Who says blacks won't vote for Trump?

:0) Step in now you powerless twinkle-toed bitch.

Obviously you don't know shit about politics. Your claim that black voters will vote for Trump clearly demonstrates just how ignorant you are about the subject.

I'll be looking for you on election day so I can enjoy the demonstration of your incredible ignorance. It's going to be a fun day.

Blacks are voting for Trump in RECORD NUMBERS same as distraught women who prefer a pussy-grabber over an old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, epileptic, lying racist criminal communist who will overrun the country with mehicans who steal black jobs. I can survive Hillary but you can't survive Trump....you'll have to WORK for your EBT card or explain why you're a worthless public employee who posts here on the government dime.

:lol: Yet another demonstration that you don't know shit about politics.

I'm saving this one for you. :0)

Election day is going to be so much fun.
When Trump told the blacks he would get them jobs, he lost their votes
I dont care who they are. Nothing they have to say is of interest to me. If you think saying Blacks wont vote for Drumpf is scare tactics then you are not really thinking. Its a foregone conclusion Blacks will categorically reject Drumpf.
well you're not the only person on here besides me. I'm sharing, why is it you don't like conservatives sharing? you like to think you can control people? is that it? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Calm down! Blacks will not turn out for Trump. Period. Sure, you can find some anecdotal evidence to the contrary, but the polls all show The Donald has no viable support from the African American voter block.

Not every demographic is a monolith. Some women will vote for Trump, but they are the exception, not the rule. Some college educated folks will vote for Trump, but, again, they are the exception, not the rule.

David Duke is running in Louisiana. I'm quite sure that even he, an avowed racist, will get a couple of votes from Black folks there.

But to assume that African Americans will turn out in numbers large enough to help secure a Trump victory is silly in the face of the current polling.
and yet, here you have two very bright ladies saying the opposite of the polls. hmmmmm it will be interesting won't it. I'm confident he takes the majority. I have faith in the african american voting population to finally stand up and say fk you to the democratic libturds who have squelched their lives for so so long.

BTW, I am very calm, it's you and you libturds whose panties are in a bind
Polls. Why did the Donald cite every poll showing him winning during the primaries and now he says he doesn't trust the polls?
He was winning
So did he trust polls so long as they showed him winning, but lost trust in them when they show him losing? What kind of flip flop is that?
you should learn who they are. and I believe them not you. they know, I know. scare tactics is the normal daily output of a lib.
I dont care who they are. Nothing they have to say is of interest to me. If you think saying Blacks wont vote for Drumpf is scare tactics then you are not really thinking. Its a foregone conclusion Blacks will categorically reject Drumpf.
well you're not the only person on here besides me. I'm sharing, why is it you don't like conservatives sharing? you like to think you can control people? is that it? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Calm down! Blacks will not turn out for Trump. Period. Sure, you can find some anecdotal evidence to the contrary, but the polls all show The Donald has no viable support from the African American voter block.

Not every demographic is a monolith. Some women will vote for Trump, but they are the exception, not the rule. Some college educated folks will vote for Trump, but, again, they are the exception, not the rule.

David Duke is running in Louisiana. I'm quite sure that even he, an avowed racist, will get a couple of votes from Black folks there.

But to assume that African Americans will turn out in numbers large enough to help secure a Trump victory is silly in the face of the current polling.
and yet, here you have two very bright ladies saying the opposite of the polls. hmmmmm it will be interesting won't it. I'm confident he takes the majority. I have faith in the african american voting population to finally stand up and say fk you to the democratic libturds who have squelched their lives for so so long.

BTW, I am very calm, it's you and you libturds whose panties are in a bind
Polls. Why did the Donald cite every poll showing him winning during the primaries and now he says he doesn't trust the polls?

I think he learned poll flip flopping from following the Right on USMB.
:0) Step in now you powerless twinkle-toed bitch.

Obviously you don't know shit about politics. Your claim that black voters will vote for Trump clearly demonstrates just how ignorant you are about the subject.

I'll be looking for you on election day so I can enjoy the demonstration of your incredible ignorance. It's going to be a fun day.

Blacks are voting for Trump in RECORD NUMBERS same as distraught women who prefer a pussy-grabber over an old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, epileptic, lying racist criminal communist who will overrun the country with mehicans who steal black jobs. I can survive Hillary but you can't survive Trump....you'll have to WORK for your EBT card or explain why you're a worthless public employee who posts here on the government dime.

:lol: Yet another demonstration that you don't know shit about politics.

I'm saving this one for you. :0)

Election day is going to be so much fun.

I agree and this has all been in good fun, at least for me.
They hate, that much is for sure.

So do you. I guess you're surprised that the people you hate, hate you. :0)

Why would you say I hate? I only brought up hate in reference to what you posted. I do really dislike Hillary and I say it approaches hate, but that is about it. The rest of you are not all that important to waste such an emotion.

But really, are you a super predator as Hillary called you? Do you think you need brought to her heel? I have never heard Trumps say anything like that about blacks. So it is curious as to why you used the word hate. Not vote for him, OK. But you said hate, as you did in reference to me and I said absolutely nothing bad about you or any black. So I am thinking you are coming from a dark place. (no pun intended)

I've read some of your posts .. yes, you hate black people. But like most right-wing racists .. you run from the word as if your ass was on fire.

