Who needs 100 rounds of ammo?

There's always a zombie apocalypse to be prepared for...

Besides, I don't need a reason to have a gazillion rounds of ammo. I have the right and that trumps need anyway.

There have already been 2 zombie apocalypses.

One in 2008 and in 2012. Millions of dead and brain dead votes for a meat puppet faggot.

Not that the living had a better choice.


Actually, the uneducated white men eletced Trump/. You prove that with every pos you make.

So what kind of asshole are you that you think a gunman is going to have a gun battle to kill your wife & kids?

RealMAGA is one of the best trolls on the site.

Dude is a big time 2nd ammendment supporter. He is pointing out the folly of the left wing’s platform. He loves Trump. He wouldn’t have anything to do in his spare time without the Bad Orange man.

Feral pig sounders is a reason for semiautomatic rifles.

How many people remember when NYC cops fired 41 rounds at Amadou Diallo?

A man who fired NO ROUNDS.

They hit him 19 times, less that a 50% hit rate because they were scared of a black guy with a wallet.

Now tell me if you are ever in a gunfight while police are just minutes away that 100 rounds is enough when you're faced with one or more armed thugs that don't limit their magazines or ammo because of some law.

You libturds really need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to issues you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.....

Which is just about every issue....


Please tell all of us the last time any civilian was in a gun fight with someone.

How many people remember when NYC cops fired 41 rounds at Amadou Diallo?

A man who fired NO ROUNDS.

They hit him 19 times, less that a 50% hit rate because they were scared of a black guy with a wallet.

Now tell me if you are ever in a gunfight while police are just minutes away that 100 rounds is enough when you're faced with one or more armed thugs that don't limit their magazines or ammo because of some law.

You libturds really need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to issues you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.....

Which is just about every issue....


Please tell all of us the last time any civilian was in a gun fight with someone.

It happens all the time, but your MSM doesn't cover such stories on a national level. They are all local and you need to find them. But here is one from my city that took place a couple of months ago.

Pizza shop employee shoots suspect after being shot in robbery

How many people remember when NYC cops fired 41 rounds at Amadou Diallo?

A man who fired NO ROUNDS.

They hit him 19 times, less that a 50% hit rate because they were scared of a black guy with a wallet.

Now tell me if you are ever in a gunfight while police are just minutes away that 100 rounds is enough when you're faced with one or more armed thugs that don't limit their magazines or ammo because of some law.

You libturds really need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to issues you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.....

Which is just about every issue....

Amadeus Diallo makes a good case not to fire at all

How many people remember when NYC cops fired 41 rounds at Amadou Diallo?

A man who fired NO ROUNDS.

They hit him 19 times, less that a 50% hit rate because they were scared of a black guy with a wallet.

Now tell me if you are ever in a gunfight while police are just minutes away that 100 rounds is enough when you're faced with one or more armed thugs that don't limit their magazines or ammo because of some law.

You libturds really need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to issues you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.....

Which is just about every issue....

Who needs 100 rounds of ammo?

Definitely not a mentally disturbed person that's for sure.

Definitely not a mentally disturbed gamer that's for sure.

A gamer who dives to deep into the game, virtually shutting himself off from the outside world is a potential problem developing right up under our noses. Now this is not to stereo type all gamers, but to say rather that the area may be of some serious concern if any direct links are proven. The problem may evolve over time all due to the time one spends at the controls unrestricted. This creates a separation from the outside world, where as once this happens the human begins to totally transform. The body structure changes, the look changes, and the stress levels highten to unhealthy levels etc.

Once become entrenched in the gamer world, and the addiction forms, then the outside world begins to become non-conformative as the game takes over the entire subject.

Once this happens, there is the possibility of ridicule and corrections that are then attempted by those either close to the individual or from around the outside edges of the individual who come in contact with the individual.

Restrictions and moderation is the key to not losing our society to these things.

A healthy time period must be set for anything our children become involved in.

The idea of no lines drawn, total freedom without guidence, no parenting, no values instilled, no work ethics taught, no examples being set etc, just leaves our youth totally vulnerable to corporate greed that will justify anything going, otherwise if it means billions in sales to their bottom lines.

Maybe game rooms should be formed again outside of the home, where the gamer can only play for the length of time that his or her money holds out ? Otherwise maybe games of a certain rating should be illegal to have in the home ? Otherwise if there is no parenting in the homes, then the kids just can't sit there turning themselves into gamer zombies....

This idea creates moderation, it creates work ethic to get out and mow lawns, sell bottles, and help the elderly again in order to aquire the money to hit the game room for a few hours on the weekend.

Our homes have become saturated with stuff that is child sitting our children while the parents are out working sometimes two jobs a piece, and this they do in order to create some kind of stature that takes them above and beyond the next family that might not have the cool things that they have.... Some are just trying to keep the standards of living up that is to be kept by those wanting to stay ahead of the GAME. Pun intended.

