Who killed the "Border Bill"?

Nope. Doesn't work that way, retard. You post an opinion, it is up to you to back it up with evidence.

And then it is up to us to either refute (again with evidence) or not.

Let me know if you are still confused about how this works. :itsok:
Read the OP again.
On day one Trump will have the border sealed and buses flowing south... no matter where you came from you are going back the way you came... through Mexico....
Trump. That's what research tells me.
The Young Turks? Huff Post? LOL! You're such a good little sheeple, repeating regurgitated lines and doing what you are told.

The reality is that a joint group of Republicans and Democrats voted 'nay,' including Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, Bob Menendez, Alex Padilla, Ed Markey, and Laphonza Butler.

Did your research tell you that?
Yeah, that is how bills are passed or pulled. In Congress. Did you guys just discover that?

But go ahead. Give us a breakdown. How many Dems voted against it? How many Repubs voted against it? Go.
A bipartisan group voted against it. Hence it failed
How can Trump have sway over the GOP when you are always telling us all of the GOP thought he was a bad president, threat to democracy and they all are voting for Harris?
It's the Neo-GOP. The Cult excommunicates anyone who says anything good about any Democrat or any Old School Republican who doesn't conform with the exalted leader of the Cult.
WHA--? You bent your worm again?

Benedict Donald?
True. Let's say the Dems had 60 votes. With five Dem dissensions the bill still wouldn't have passed.
Well yes the bill would of passed. 55 votes

They only need 60 to end debate. They didn’t have enough to do that, and the dems gave up
So every other time Trump takes credit for anything, he is considered just an attention hound, but this time you give him credit?
You say, he tells the truth, but this time you say he lies?:auiqs.jpg:
It's the Neo-GOP. The Cult excommunicates anyone who says anything good about any Democrat or any Old School Republican who doesn't conform with the exalted leader of the Cult.
I appreciate all the dem senators that listened to trump and voted against the harris open border bill
Who cares who did it?

Kamala defused Trump's big issue.

Now turn the page to Melania shoving the abortion issue right up his fat ass!

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