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Who Owns Your Children?

Massacre at Wounded Knee..

1. This is the most disgusting post you have ever offered....if you thought it funny to conflate the United States to the Nazis.....it isn't.

2. 'Wounded Knee' is not what the America haters taught you it was.

Pop culture unfailingly paints the army as brutal killers, as in the famous South Dakota Wounded Knee ‘massacre,’ December 29, 1890. Robert Marshall Utley (born in 1929) is an author and historian who has written sixteen books on the history of the American West, including The Last Days of the Sioux Nation. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (1963) in which he concludes that “the Indians fired at least 50 shots before the troops returned fire.”

You've become a disgusting little twerp.
Disgusting is when you have the superior firepower and decide to use it on women, children and unarmed humans...America is not all right and it's not all wrong. We as a nation have just as much blood on our hands as other nations. When you can admit that then we can understand that turning a blind eye to how people were actually treated in the US does not deserve a medal..or any accolades..
Shall we get into white brutality against minorities in US history, or do you not want to see dead Asians that were hung just for wanting a place to live and a job?

Nevertheless, you took a picture of a Nazi death camp and claimed it was a picture of Wounded Knee.

You would never have seen these images in history books from 50 years ago when I was in school..

You'll see even more made up history as your ilk takes more and more control.
My ilk prefers the truth over your propaganda..

Quite the contrary, as I've just shown.

Retract and reform yourself.

So you deny that the US and it's white citizens never unduly harmed a single minority in it's history?

Do you deny that "minorities" never harmed a white American citizen?
My kids were born in America but America does not own them, I don't own them.... God owns them, they own themselves as owning another human being implies they are someone's property. That is both repugnant, anti Christian, and anti American.
Seems you still cannot recognize others that look at the facts and then make their own minds up.
Faux news seems to have you a bit brain washed.

If you think this is brainwashing go right ahead.
Maybe these students are their own thinkers looking at all the facts.
They make their own judgements.
It's a sad statement you don't understand they have the right to their own thoughts and opinions.
Damn!!! I love the ideology of this country.

If you love this nation, and want your children to feel about it the way you do....you will find, sadly, that they will be corrupted by a Marxist history curriculum.
They will be taught that the rest of the world sees themselves as victims of America...and your children will be taught to see America through that lens: an evil, predatory nation.

Such is the result of the take-over by the 60s radicals....

How did it begin?

"The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.”
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

What did they want?

"The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.”
Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

Having taken over the schools, at every level, and the media, the dissemination of information in the society, they had everything they needed to destroy what the Founders had given us.

And now, one more sign of how they despise the greatness of America, and mean to have that view indelibly impressed on the youth, is the change in the AP History exam, by the College Board.

1. " The College Board, ...has kicked off a national controversy by issuing a new and unprecedentedly detailed “Framework” for its AP U.S. History exam. This Framework will effectively force American high schools to teach U.S. history from a leftist perspective....the new AP U.S. History framework [is] closely tied to a movement of left-leaning historians that aims to “internationalize” the teaching of American history.... to “end American history as we have known it” by substituting a more “transnational” narrative for the traditional account.

2. ....also seeks to produce a generation of Americans more amendable to working through the United Nations and various left-leaning “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) on issues like the environment and nuclear proliferation. A willingness to use foreign law to interpret the U.S. Constitution is likewise encouraged.

3. ... let’s have a closer look at its goals. NYU historian Thomas Bender is the leading spokesman ....Bender’s views can be found in his 2006 book, A Nation Among Nations: America’s Place in World History. ...

a. ... a thoroughgoing critic of American exceptionalism, the notion that America is freer and more democratic than any other nation, and for that reason, a model, vindicator, and at times the chief defender of ordered liberty and self-government in the world.

b. ... Bender wants to subordinate American identity to a cosmopolitan, “transnational” sensibility. ...Whereas the old U.S. history forged a shared national identity by emphasizing America’s distinctiveness, Bender hopes to encourage cosmopolitanism by “internationalizing” the American story.... Bender laments that history as taught in our schools has bred an “acceptance of the nation as the dominant form of human solidarity.”"
How the College Board Politicized U.S. History National Review Online

The hate-America brigade is on the verge of winning a momentous victory....and dealing the United States a coup de grâce.

