Who or what do you consider the biggest threat to our country?

The biggest threat in your opinion

  • ISIS

  • Iran

  • Russia

  • Our debt

  • Our own politicians

  • Muslim extremists

  • The far right

  • The far left

  • Illegal immigration

  • Entitlments

  • Civil unrest

  • Organized religion

  • Other (please explain below)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Curious to see what USMB thinks
Threats To America:

(1) Government corruption
(2) Division
(3) Economic decline
(4) The injustices associated with our judicial system
(5) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(6) Loss of freedom and rights
(7) Senseless deadly costly wars
(8) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(9) Our import dependency
(10) Inadequate opportunities to be self-supporting
(11) Deteriorating infrastructure
(12) Social Class separation
(13) The creation of a poor and dependent society
(14) The rising cost of higher education and health care
(15) Pollution of the environment
(16) Unfair, unequal, and unjust taxation
(17) Government waste and misuse of tax dollars
(18) White Collar crime
(19) Drug and alcohol addiction
(20) Riots and civil unrest
(21) Terrorism
(22) Lost skills
(23) The number of citizens that will suffer from depression and the sense of hopelessness
(24) The militarization of law enforcement
(25) The strain on the Social Security Fund

******* Random order
Nearly every one of those is a result of GOP policies.
Lost Skills - anti education
Economic Decline - moving jobs to China and closing factories.
Division - Republicans are 90% white and hate minorities.
Pollution of the Environment - A GOP "goal", dirty is cheaper than clean.

and so on.
The Media.....NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, and Hollywood make Obama a threat.
Curious to see what USMB thinks
Threats To America:

(1) Government corruption
(2) Division
(3) Economic decline
(4) The injustices associated with our judicial system
(5) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(6) Loss of freedom and rights
(7) Senseless deadly costly wars
(8) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(9) Our import dependency
(10) Inadequate opportunities to be self-supporting
(11) Deteriorating infrastructure
(12) Social Class separation
(13) The creation of a poor and dependent society
(14) The rising cost of higher education and health care
(15) Pollution of the environment
(16) Unfair, unequal, and unjust taxation
(17) Government waste and misuse of tax dollars
(18) White Collar crime
(19) Drug and alcohol addiction
(20) Riots and civil unrest
(21) Terrorism
(22) Lost skills
(23) The number of citizens that will suffer from depression and the sense of hopelessness
(24) The militarization of law enforcement
(25) The strain on the Social Security Fund

******* Random order
Nearly every one of those is a result of GOP policies.
Lost Skills - anti education
Economic Decline - moving jobs to China and closing factories.
Division - Republicans are 90% white and hate minorities.
Pollution of the Environment - A GOP "goal", dirty is cheaper than clean.

and so on.
Re-check your time table. Most of the items have been a work in progress for over a half century now, through both Republican and Democratic administrations. What we're seeing and experiencing now, didn't happen overnight. Go back and check to see when we started closing our plants and factories, the Viet Nam war, government corruption, robbing of the Social Security Fund, the injustices in our judicial system, and others. Check each item and then trace its roots back to the beginning. Neither party can wash its hands of the mess this country is in.
I was gonna say "racism" because it destroys from within, but this is by far the best answer:

Narcissistic, absolutist hardcore partisan ideologues who refuse to look in the mirror, placing political victory over country.

Can't top that. Perfectly exhibited already in posts 7, 11 and 13.
And many more to come I have no doubt.

My detestation of the Democratic Party has nothing to do with ideology and gross politics, but with the danger it presents to the foundational integrity of the country.
Biggest threat, the American Taliban, these ignorant asswipes.

Who fucks a married man at a Family Values conference.
you're biggest fear is an American woman with a rifle leftard?

you're a bigger pussy than i thought
i see 7 times as many believe the far left in American politics is a greater threat than ISIS


you're biggest fear is an American woman with a rifle leftard?
you're a bigger pussy than i thought
I wouldn't fear her if she had the gun pointed at my head, but the mentality she represents, the same profound ignorance and hatred of liberalism, is no different than that of ISIS. Evil peas in an evil pod. She, like you, is an American in name only.
you're biggest fear is an American woman with a rifle leftard?
you're a bigger pussy than i thought
I wouldn't fear her if she had the gun pointed at my head, but the mentality she represents, the same profound ignorance and hatred of liberalism, is no different than that of ISIS. Evil peas in an evil pod. She, like you, is an American in name only.

Says the coward commie prick?
you're biggest fear is an American woman with a rifle leftard?
you're a bigger pussy than i thought
I wouldn't fear her if she had the gun pointed at my head, but the mentality she represents, the same profound ignorance and hatred of liberalism, is no different than that of ISIS. Evil peas in an evil pod. She, like you, is an American in name only.
View attachment 45715


17 black Americans are killed EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR

every year

none of those tragic deaths gets treated to sanctimonious rants from your emotional loser self
i see 7 times as many believe the far left in American politics is a greater threat than ISIS



Then I guess that settles it. There are at least 7 times more stupid right wingers here than sane people. I'm not surprised.
in other words paint-tard you hate what you fear, and fear what you dont understand??

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