Who Made Isis?

Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

Of course, because hey, Obama caused the Vietnam War, the Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Civil War, but hey, he didn't start the revolutionary war, because that'd make him a hero. Perhaps he started a war with the Romans too.

Shocker, another lib who thinks Obama farts daisies. Newsflash he's the POTUS he's responsible, good grief libs he begged us for the job not once but twice isn't it reasonable to expect him to prevent some of this crap? Hello earth to libs the job description isn't to sit on your fat ass and react to fires.
Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

ISIS was around long before Obama was inaugurated. Next stupid answer.

That gutless dumb ass you people put in the White House gave these freaks the green light, live with that.

You people? What do you mean "you people"? What a racist!

Why am I a racist, you do realize 10's of millions of white people voted for Obama right. If you have a problem with this PC crap well its your problem.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

People don't just go around killing people any more. They do it for a reason. All terrorists can be traced back to certain reasons why they felt the need. Even with a violent person like al-Zaqawi, he would have just been a violent alcoholic in and out of prison if the movement hadn't existed for him to join.

Extremist Islam in the modern area can be traced back to places like Afghanistan during the British invasions in the 1800s. Jihad in the modern sense certainly originated from there (as did press-ups).

If you look at ETA, the IRA, Chechen rebels, Xinjiang Muslim rebels among many that have existed, there is always a reason, and almost always it's repressive govts, either internally or externally, but either way the govt is considered an invading force.

To not understand any of this is to fight against what you don't know and to general feck it all up. Seeing as the US has managed to feck it all up on a massive scale in the Middle East in the last 12 years or so, it says a lot.

"To not understand any of this is to fight against what you don't know and to general feck it all up. Seeing as the US has managed to feck it all up on a massive scale in the Middle East in the last 12 years or so, it says a lot."


You have no understanding of Islam at all.
It's eerie though, you have the thought process correct but you have it 180 degrees out of phase.

Tell me, who are these "rebels" killing the most of?
Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

Of course, because hey, Obama caused the Vietnam War, the Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Civil War, but hey, he didn't start the revolutionary war, because that'd make him a hero. Perhaps he started a war with the Romans too.

Shocker, another lib who thinks Obama farts daisies. Newsflash he's the POTUS he's responsible, good grief libs he begged us for the job not once but twice isn't it reasonable to expect him to prevent some of this crap? Hello earth to libs the job description isn't to sit on your fat ass and react to fires.

It's like a giant game of Chinese Whispers this. Did I say anything positive about Obama? No, I didn't. I merely made the point that there is a certain section on here who will criticise Obama for everything and anything. I have never, ever voted Democrat. Understood?

I'd love to see both the Dems and Reps die a quick painful death and be replaced by a multi-party (ie, more than 2) system where real democracy is the spice of life.
"To not understand any of this is to fight against what you don't know and to general feck it all up. Seeing as the US has managed to feck it all up on a massive scale in the Middle East in the last 12 years or so, it says a lot."


You have no understanding of Islam at all.
It's eerie though, you have the thought process correct but you have it 180 degrees out of phase.

Tell me, who are these "rebels" killing the most of?

I'm lost. I don't understand anything about Islam because....... You didn't say why you think this.

And, who the rebels are killing has anything to do with what?
The Egyptians created Isis.

I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

ISIS started life as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad run by Abu Masab al-Zarqawi in 1999 two years before 9/11 and four before the invasion of Iraq.

al-Zarqawi was a guy who went to fight for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, but arrived too late, but still met ibn-Laden. His reasons for going to Afghanistan in the first place? Well he was a street fighter and an alcoholic, the sort of guy who fighting for insurgents and others is probably his sort of thing.

But what turns a guy like this into the leader of an insurgency group? Well, the need for someone to be an insurgent against. The guy went to Afghanistan in 2001 and fought against the US troops there.

Bush claimed there was a possibility that al-Zarqawi was in Iraq, and therefore al Qaeda was linked to Saddam before the invasion, as help in justifying the invasion. Turns out that declassified shows there was no link at all, it was just made up. Saddam was even trying to arrest this guy, he didn't want al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Then the Iraq invasion happened in 2003 and al-Zarqawi's group grew. In 2004 he pledged to al-Qaeda, which was now in Iraq, thanks to Bush.

The power vacuum in Iraq allowed these groups to grow and to gain support.

Then the US support for the Arab Spring happened, which led to the Syrian uprising, which in the beginning was supported by people, especially, like McCain, who wanted to fund such groups without much of a clue what they were actually funding. Not much different to funding the Mujaheddin that helped start this off in the first place.

Basically, ISIS is a product of incompetent US foreign policy over a period of time ranging from the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who also helped a little, through Reagan's presidency, then onto Bush Dubya's presidency they grew and grew because of complete incompetence in Iraq, which would seem to be the biggest factor in the rise of ISIS, alongside the support for the Arab Spring.

It's not a case of blaming one president, for it was not only presidents who played a part in this, and there were quite a few, from both parties, who played a major part in this, but to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.
The more the US intervenes in the affairs of Muslim countries, the more terrorism. Terrorist thrive on it. We arm one group and a few years latter, they are using those arms against.us. The biggest mistake the US has made is giving the terrorist a platform and a reason to fight. It was a mistake invading Iraq in the 90's and it was a mistake invading them again 10 years ago, and it would be a mistake to get into another ground war in Iraq.

Terrorism is a crime and needs to be treated as such. To do otherwise is to destroy the principals this country was founded on.
Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

Of course, because hey, Obama caused the Vietnam War, the Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Civil War, but hey, he didn't start the revolutionary war, because that'd make him a hero. Perhaps he started a war with the Romans too.