The brainwashing continues at Harvard....Notice one of these students says "what we've been learning recently"

Brainwashing is exactly what this new curriculum is about.

Moreover, the thread is about understanding what the direction of the teaching of history to impressionable mind will produce:

12. "... scholarly treatment of American cultural imperialism, penned by left-leaning University of Michigan historian Penny Von Eschen, is relentlessly critical of America’s economic and military presence in the world.

Eschen, for example, touts the Marxist tract, How to Read Donald Duck, by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelhart, as the classic treatment of American cultural imperialism. How to Read Donald Duck explores the subtle and sinister ways in which Disney cartoons advocate “adherence to the U.S. economic system and capitalist values and work ethic,” as if this was a very bad thing..... seeks out off-putting examples of American propaganda and then suggests that students to put themselves in the places of people in the Soviet block or developing world as they respond to the American presence. This, indeed, is teaching students to see their country through the eyes of its alleged “victims” and enemies.

a. The College Board’s new and vastly more detailed guidelines can only be interpreted as an attempt to hijack the teaching of U.S. history on behalf of a leftist political and ideological perspective. The College Board has drastically eroded the freedom of states, school districts, teachers, and parents to choose the history they teach their children.

b. How can American conservatives, moderates, and even traditional liberals trust an AP U.S. History redesign effort led by figures who were so deeply enmeshed in a leftist attempt to reshape the American history curriculum? How the College Board Politicized U.S. History National Review Online

You cannot love this country and endorse this history curriculum.
Truth. Justice and the American way is how history was taught. But they left out the truth and there was no justice for many Americans oppressed by white American ideology....

Unfortunately the race victim mentality for not getting what you want is still an excuse that's played out and supported,. Rather it's more American to demonstrate a commitment of achievement through education, learning from the success of others, and not being afraid to roll up those sleeves through some personal hard work rather than allowing a government to provide it for you. There is no respect for those who build their own success while creating a better role model for their children to live by.
Again if what is being taught now is no good then by all means tell us what SHOULD be taught.... that's what I thought... no response. Typical
Cut and paste pertains to the way content is presented, dope.


When I posted on the sister site to this one the lefties never stopped bitching about my cut and pasting of material...it must be a symptom of their liberal dyslexia...it is interesting to see that lefties everywhere hate when you cut and paste the truth about their stupid ideas...
Again if what is being taught now is no good then by all means tell us what SHOULD be taught.... that's what I thought... no response. Typical

If you read PoliticalChic's posts...you can see what needs to also be taught about American History by what the left wants left out of American history education...the "democrat hate America" history...

14. "It deletes the Pilgrims, John Winthrop, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln and other long-celebrated figures central to America’s founding and growth.

In their place, America’s future leaders are given a warts-only take on America’s past that casts European settlers as villains. These Europeans disrupted ecologically balanced native American society, bringing “widespread deadly epidemics,” a “caste system,” resource exploitation and slavery. The Europeans’ “belief in white superiority” was used, the framework declares, “to justify their subjugation of Africans and American Indians.”
U.S. history takes drastic left turn this fall

You just don't want to see it...if you deny it it doesn't exist...
My kids were born in America but America does not own them, I don't own them.... God owns them, they own themselves as owning another human being implies they are someone's property. That is both repugnant, anti Christian, and anti American.

If you haven't made them strong enough.....the Left will own them.

And that's the basis of the title.

