Who Pays the Taxes? Who Should?

What is your preference for a federal tax system?

  • Do away with income and business taxes and go to a fee system.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • The rich should pay more.

    Votes: 14 24.1%
  • Keep the system as it is now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lower taxes for all.

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • A flat tax for all.

    Votes: 28 48.3%
  • Other and I'll specify in my post

    Votes: 9 15.5%

  • Total voters
They do. They simply get it back at the end of the year in the form of a refund.

If they get it all back in a refund how exactly is that paying? Too funny! :lol:

Perhaps you are not informed about the Earned Income Credit? I suggest you look it up. We who do pay taxes are paying a great deal of money to many Americans who pay no income taxes, and yes, it does go to them as a 'tax refund'. I've noticed the Obama administration has really stepped up advertisement of this program in recent weeks too. They are intending to buy this election any way they can do that.

I was merely pointing out that when people get 100% of their Taxes refunded... They are not paying any Taxes.
Don't you think it would be important to include a look at what % of wealth those groups hold compared with the tax %?

Did that thought never cross your mind?

Never in the history of the USA has there been a tax on wealth. Why do you think it necessary to start taxing wealth now? And how do you square that with property rights being included in our unalienable rights protected by the Constitution?

The point being is we need to look at how much money the rich are earning and compare that to what % of that is being taxed and compare that with how much money the poor and middle class are earning and what % are they paying. Wages for the poor and middle class have been stagnant while the rich have generally become richer. All the while the rich have seen their tax burden drop. So yes, the rich are paying a lions share of the taxes in this country which would look unfair if you look at that single aspect in a silo. However, you need to consider that they are paying more because they are earning more, while the middle class and poor are not.

So to summarize, what you're saying is FUCK those hard working people who have been smart enough to earn more?

If the "rich are getting richer", it's NOT because they are robbing banks. It's because they are doing things better, smarter, faster, more efficiently, etc. than other people. Why should they be punished for that?

More importantly, why do you feel the need to demonize and punish them for that?
If they get it all back in a refund how exactly is that paying? Too funny! :lol:

Perhaps you are not informed about the Earned Income Credit? I suggest you look it up. We who do pay taxes are paying a great deal of money to many Americans who pay no income taxes, and yes, it does go to them as a 'tax refund'. I've noticed the Obama administration has really stepped up advertisement of this program in recent weeks too. They are intending to buy this election any way they can do that.

I was merely pointing out that when people get 100% of their Taxes refunded... They are not paying any Taxes.

Okay, I misinterpreted your post. Sorry about that. But you are exactly right. When you are refunded alll the income taxes deducted from your pay each pay period, the result is that you pay no income taxes. And if you get EIC, you can be "refunded" a substantial amount even though you didn't pay any income taxes.
Last I checked, neither candidate was running on serious tax reform. Neither party wants serious tax reform, no one wants to change the system we have, they are only bickering about what loopholes/credits we should alter.

Federal income tax should be 10% across the board for ALL earners. Period. Then, eliminate ALL deductions, loopholes, etc.

With a flat 10% and nothing else, you could essentially shut down the entire IRS. That's over $10 billion in savings per year alone.

What I wouldn't do to see the federal government gutted to it's Constitutional size and responsibility. What a glorious site that would be.
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Last I checked, neither candidate was running on serious tax reform. Neither party wants serious tax reform, no one wants to change the system we have, they are only bickering about what loopholes/credits we should alter.

Federal income tax should be 10% across the board for ALL earners. Period. Then, eliminate ALL deductions, loopholes, etc.

With a flat 10% and nothing else, you could essentially shut down the entire IRS. That's over $10 billion in savings per year alone.

What I wouldn't do to see the fedearl government gutted to it's Constitutional size and responsibility. What a glorious site that would be.

Yeah, that's what you want. However that's not what Obama wants and that's not what Romney wants.
My tax system:

1) Flat tax.
People who do not pay taxes at all:
1) Active Military
2) College Students
3) Everybody else pays taxes.

