Who keeps denying the history of racism in America?

The ultimate irony of Racism in America is that the rise of BLM, the emergence of Critical Race Theory, and the intensity of the various riots we've seen over the past few years are the result of...

...the effective NEAR-ERADICATION OF MEANINGFUL RACISM in our society.

The ultimate question that Blacks in America must answer honestly is this: What have you been prevented from doing in your life, as a result of racism?

The honest answer for the vast, vast, vast majority of Blacks is..."Nothing."

Black illegitimacy, with all of its resulting social ills, has nothing to do with racism. The Black HS dropout rate has nothing to do with racism. The dreadful academic performance of Blacks - especially Black males - in this country has nothing to do with racism. The ubiquitous participation of Blacks - especially young Black males - in substance abuse and petty crimes, has nothing to do with racism. The deadly conflicts between Police and those Blacks apprehended that have dominated the evening news for the last couple years, have little to do with racism and everything to do with the outrageous behavior of Blacks who come to the attention of Police. Every single one of those YBM's would be alive today had they simply complied with the reasonable requests of Police.

And the near-eradication of racism, and the vestiges of racism, being more than offset by "Affirmative Action," and analogous programs in various guises.

So Blacks must confront the fact that they can no longer blame their wretched state (statistically speaking) on racism and/or harmful discrimination. So they make up new forms of racism that cannot even be observed - things like "endemic" and "systemic" racism - anything but admit that Blacks might have some fault for their own problems.

"White" America has not yet responded to these massive slanders, the claims that "we" are all intrinsically racist, and are to blame for generations of Black wretchedness, even though not a single act of racism can be cited. Note the totally-unfounded claims of racism leveled at Officer Chauvin after the verdict by our Comrades in the WH.

What are "you" going to say a generation from now when today's "illegals" somehow surpass Blacks into the middle class, and Blacks are still left sucking on the hind teat? I'm sure you will still have your race pimps to blame everything on Whitey but it will all be bullshit, just like "systemic racism" is bullshit today.
Most reasonable people would agree with that. How about stop denying progress that has been made?
Nobody denies "progress" has been made, however, when someone sticks a dagger 12 inches deep into your flesh, you're not gonna be celebrating when it gets lessened by 1 inch.

there are millions of police interactions with people every year.. about a million of arrests and tens of thousands of times where force is needed to arrest suspects.
If what you say is true, and there's so many "good cops", then why is it so difficult both legally and culturally to prosecute bad cops when they engage in clear wrongdoing?

When you watch the news however all you see is cops killing black people. To someone who does not dig deep, it sure looks like cops are racist and hunting down people of color... but the same news media doesn't report on lives saved by police... or all the times (the majority of times) that they act with restraint when making stops or arresting people. false or incomplete reporting, does a lot of damage and actually prolongs the effects of racism, because it prevents cooperation and trust.
The media isn't the problem here. In fact the media is just now catching up to what black Americans have been telling anyone that would listen for decades, since slavery really.

Thank God for social media, it seems whites have to see it over and over, and over, and over again, for themselves just to barely believe what blacks have been telling them. This isn't a good thing for "race relations."

Do you believe the average black person gets treated the same as the average white person in America, certainly as far as the police are concerned? Be honest.
Most reasonable people would agree with that. How about stop denying progress that has been made?
Nobody denies "progress" has been made, however, when someone sticks a dagger 12 inches deep into your flesh, you're not gonna be celebrating when it gets lessened by 1 inch.

there are millions of police interactions with people every year.. about a million of arrests and tens of thousands of times where force is needed to arrest suspects.
If what you say is true, and there's so many "good cops", then why is it so difficult both legally and culturally to prosecute bad cops when they engage in clear wrongdoing?

When you watch the news however all you see is cops killing black people. To someone who does not dig deep, it sure looks like cops are racist and hunting down people of color... but the same news media doesn't report on lives saved by police... or all the times (the majority of times) that they act with restraint when making stops or arresting people. false or incomplete reporting, does a lot of damage and actually prolongs the effects of racism, because it prevents cooperation and trust.
The media isn't the problem here. In fact the media is just now catching up to what black Americans have been telling anyone that would listen for decades, since slavery really.

Thank God for social media, it seems whites have to see it over and over, and over, and over again, for themselves just to barely believe what blacks have been telling them.