Shocker, another lib who thinks Obama farts daisies. Newsflash he's the POTUS he's responsible, good grief libs he begged us for the job not once but twice isn't it reasonable to expect him to prevent some of this crap? Hello earth to libs the job description isn't to sit on your fat ass and react to fires.

It's like a giant game of Chinese Whispers this. Did I say anything positive about Obama? No, I didn't. I merely made the point that there is a certain section on here who will criticise Obama for everything and anything. I have never, ever voted Democrat. Understood?

I'd love to see both the Dems and Reps die a quick painful death and be replaced by a multi-party (ie, more than 2) system where real democracy is the spice of life.

Good lord I think I agree with you. I have little respect for either establishment Democrats or Republicans and I'm sick of their lies, corruption, and incompetence. On the other hand it pisses me off that I lean libertarian on so many issues these days.
The more the US intervenes in the affairs of Muslim countries, the more terrorism. Terrorist thrive on it. We arm one group and a few years latter, they are using those arms against.us. The biggest mistake the US has made is giving the terrorist a platform and a reason to fight. It was a mistake invading Iraq in the 90's and it was a mistake invading them again 10 years ago, and it would be a mistake to get into another ground war in Iraq.

Terrorism is a crime and needs to be treated as such. To do otherwise is to destroy the principals this country was founded on.

It would have been a mistake to invade Iraq in the 1990s, but Bush senior and his advisers saw clearly the problems it would cause. Saddam was a necessary evil. Bush's son on the other hand didn't seem to want advice, or at least those controlling his strings didn't.

But yes, 2003 was a massive mistake that any man and his dog could have predicted, and I did, that it would go wrong, as it has done.

The worst part is the massive denial and the people calling for more mistakes to fix the mistakes that have blown out of control.

ISIS have even been attempting to get the US govt to invade with land troops, it's what they need to win.
Good lord I think I agree with you. I have little respect for either establishment Democrats or Republicans and I'm sick of their lies, corruption, and incompetence. On the other hand it pisses me off that I lean libertarian on so many issues these days.

I have respect for libertarians even if I don't always agree with them. They usually have a way of thinking, they follow a line and they stick to it. The main two parties merely fight each other to win a fight that merely distracts from the nonsense they're coming up with that is often just a knee jerk reaction to events. Reactions have never made great leaders.
"To not understand any of this is to fight against what you don't know and to general feck it all up. Seeing as the US has managed to feck it all up on a massive scale in the Middle East in the last 12 years or so, it says a lot."


You have no understanding of Islam at all.
It's eerie though, you have the thought process correct but you have it 180 degrees out of phase.

Tell me, who are these "rebels" killing the most of?

I'm lost. I don't understand anything about Islam because....... You didn't say why you think this.

And, who the rebels are killing has anything to do with what?

To not understand Islam is to think the way you are thinking.

It isn't Western intervention, t isn't a lack of understanding of their "plight".

It's western refusal to understand what Islam truly is that causes ALL of our problems.
To not understand Islam is to think the way you are thinking.

It isn't Western intervention, t isn't a lack of understanding of their "plight".

It's western refusal to understand what Islam truly is that causes ALL of our problems.

Yeah, you keep saying that and offering A) no reason why I don't understand and B) what you supposedly understand that is so damn enlightening.

So, your hypothesis is that Islam is just a problem. No backing up, just that's the way it is.

Do you know which Muslim countries had Western, usually French or British interference between about 1800 and 1939? The list is long, it's almost a complete list of Muslim countries. Do you know anything about this? You don't sound like you have any idea.





Some maps so you can see that almost all Muslim countries, expect Saudi Arabia, had massive western interference. How'd you feel if the US was suffering from interference like this? You'd go nuts.
To not understand Islam is to think the way you are thinking.

It isn't Western intervention, t isn't a lack of understanding of their "plight".

It's western refusal to understand what Islam truly is that causes ALL of our problems.

Yeah, you keep saying that and offering A) no reason why I don't understand and B) what you supposedly understand that is so damn enlightening.

So, your hypothesis is that Islam is just a problem. No backing up, just that's the way it is.

Do you know which Muslim countries had Western, usually French or British interference between about 1800 and 1939? The list is long, it's almost a complete list of Muslim countries. Do you know anything about this? You don't sound like you have any idea.





Some maps so you can see that almost all Muslim countries, expect Saudi Arabia, had massive western interference. How'd you feel if the US was suffering from interference like this? You'd go nuts.

Why don't you research what Jefferson thought about Islam in the late 1700's.

My point is you simply choose to believe a revisionist version of Islamic History no ore, no less.

"A few years later, in 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal very directly with the tenets of the Muslim religion"

"That this might not be so easy was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:"

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Tell me again how it is ALL our fault.
And we don't need to "understand" them. The only thing we need to do is exterminate them.

Yeah, and in attempting to exterminate them, you'll make them hate you more, kill you more and then you'll complain even more at how evil they are because, er... they want to exterminate you.

So what does that make you, if you're an extremist who will stop at nothing to kill them?
What it makes us is right to defend U.S. citizens by killing the Satan worshipers off instead of blaming everyone else. Idiot.
Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

ISIS was around long before Obama was inaugurated. Next stupid answer.

That gutless dumb ass you people put in the White House gave these freaks the green light, live with that.

You people? What do you mean "you people"? What a racist!
Libtarded idiots who put Obama the dumbass in office.

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