Not sure of all the links, but something is very wrong in our society, and the corporate world isn't helping to sovle it. Maybe bipartisan review panels are needed in order to investigate all that is happening, and then a report made with recommendations added. Wasn't this always the congresses job ??
It takes a special kind of stupid to think criminals are going to obey your rules.

^^^ this argument never works on the left because they know that. The left's schemes are NEVER about what the say they are. The left wants to ban guns and take away the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding gun owners. To achieve their goal they use these shootings by criminals and crazy people, knowing full well criminals and crazy people will ignore the law. They don't care, their true goal is to take guns away from law abiding gun owners.

Why? Good question, I think its out of spite and hatred. They know the 2nd amendment is something the right values so they attack it. I think its that simple.
I think they know it will bring them power by motivating their uninformed base to get to the voting booth or mail that ballot in.
Raise your hand if you are going to give your wife 100 rounds of ammunition and tell her to take on a guy with an AK-47
It takes a special kind of stupid to think criminals are going to obey your rules.

^^^ this argument never works on the left because they know that. The left's schemes are NEVER about what the say they are. The left wants to ban guns and take away the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding gun owners. To achieve their goal they use these shootings by criminals and crazy people, knowing full well criminals and crazy people will ignore the law. They don't care, their true goal is to take guns away from law abiding gun owners.

Why? Good question, I think its out of spite and hatred. They know the 2nd amendment is something the right values so they attack it. I think its that simple.
I think they know it will bring them power by motivating their uninformed base to get to the voting booth or mail that ballot in.
Such things make a total mockery of our political system, and renders it corrupt.

How many people remember when NYC cops fired 41 rounds at Amadou Diallo?

A man who fired NO ROUNDS.

They hit him 19 times, less that a 50% hit rate because they were scared of a black guy with a wallet.

Now tell me if you are ever in a gunfight while police are just minutes away that 100 rounds is enough when you're faced with one or more armed thugs that don't limit their magazines or ammo because of some law.

You libturds really need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to issues you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.....

Which is just about every issue....

light infantry should have as much as they want to carry.
I go through 100 rounds in a half hour to 45 minutes at the range, and that is very slow, aimed fire. A typical range session is at least 200 - 300 rounds although I have gone through 500 round bricks of .22lr at times depending how long I am there.
Raise your hand if you are going to give your wife 100 rounds of ammunition and tell her to take on a guy with an AK-47
So you are a male chauvinist ???

male chau·vin·ism

male prejudice against women; the belief that men are superior in terms of ability, intelligence, etc.

Yes you are. LOL
Please tell all of us the last time any civilian was in a gun fight with someone.

How the fuck should I know?

There are gunfights all the time in Chicago alone...

A minute ago? An hour ago? Yesterday? In ten seconds there will be one?

If you're in a hostile circumstance with a gun in your hand, even if you're committing an armed robbery, you're in a gunfight you freakishly stupid piece of shit.

If your weapons grade stupid question is referring to the defensive use of a gun by an innocent civilian where bullets are exchanged with a bad guy yes they are rare... THANK GOD!!!

Yet it happens often enough that there are hundreds of videos on YouTube. In almost every circumstance the presence of the weapon in the hands of a victim that was poorly selected by an aggressor, the perp runs away. Does that mean we need to shackle that civilian with some arbitrary limit set by bed wetters like you that thugs won't abide by?

How do people as stupid as you manage to survive this long?

Who needs 100 rounds of ammo?

Definitely not a mentally disturbed person that's for sure.

Definitely not a mentally disturbed gamer that's for sure.

A gamer who dives to deep into the game, virtually shutting himself off from the outside world is a potential problem developing right up under our noses. Now this is not to stereo type all gamers, but to say rather that the area may be of some serious concern if any direct links are proven. The problem may evolve over time all due to the time one spends at the controls unrestricted. This creates a separation from the outside world, where as once this happens the human begins to totally transform. The body structure changes, the look changes, and the stress levels highten to unhealthy levels etc.

Once become entrenched in the gamer world, and the addiction forms, then the outside world begins to become non-conformative as the game takes over the entire subject.

Once this happens, there is the possibility of ridicule and corrections that are then attempted by those either close to the individual or from around the outside edges of the individual who come in contact with the individual.

Restrictions and moderation is the key to not losing our society to these things.

A healthy time period must be set for anything our children become involved in.

The idea of no lines drawn, total freedom without guidence, no parenting, no values instilled, no work ethics taught, no examples being set etc, just leaves our youth totally vulnerable to corporate greed that will justify anything going, otherwise if it means billions in sales to their bottom lines.