Do you believe the average black person gets treated the same as the average white person in America, certainly as far as the police are concerned? Be honest.
What Dagger---blacks are treated better than whites and asians and have been for decades now. Any holding back is the result blacks self inflicting their own problems. WELFARE reform would help alleviate a lot of problems---a large percentage of the criminal element in everyone's communities.
What Dagger---blacks are treated better than whites and asians and have been for decades now. Any holding back is the result blacks self inflicting their own problems. WELFARE reform would help alleviate a lot of problems---a large percentage of the criminal element in everyone's communities.
OK, so what decade did the "good treatment" of blacks begin?
The reality is that neither President Biden, anyone in his administration, nor the Democrat Party, has any ideas on how to unify the country, otherwise they would be doing it by now.
The Democrats prime directive is to divide the country by race, and income. That is how they keep Black people angry and scared and voting Democrat 90% of the time.
The reality is that neither President Biden, anyone in his administration, nor the Democrat Party, has any ideas on how to unify the country, otherwise they would be doing it by now.
The Democrats prime directive is to divide the country by race, and income. That is how they keep Black people angry and scared and voting Democrat 90% of the time.
Sad, but true. That's why Democrats cheated to get rid of Trump. He was the biggest threat Democrats have faced in years.
This is the type of stuff that's so frustrating, so many white Americans are woefully uninformed of America's racist history, so clearly have no concept of it's racist present. You can't get the present right if you're completely wrong on the past.
Look, genius, I am the only person in the world inviting all people to a constitutional convention to get it all straightened out. Nobody else is trying. I admit that I am not impressed by Black people, like you, and there are very few Black people who do impress me, and it is the same ratio with white people for me, because I consider myself to be the premier genius for having figured out what is wrong with the three-part separation of government.

It amazes me that frustrated black people, like you, are not trying to help me in the endeavor - imagine how frustrating it is for me. Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and some of the other celebrity Black people who have been, like you, trying to bash white people into submission; all ignore me.

We need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the founders and subsequent generations could not organize.
You continually equate personal racism to systemic racism. Just like the Democrats programmed you.
OK, let's hear your description of "personal racism" vs "systemic racism."
“Systemic biases,” are collateral dysfunction of the imperfect governing system that is in place guiding the society. Black people's encounters with racial prejudice is random, unpredictable, and an unfortunate product of social disorder that can only be rectified by adjusting the government, which can only be accomplished by correctly reordering the government chartering system.

A disorderly government leads to a disorderly society. An orderly government leads to an orderly society.

The claims of “systemic biases,” can only be contested by the participation of the aggrieved parties in a reconstitution process to guard against biases.

There is no system of racism - it is all personal and random encounters.
Look, genius, I am the only person in the world inviting all people to a constitutional convention to get it all straightened out. Nobody else is trying. I admit that I am not impressed by Black people, like you, and there are very few Black people who do impress me, and it is the same ratio with white people for me, because I consider myself to be the premier genius for having figured out what is wrong with the three-part separation of government.

It amazes me that frustrated black people, like you, are not trying to help me in the endeavor - imagine how frustrating it is for me. Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and some of the other celebrity Black people who have been, like you, trying to bash white people into submission; all ignore me.

We need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the founders and subsequent generations could not organize.
What do you believe this Lil convention of yours will accomplish?
What endeavor should Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, myself and others should be helping you with?
The same two sides as always: The Left, which says America is racist, and the Right, which says America is not racist.
Does the left really say that "America is racist?"

Is that what you hear when they say that systemic racism exists and/or is a problem?
apparently thats what the hoards of destructive violent rioting marxist that have been terrorizing our cities since 2014 believe .
What do you believe this Lil convention of yours will accomplish?
What endeavor should Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, myself and others should be helping you with?
How else are we going to have this ultimate discussion about race that Black people, like you, want to have? You think you are going to accomplish it here at a forum that was designed by white guys for white guys???

I know you have read authors who have claimed that the United States was only designed to advance white people, not black people.
OK, let's hear your description of "personal racism" vs "systemic racism."

Personal racism- Hatred for people of a particular race that is present in an individual. MarcATL is an example of someone exhibiting personal racism toward White people.

Systemic racism- Oppression of a particular race that is facilitated through a country's 'systems' i.e. government, law enforcement, hiring policies, dining policies, travel policies, sports and entertainment organizations etc. Not allowing Black people to dine in a restaurant with White people is an example of systemic racism.
Black people see systemic racism as when the parents tell their children that black people are the problem, and then when friends circulate their racist thoughts.

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