No tax credits, no loopholes, no EIC...no IRS.
My tax system:

1) Flat tax.
People who do not pay taxes at all:
1) Active Military
2) College Students
3) Everybody else pays taxes.

No tax credits, no loopholes, no EIC...no IRS.

Everyone with an income pays income taxes. period.

No special treatment for anyone.
everyone with an income should pay income tax.

They do. They simply get it back at the end of the year in the form of a refund.

If they get it back then they don't pay taxes.

What they do is give the fucking government an interest free loan.

They do exactly what the government asks of them and pay exactly what the government asks them to pay.

Credits, deductions and "loopholes" are not the rich or the poor cheating the system. They are a part of the system. Dems like to use loopholes to demonize the rich and republicans like to use credits to demonize the poor.

However today's eliminated credit/loophole will just be tomorrows bargaining chip.
My tax system:

1) Flat tax.
People who do not pay taxes at all:
1) Active Military
2) College Students
3) Everybody else pays taxes.

No tax credits, no loopholes, no EIC...no IRS.

Probably one of the worst ideas ever presented on this site. Congrats.
Only industrialized country in the world with a flat tax system.......Russia

Never thought I would see conservatives say.....Lets be more like Russia

Tax Code of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I haven't read a great deal on Russia's flat tax that has been in place for a little over a decade now--they also lowered their corporate taxes too--but whatI have read is that there is far less tax evasion and revenues have increased substantially and they have enjoyed a much more stable economy with a steady GDP since that system went in. Other countries that followed suit have also had good results.

I don't want us to be like Russia. I believe in American exceptionalism and I don't want us to be like anybody else. I want us to again be a role model for the world again. But I think Russia could teach us a thing or two about taxes because their system for taxes is working.
I don't want us to be like Russia. I believe in American exceptionalism and I don't want us to be like anybody else. I want us to again be a role model for the world again. But I think Russia could teach us a thing or two about taxes because their system for taxes is working.

Russian women are selling themselves for marriage like women in third world countries do.

Their system is NOT working.
Only industrialized country in the world with a flat tax system.......Russia

Never thought I would see conservatives say.....Lets be more like Russia

Tax Code of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I haven't read a great deal on Russia's flat tax that has been in place for a little over a decade now--they also lowered their corporate taxes too--but whatI have read is that there is far less tax evasion and revenues have increased substantially and they have enjoyed a much more stable economy with a steady GDP since that system went in. Other countries that followed suit have also had good results.

I don't want us to be like Russia. I believe in American exceptionalism and I don't want us to be like anybody else. I want us to again be a role model for the world again. But I think Russia could teach us a thing or two about taxes because their system for taxes is working.

There are several countires in eastern Europe who have adopted the flat tax, some are doing well and some are doing awful. Iceland went to the flat tax in 07, it did so poorly that they have since changed.

Hmm, I like the flat tax, but the more I read about it the more it seems to work great on paper, and very poorly irl....
They do. They simply get it back at the end of the year in the form of a refund.

If they get it back then they don't pay taxes.

What they do is give the fucking government an interest free loan.

They do exactly what the government asks of them and pay exactly what the government asks them to pay.

Credits, deductions and "loopholes" are not the rich or the poor cheating the system. They are a part of the system. Dems like to use loopholes to demonize the rich and republicans like to use credits to demonize the poor.

However today's eliminated credit/loophole will just be tomorrows bargaining chip.

The system is broken.
Only industrialized country in the world with a flat tax system.......Russia

Never thought I would see conservatives say.....Lets be more like Russia

Tax Code of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Open minded people are usually up for trying out a good idea regardless of the source.

The Russians did that with Communism....look how that turned out

So you equate a revamp of the tax code to communism now?

tell me is our space program the same as Naziism since we used a ot of German scientists to make it possible?

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