Maybe game rooms should be formed again outside of the home, where the gamer can only play for the length of time that his or her money holds out ? Otherwise maybe games of a certain rating should be illegal to have in the home ? Otherwise if there is no parenting in the homes, then the kids just can't sit there turning themselves into gamer zombies....

This idea creates moderation, it creates work ethic to get out and mow lawns, sell bottles, and help the elderly again in order to aquire the money to hit the game room for a few hours on the weekend.

Our homes have become saturated with stuff that is child sitting our children while the parents are out working sometimes two jobs a piece, and this they do in order to create some kind of stature that takes them above and beyond the next family that might not have the cool things that they have.... Some are just trying to keep the standards of living up that is to be kept by those wanting to stay ahead of the GAME. Pun intended.

Not sure of all the links, but something is very wrong in our society, and the corporate world isn't helping to sovle it. Maybe bipartisan review panels are needed in order to investigate all that is happening, and then a report made with recommendations added. Wasn't this always the congresses job ??


I don't buy that. I might accept that in some cases it desensitizes some people, but they are fucked up already. The game didn't do it.

I played 1000's of hours of Mario Bros and even if I did eat some strange mushrooms from time to time I never bashed my head on a block looking for them and I never stomped on every turtle I saw and tried to kick it up stairs.

Who needs 100 rounds of ammo?

Definitely not a mentally disturbed person that's for sure.

Definitely not a mentally disturbed gamer that's for sure.

A gamer who dives to deep into the game, virtually shutting himself off from the outside world is a potential problem developing right up under our noses. Now this is not to stereo type all gamers, but to say rather that the area may be of some serious concern if any direct links are proven. The problem may evolve over time all due to the time one spends at the controls unrestricted. This creates a separation from the outside world, where as once this happens the human begins to totally transform. The body structure changes, the look changes, and the stress levels highten to unhealthy levels etc.

Once become entrenched in the gamer world, and the addiction forms, then the outside world begins to become non-conformative as the game takes over the entire subject.

Once this happens, there is the possibility of ridicule and corrections that are then attempted by those either close to the individual or from around the outside edges of the individual who come in contact with the individual.

Restrictions and moderation is the key to not losing our society to these things.

A healthy time period must be set for anything our children become involved in.

The idea of no lines drawn, total freedom without guidence, no parenting, no values instilled, no work ethics taught, no examples being set etc, just leaves our youth totally vulnerable to corporate greed that will justify anything going, otherwise if it means billions in sales to their bottom lines.

Maybe game rooms should be formed again outside of the home, where the gamer can only play for the length of time that his or her money holds out ? Otherwise maybe games of a certain rating should be illegal to have in the home ? Otherwise if there is no parenting in the homes, then the kids just can't sit there turning themselves into gamer zombies....

This idea creates moderation, it creates work ethic to get out and mow lawns, sell bottles, and help the elderly again in order to aquire the money to hit the game room for a few hours on the weekend.

Our homes have become saturated with stuff that is child sitting our children while the parents are out working sometimes two jobs a piece, and this they do in order to create some kind of stature that takes them above and beyond the next family that might not have the cool things that they have.... Some are just trying to keep the standards of living up that is to be kept by those wanting to stay ahead of the GAME. Pun intended.

Not sure of all the links, but something is very wrong in our society, and the corporate world isn't helping to sovle it. Maybe bipartisan review panels are needed in order to investigate all that is happening, and then a report made with recommendations added. Wasn't this always the congresses job ??


I don't buy that. I might accept that in some cases it desensitizes some people, but they are fucked up already. The game didn't do it.

I played 1000's of hours of Mario Bros and even if I did eat some strange mushrooms from time to time I never bashed my head on a block looking for them and I never stomped on every turtle I saw and tried to kick it up stairs.


As Andrew Klavan at the Dailywire pointed out....it isn't the video game....it is the lack of parental care that allows a kid who is developing a mental illness to lock themselves away with no intervention....... with the millions upon millions of people playing violent video games, less than a handful ever go on to commit mass shootings....

The El Paso shooter came from a broken home, the majority of criminals in prison come from broken homes....the left has made it their goal to separate children from families through government programs...and it worked.....we now have generations of children raised in homes without fathers.....
^^^ this argument never works on the left because they know that. The left's schemes are NEVER about what the say they are. The left wants to ban guns and take away the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding gun owners. To achieve their goal they use these shootings by criminals and crazy people, knowing full well criminals and crazy people will ignore the law. They don't care, their true goal is to take guns away from law abiding gun owners.

Why? Good question, I think its out of spite and hatred. They know the 2nd amendment is something the right values so they attack it. I think its that simple.

They know they can not "manage the human resource levels" if the cattle can fight back.

Do not suffer the illusion that these parasites are any different from those that wiped out millions of people in gulags, labor camps and forced famine. They want the guns because they want the power to murder without making it too dangerous for their zealots to do so.

That it.

End of story.


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