Best of luck.
American history is really this...the world was a barbaric place ruled by kings and military might...the old world...Europe and Africa transported slavery to the new world...where they found slavery, human sacrifice and cannibalism...and then...in a miracle...a new way was created...government that was limited in it's power over the people who lived under it...it was also codified that all men, and later women...but please, don't get hung up on that...it was the nature of the times...everywhere..., are created equal and are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights...you know...the rights you lefties keep trying to alienate...and the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights created a new society that with the concepts in those documents created a society that leaped ahead of all others of the time...surpassing them...in all ways...

It took time to get past the old world practice of enslaving other people...but we did it in less time than any other civilization on the planet...and from the problems caused by European and African slavery we dug ourselves out of the racism of the fellow travelers of that system who tried to maintain it through war, terror and murder...you know...the democrats...

Our country achieved more, in less time than any other country on the planet, having abused that power less than any other similar nation of the same strength...and we helped others achieve that freedom as well...

And the thing that enabled our achivements was our founding principals codified in our founding documents...the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill Of Rights...and because of those principals...we have had over 200 years of peaceful political transition, prosperity unknown anywhere else in the world, and more freedom for individuals of all races, colors and creeds than anywhere else in the world...

Those principals in those documents need to be taught and learned by every generation and shown exactly why they are so important...and powerful and create so much freedom....

How about we teach that...as the core of any history of the United States...
Again if what is being taught now is no good then by all means tell us what SHOULD be taught.... that's what I thought... no response. Typical

On the contrary.....the thread is the response.

I have no intention of allowing you to change the subject.....it remains, is Marxism and the slander of our history what you....now, knowingly,.....accept from education industry?

If you can't answer that, you can't think.
Where is the eighties concept of what should be taught? Waiting... hypocrites.

A bit more education for you?


1. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

2. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”
If you love this nation, and want your children to feel about it the way you do....you will find, sadly, that they will be corrupted by a Marxist history curriculum.


Show us one public school district in the US that has an actual Marxist history curriculum.


Post the curriculum, and then point to enough of the content that can be credibly identified as having as its purpose the advancement of or advocacy for Marxism to where one can accurately describe the curriculum as Marxist.

One school district's history curriculum.
and Rosenberg cases,

I remember where I was when the rosenberg traitors were proven to be traitors...it was after the fall of the wall when the secret files of the communists were opened up and yes...the rosenbergs had helped the second greatest socialist mass murderer in history get the most powerful weapon ever created...

I saw the movie about Roy Cohn where, with James Woods where the ghost of the traitor ethel rosenberg is haunting him...now everyone knows she was a traitor...
"The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.”
Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51


Now there's a classic PoliticalChic stupid.

Robert Bork ridiculing radical leftists for the crime of trying to get into positions of influence.

Robert Bork, the radical rightwinger WHO TRIED TO GET ONTO THE SUPREME COURT, ridiculing leftists for trying to get into positions of influence.
14. "It deletes the Pilgrims, John Winthrop, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln and other long-celebrated figures central to America’s founding and growth.

U.S. history takes drastic left turn this fall

This part I found Interesting so I went to the link which is WND and the story doesnt tell what exactly was done or why. They simply blame it all on liberals yadda yadda and interpretations of what THEY think the history shows and by coincidence its always negative.

But look at this. Jefferson was removed from History books IN TEXAS!! Of course they never mention that part. Oh but it must be the fault of LIBERALS in Texas. Anyway check out the link: Blogging the Social Studies Debate IV TFN Insider

Check out the quote:
Early in the day, member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, successfully moved to remove Thomas Jefferson from a list of philosophers in the World History standards, and added religious thinkers including John Calvin and Thomas Acquinas, and Sir William Blackstone, an influential English judge who wrote a lasting treatise on common law.
SBOE Removes Thomas Jefferson Blames Media The Texas Tribune

See this is what happens when the OP pulls bullshit from partisan sites. She is so busy making silly bullet points when her time would be better spent not owning herself with stupid shit.

So a REPUBLICAN in TEXAS removed Thomas Jefferson from the history books. WHEN PEOPLE COMPLAINED THEY BLAMED THE MEDIA!! Sound familiar?

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