the US crashed, Trump was in charge.

And the constant prediction of a Biden recession, not only didn't happen, but we've got the strongest economy of any nation on earth.
if the civil servants of the "administrative state" are doing their jobs the president can fuck off all day watching "fox and friends" and playing golf or tormenting lindsey graham.

Indeed. The idea that the POTUS should be seen and heard from almost daily is something that started a little bit with Obama and then went into overdrive with Trump.

Prior to that you would go a month or two without the POTUS in the news unless there was some crisis.
As best as I can tell.....


Either that or. . .

Funny. The last time the US crashed, Trump was in charge.

And the constant prediction of a Biden recession, not only didn't happen, but we've got the strongest economy of any nation on earth.
Are you blind?
There is very little left of a middle class. Manufacturing was undercut and sent overseas. Energy costs have skyrocketed and consequently so have all consumer goods prices.
This economy has been fucked by democrat AGW scam. And the global economy sucks also as a result. The poorest people on earth had renewed hope under trump and are now subject to starvation, just as what happened and for the same creepy reasons under Obama.
Are you blind?
There is very little left of a middle class. Manufacturing was undercut and sent overseas. Energy costs have skyrocketed and consequently so have all consumer goods prices.
This economy has been fucked by democrat AGW scam. And the global economy sucks also as a result. The poorest people on earth had renewed hope under trump and are now subject to starvation, just as what happened and for the same creepy reasons under Obama.
Thank you for the year out of date talking points.
The middle class is growing.
wages are outpacing inflation
gasoline is under $3
We're the biggest producer of fossil fuels on earth.
We have the biggest economy on earth.
The stock market keeps hitting record highs
Thank you for the year out of date talking points.
The middle class is growing.
wages are outpacing inflation
gasoline is under $3
We're the biggest producer of fossil fuels on earth.
We have the biggest economy on earth.
The stock market keeps hitting record highs
Gasoline has been double what it was under trump due to the stifling of potential supply by actions taken by this admin.
Being the biggest fossil fuel supplier and having the largest economy are attempts at diversion. Those are givens that are subject to degrees. The degrees have been diminished by this administration.
You’re either stupid or a paid shill.
Dear Lord.

DO you want to back ANY of this up with a link or actual facts?
That would be a good start.
Go >>>>>>>>>>
As far as Punk Ex-presidents go ... Obama takes the cake.
He was always late to Press Conferences.Like not, even once was
he on time.Cor contrast Bush 43 was almost always on time
for a Presser.Plus under Obama ... for the firstmtime in
American history .,.. Eric Holder { Obama's Attorney General }
was The only Cabinet member in American History to be
found GUILTY of Contempt of Congress.
Never spent as much as 5 minutes in jail.
Plus Obama LIED to Bill O'Reilly { Fox news " O'Reilly Factor " }
interviewing Obama during the Superbowl weekend.The Network
or Cable Outlet hosting the Superbowl traditionally interviews the
current President.Obama LIED to Bill O'Reilly during that
Interview when O'Reilly asked him about the IRS Scandal.
Obama basically laughed it off.Said ;;; " There wasn't a smidgen
of corruption ".
How could Obama have known that.The IRS Scandal was
still actively under investigation.
Just like the way Obama got cocky and started laughing
off the Presidential Candidate .... Donald Trump.The other night.
Then do something about it, coward.
I am.

I am warning Americans that democrats have rejected God and have become consumed by evil. Democrats are now nothing but a cult of perverted freaks bent on the intentional collapse of America.

The higher up the democrat, the more perverted and freaky they are. At the top they are so perverted and freaky they have parties called freak offs.

Once Americans understand that democrats are traitors working on a plot to intentionally collapse America and usher in the great reset, everything they support will make sense and they will no longer assume democrats are stupid.

Democrats aren't stupid. They are evil.

Democrats = traitors
Gasoline has been double what it was under trump due to the stifling of potential supply by actions taken by this admin.
Actually gasoline was cheaper under Trump because Trump put 16 million Americans out of work. That's a lot of daily commuters not needing gas. And there was so much of a glut, that the price of crude oil actually went negative.

Oil producers had to pay people to haul away their oil.

If you think plunging the nation into a recession is worth cheaper gas, just say so.
Indeed. The idea that the POTUS should be seen and heard from almost daily is something that started a little bit with Obama and then went into overdrive with Trump.

Prior to that you would go a month or two without the POTUS in the news unless there was some crisis.
I've seen several interviews with the MAGA geniuses at Trump rallies who think Trump is still the President and working behind the scenes.

These are very smart people who have clearly done their research and figured out, all on their own, that we can create and steer hurricanes. So maybe they're right, y'know?
I am.

I am warning Americans that democrats have rejected God and have become consumed by evil. Democrats are now nothing but a cult of perverted freaks bent on the intentional collapse of America.

The higher up the democrat, the more perverted and freaky they are. At the top they are so perverted and freaky they have parties called freak offs.

Once Americans understand that democrats are traitors working on a plot to intentionally collapse America and usher in the great reset, everything they support will make sense and they will no longer assume democrats are stupid.

Democrats aren't stupid. They are evil.

Democrats = traitors
You're spreading lies like you just did in your very post. You're sick in the head and you're going to get what you deserve.

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