Who is Shopping Thanksgiving Day?

Hmmm, Billc, I've got a job that gets holidays off, hence my presence here this morning. Besides that, just how easy do you think it is just to start a business? And do you think those who manage to start successful businesses have earned the right to ride roughshod over their employees? Pay them as little as possible? Schedule them for excessive hours? And the answer to dissatisfied employees is "start your own business"?

Well, it is a lot harder to start a business these days because of the left and no one has the right to ride rough shod over anyone...that is why the employee has the option to quit if they don't like the conditions, or to start their own business....and yes, if you don't like your job, find another one....but the best place to start...get an education and job skills so that you have more options and choices so if you don't like your boss...get a new one or become a boss yourself....

of course, since the government schools are controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....getting an education and job skills is much harder....the democrat party prefers their voters to be uneducated and unskilled...keeps them from becoming Republicans or libertarians....
Hmmm, Billc, I've got a job that gets holidays off, hence my presence here this morning. Besides that, just how easy do you think it is just to start a business? And do you think those who manage to start successful businesses have earned the right to ride roughshod over their employees? Pay them as little as possible? Schedule them for excessive hours? And the answer to dissatisfied employees is "start your own business"?

Well, it is a lot harder to start a business these days because of the left and no one has the right to ride rough shod over anyone...that is why the employee has the option to quit if they don't like the conditions, or to start their own business....and yes, if you don't like your job, find another one....but the best place to start...get an education and job skills so that you have more options and choices so if you don't like your boss...get a new one or become a boss yourself....

of course, since the government schools are controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....getting an education and job skills is much harder....the democrat party prefers their voters to be uneducated and unskilled...keeps them from becoming Republicans or libertarians....

Your idea that employees have "rights" is that they have the "right" to quit their job.

That's wonderful. Thank you. I'm glad I have the right to quit my job should my employer decide to abuse me in some way.

No, no......I'm sure it's better than I deserve. :slap:
Hmmm, Billc, I've got a job that gets holidays off, hence my presence here this morning. Besides that, just how easy do you think it is just to start a business? And do you think those who manage to start successful businesses have earned the right to ride roughshod over their employees? Pay them as little as possible? Schedule them for excessive hours? And the answer to dissatisfied employees is "start your own business"?

Well, it is a lot harder to start a business these days because of the left and no one has the right to ride rough shod over anyone...that is why the employee has the option to quit if they don't like the conditions, or to start their own business....and yes, if you don't like your job, find another one....but the best place to start...get an education and job skills so that you have more options and choices so if you don't like your boss...get a new one or become a boss yourself....

of course, since the government schools are controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....getting an education and job skills is much harder....the democrat party prefers their voters to be uneducated and unskilled...keeps them from becoming Republicans or libertarians....

There's no such thing as the "democrat party" -- speaking of uneducated...

Perhaps to save time we should also note there is no such thing as a "republic party", a "gree party", a "libertar party", a "commun party", a "liber party" or a "conserva party".
By the way, Billc, you have the right to speech.

Step into the soundproof closet and say anything you want. It's your RIGHT. Don't step out of the closet to talk, though.:Boom2:
Step into the soundproof closet and say anything you want. It's your RIGHT. Don't step out of the closet to talk, though

You must be a democrat....that is how they would handle the right to free speech....and having a job isn't a right.....
Step into the soundproof closet and say anything you want. It's your RIGHT. Don't step out of the closet to talk, though

You must be a democrat....that is how they would handle the right to free speech....and having a job isn't a right.....

I know, you've told me. Employee "rights" are the right to quit if they are being abused.

Thank you. It's enlightening.

However, you did say that no employer had the right to run roughshod over someone. So, what price do they pay for abusing an employee?

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