Who Made Isis?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

ISIS started life as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad run by Abu Masab al-Zarqawi in 1999 two years before 9/11 and four before the invasion of Iraq.

al-Zarqawi was a guy who went to fight for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, but arrived too late, but still met ibn-Laden. His reasons for going to Afghanistan in the first place? Well he was a street fighter and an alcoholic, the sort of guy who fighting for insurgents and others is probably his sort of thing.

But what turns a guy like this into the leader of an insurgency group? Well, the need for someone to be an insurgent against. The guy went to Afghanistan in 2001 and fought against the US troops there.

Bush claimed there was a possibility that al-Zarqawi was in Iraq, and therefore al Qaeda was linked to Saddam before the invasion, as help in justifying the invasion. Turns out that declassified shows there was no link at all, it was just made up. Saddam was even trying to arrest this guy, he didn't want al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Then the Iraq invasion happened in 2003 and al-Zarqawi's group grew. In 2004 he pledged to al-Qaeda, which was now in Iraq, thanks to Bush.

The power vacuum in Iraq allowed these groups to grow and to gain support.

Then the US support for the Arab Spring happened, which led to the Syrian uprising, which in the beginning was supported by people, especially, like McCain, who wanted to fund such groups without much of a clue what they were actually funding. Not much different to funding the Mujaheddin that helped start this off in the first place.

Basically, ISIS is a product of incompetent US foreign policy over a period of time ranging from the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who also helped a little, through Reagan's presidency, then onto Bush Dubya's presidency they grew and grew because of complete incompetence in Iraq, which would seem to be the biggest factor in the rise of ISIS, alongside the support for the Arab Spring.

It's not a case of blaming one president, for it was not only presidents who played a part in this, and there were quite a few, from both parties, who played a major part in this, but to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.
Blame Bush. Why do I know you're some lice-infested geriatric hippy, frigidweirdo? I'll bet you call in to your favorite AM radio station once a week and ask them to play Satisfaction and Stairway to Heaven for the 6000th time, don't you?
History did not start in Jan 2009. Western intervention created this mess and unfortunately for you some of those meddlers were republicans. Accept it and move on.
Blame Bush. Why do I know you're some lice-infested geriatric hippy, frigidweirdo? I'll bet you call in to your favorite AM radio station once a week and ask them to play Satisfaction and Stairway to Heaven for the 6000th time, don't you?

Try reading what I wrote first.
Blame Bush. Why do I know you're some lice-infested geriatric hippy, frigidweirdo? I'll bet you call in to your favorite AM radio station once a week and ask them to play Satisfaction and Stairway to Heaven for the 6000th time, don't you?
History did not start in Jan 2009. Western intervention created this mess and unfortunately for you some of those meddlers were republicans. Accept it and move on.

I copied this from an article on the internet.

The direct result of the transforming circumstances which have allowed ISIS to rapidly flourish. Initially focused on achieving dominance in Iraq, it was kept under control in the relatively calm period between the initial sectarian strife that broke out following the US-led invasion in 2003, and the outbreak of hostilities following the American military withdrawal in 2011.

Since then, it has become a major player, receiving another critical boost when the civil war in Syria turned into a sectarian conflict, bringing in millions of dollars in funding and thousands of fresh recruits from around the world.

Unsurprisingly, although the first leader of ISIS, the late Abu Musab, did swear fealty to Al-Qaeda back in the early 2000s, the two organizations have fallen out.

The breaking point was the internecine fighting between ISIS and Al-Qaeda-backed Nusra in Syria. Pleas by Al-Qaeda to divide spheres of influence were flatly rejected by Abu Bakr, the ISIS leader, who spent four years in US captivity, before being released in 2009. After increasingly testy communication between the sides, Al-Qaeda “disowned” ISIS earlier this year, in return provoking ISIS to call the organization “traitors” and “a joke.”
I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

I want to know more specifics about the journalists who were beheadded. I want to know when the families will hold memorials. I want statements from old childhood friends, teachers etc. about the lives and contributions the men made. Usually we get the whole nine yards on that stuff from the media within nanoseconds after such horrific crimes. But oddly, nothing but vague "spokesmen for the family" coming forward.

Odd... :dunno:
And we don't need to "understand" them. The only thing we need to do is exterminate them.

Yeah, and in attempting to exterminate them, you'll make them hate you more, kill you more and then you'll complain even more at how evil they are because, er... they want to exterminate you.

So what does that make you, if you're an extremist who will stop at nothing to kill them?
I want to know more specifics about the journalists who were beheadded. I want to know when the families will hold memorials. I want statements from old childhood friends, teachers etc. about the lives and contributions the men made. Usually we get the whole nine yards on that stuff from the media within nanoseconds after such horrific crimes. But oddly, nothing but vague "spokesmen for the family" coming forward.

Odd... :dunno:

I'd like that about every Iraqi killed because of US foreign policy, but then there'd be too many to fill even a very large book, oh, and no one gives a sheet to do it anyway.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

People don't just go around killing people any more. They do it for a reason. All terrorists can be traced back to certain reasons why they felt the need. Even with a violent person like al-Zaqawi, he would have just been a violent alcoholic in and out of prison if the movement hadn't existed for him to join.

Extremist Islam in the modern area can be traced back to places like Afghanistan during the British invasions in the 1800s. Jihad in the modern sense certainly originated from there (as did press-ups).

If you look at ETA, the IRA, Chechen rebels, Xinjiang Muslim rebels among many that have existed, there is always a reason, and almost always it's repressive govts, either internally or externally, but either way the govt is considered an invading force.

To not understand any of this is to fight against what you don't know and to general feck it all up. Seeing as the US has managed to feck it all up on a massive scale in the Middle East in the last 12 years or so, it says a lot.
And we don't need to "understand" them. The only thing we need to do is exterminate them.

Yeah, and in attempting to exterminate them, you'll make them hate you more, kill you more and then you'll complain even more at how evil they are because, er... they want to exterminate you.

So what does that make you, if you're an extremist who will stop at nothing to kill them?
They CAN'T HATE ME MORE dummy. You clearly don't understand their mentality AT ALL.

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