Who is winning the debates so far?

Who is winning the debates so far?

  • Trump is, keep up the prog-speak

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warren

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Booker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bullock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buttigieg

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Castro (for abortion EQUALITY), where men get abortions too

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De Blasio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Delaney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabbard

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Gillibrand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Klobuchar

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Inslee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hickenlooper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Klobuchar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • O'Rourke

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
I've only watched the first debate, but I'd like to see all of the front runners drop out

Biden - Does not represent the progressive wing of the party, is too old and has too much baggage,
Sanders - Too old, plus is way to far to the left. He'll never get elected.
Warren - Way too far left. If she's the Dems candidate, it'll be an electoral slaughter
Buttigige - There's no way in hell America is going to elect a gay President.

As I stated above Ryan, Inslee and Gabbard impressed me. Ryan & Inslee for their pro-Union, pro working class attitudes, Gabbard for her pro working class attitude, military experience and general bearing. She just seemed to be 'Presidential'.
So far the only winner is Donald Trump.
The Only Way Trump Doesn't Win Re-Election
Is For The House To Impeach Him
And Get A Whole Bunch Of Senate Repubs To Flip To Convict
All Before Nov 2020

They Better Get On It
McConnell Keeps Nukin' Through Court Picks

The only way Trump will be re elected is if the Dems are really, really stupid in picking their nominee.

So I guess we're gonna have 4 more years of Trump...ugh!
They did not rig anything

Then we can agree to disagree, I suppose.

but even if they do I am not sold on the idea they want Biden.

My old white guy against your old white guy seems like a losing batter for the Dems.

We'll know more in the coming months looking at his polling. I just don't see a win happening either if Biden is the DNC pick.
I tell you who’s losing the debates. The American people.
Pogo said:
WTH_Progs? said:
Trump doesn't have to say a word, he seems to benefit when these progs speak.
Your "totals" reflect nothing but echobubble masturbation.

Here's What "echobubble masturbation" Looks Like:

Democrats Are Offering Free College, Free Medical
School Debt Forgiveness
Higher And Higher Taxation, Ballooning National Debt
Reparations For Skin Color AND Personal Sexual Proclivities
An Open Border To Third World Entitlement Seekers
Oh, And Guaranteed Basic Income For Everyone
Whether You Feel Like Working Or Not

How Will Any Of That IMPROVE The Economy
Increase Trade, Jobs, Wages And Revenue....Turkey
How do ya all feel about a Ryan/Gabbard ticket?
That Came Up In A NYT Wool-Gathering Editorial In 2004
Regarding Kerry's VP Pick Being McCain
Kerry Did Meet With McCain At His Home About A Week Later

No Word As To What They Discussed
But McCain Was Not Kerry's Pick
woodie said:
It could then be a repeat of 2016, but with better polling by the Dems.
Except Trump Will Win The Electoral College
And The Popular Vote
Like Bush Over Kerry 2004

Rump lost the popular vote by some three million, more than anyone in history ever lost the PV and still won the EC. Quincy Adams actually got even less PV by percentage, but he needed the House of Reps to install him; nobody won the EC in 1824.

Here's what will be keeping Rump awake at night, other than his eggshell ego freaking out every time somebody dares criticize him:

Rump's EC election came from a "perfect storm". The three states commonly cited whose EV votes he got that turned the tide, by a total of -- what was it, 77 thousand votes total? --- of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin --- none of them voted for him. Check the vote totals, nobody in any of those states mustered as much as 50% of each state's vote. Same thing happened here in Carolina. As well as Florida, even AridZona, even Utah.

What that means is that there was no competition. Nobody gave the electorate in those states a reason to proactively choose them, so their Electors made the choice for them. Only 55% of the electorate even bothered to show up at all, nationally. Given a reason to vote for somebody else, that's extreme vulnerability.

Add to that that Agent Orange cannot inch his own approval ratings over 40-42%, and that's another layer of vulnerability. It means most people are actively seeking an alternative. And they also see what the result will be if they don't pick one.

So the poster you quote here is correct. Unless the DP simply pulls an 1872 and literally nominates nobody, Rump is in deep doodoo. USMB echofantasies notwithstanding.

Even frickin' Utah. Rump could not win the state vote in Utah even with an R after his name.
That's fragile.
How do ya all feel about a Ryan/Gabbard ticket?
That Came Up In A NYT Wool-Gathering Editorial In 2004
Regarding Kerry's VP Pick Being McCain
Kerry Did Meet With McCain At His Home About A Week Later

No Word As To What They Discussed
But McCain Was Not Kerry's Pick
I like Ryan but I don’t think he could pull off Prez. Doesn’t have the personality for it.

I’m liking Biden/Pete but Biden won’t pick any of the candidates for his VP
I’m actually ready to vote for Williamson right now!!! All we need is love!!!!
Pogo said:
WTH_Progs? said:
Trump doesn't have to say a word, he seems to benefit when these progs speak.
Your "totals" reflect nothing but echobubble masturbation.

Here's What "echobubble masturbation" Looks Like:

Democrats Are Offering Free College, Free Medical
School Debt Forgiveness
Higher And Higher Taxation, Ballooning National Debt
Reparations For Skin Color AND Personal Sexual Proclivities
An Open Border To Third World Entitlement Seekers
Oh, And Guaranteed Basic Income For Everyone
Whether You Feel Like Working Or Not

How Will Any Of That IMPROVE The Economy
Increase Trade, Jobs, Wages And Revenue....Turkey

Utterly irrelevant and off the topic. The fact remains, the OP installed a masturbatory entry into his own poll --- right at the top, so the master baiters could stop reading there because reeding iz hard ---- who isn't even involved yet in debates. Hence this is a fake poll, conceived by an idiot, full of sound and furry, signifying nothing.

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