Republicans hate blacks .. Black people hate republicans.

Where's the problem?
Well sir you have control of your keyboard, but the information from it is just lies. I champion blacks getting jobs, you, nope. I want to see them get out of the inner city hate as built by libturds like you. You like them there. So you are absolutely confused as to what is hate. And you wear it

Wrong dummy. I know exactly what it is, exactly what it looks like. You hate me, I hate you .. what's the problem?

The ONLY reason you right-wing idiots whine about who black people vote for is because we give democrats a tremendous advantage at the polls. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people .. only about who we vote for.

On the other hand, we don't give a fuck about who you vote for. Don't give a damn whatsoever. We don't need you nor you all-white party. Don't need your approval, don't need your votes.

You need our votes, we don't need yours.
See that's your hate right there, you think they are all the same and not individuals. you have them categorized under an umbrella. you believe that they can't be helped, and all we're saying to them is there is another path/ option to success that is much better than the last 50 years of hell orchestrated by the pin them down leftists. you don't believe in any other options when there are other options available. That makes you the hater.
:0) Step in now you powerless twinkle-toed bitch.

Obviously you don't know shit about politics. Your claim that black voters will vote for Trump clearly demonstrates just how ignorant you are about the subject.

I'll be looking for you on election day so I can enjoy the demonstration of your incredible ignorance. It's going to be a fun day.

Blacks are voting for Trump in RECORD NUMBERS same as distraught women who prefer a pussy-grabber over an old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, epileptic, lying racist criminal communist who will overrun the country with mehicans who steal black jobs. I can survive Hillary but you can't survive Trump....you'll have to WORK for your EBT card or explain why you're a worthless public employee who posts here on the government dime.

:lol: Yet another demonstration that you don't know shit about politics.

I'm saving this one for you. :0)

Election day is going to be so much fun.

I agree and this has all been in good fun, at least for me.

:0) Then we agree on something.

I'm still going to be looking for you on election day.
So do you. I guess you're surprised that the people you hate, hate you. :0)

Why would you say I hate? I only brought up hate in reference to what you posted. I do really dislike Hillary and I say it approaches hate, but that is about it. The rest of you are not all that important to waste such an emotion.

But really, are you a super predator as Hillary called you? Do you think you need brought to her heel? I have never heard Trumps say anything like that about blacks. So it is curious as to why you used the word hate. Not vote for him, OK. But you said hate, as you did in reference to me and I said absolutely nothing bad about you or any black. So I am thinking you are coming from a dark place. (no pun intended)

I've read some of your posts .. yes, you hate black people. But like most right-wing racists .. you run from the word as if your ass was on fire.

Republicans hate blacks .. Black people hate republicans.

Where's the problem?
Well sir you have control of your keyboard, but the information from it is just lies. I champion blacks getting jobs, you, nope. I want to see them get out of the inner city hate as built by libturds like you. You like them there. So you are absolutely confused as to what is hate. And you wear it

Wrong dummy. I know exactly what it is, exactly what it looks like. You hate me, I hate you .. what's the problem?

The ONLY reason you right-wing idiots whine about who black people vote for is because we give democrats a tremendous advantage at the polls. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people .. only about who we vote for.

On the other hand, we don't give a fuck about who you vote for. Don't give a damn whatsoever. We don't need you nor you all-white party. Don't need your approval, don't need your votes.

You need our votes, we don't need yours.
See that's your hate right there, you think they are all the same and not individuals. you have them categorized under an umbrella. you believe that they can't be helped, and all we're saying to them is there is another path/ option to success that is much better than the last 50 years of hell orchestrated by the pin them down leftists. you don't believe in any other options when there are options available. That makes you the hater.

That makes you ignorant.

The vast majority of black people have no use for the Republican Party. How is it that you're so blind to that truth?

If a republican gets 8% of the black vote, he's doing better than most republicans.

Expecting black people to vote for an all-white party that hates them is like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers. No one expects that, but you think that black people are going to vote for racists.

It's not going to happen.
well you're not the only person on here besides me. I'm sharing, why is it you don't like conservatives sharing? you like to think you can control people? is that it? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Calm down! Blacks will not turn out for Trump. Period. Sure, you can find some anecdotal evidence to the contrary, but the polls all show The Donald has no viable support from the African American voter block.

Not every demographic is a monolith. Some women will vote for Trump, but they are the exception, not the rule. Some college educated folks will vote for Trump, but, again, they are the exception, not the rule.

David Duke is running in Louisiana. I'm quite sure that even he, an avowed racist, will get a couple of votes from Black folks there.

But to assume that African Americans will turn out in numbers large enough to help secure a Trump victory is silly in the face of the current polling.
and yet, here you have two very bright ladies saying the opposite of the polls. hmmmmm it will be interesting won't it. I'm confident he takes the majority. I have faith in the african american voting population to finally stand up and say fk you to the democratic libturds who have squelched their lives for so so long.

BTW, I am very calm, it's you and you libturds whose panties are in a bind
Polls. Why did the Donald cite every poll showing him winning during the primaries and now he says he doesn't trust the polls?
He was winning
So did he trust polls so long as they showed him winning, but lost trust in them when they show him losing? What kind of flip flop is that?
I see, Bernie learned how fair the msm was for him in the primaries. see when the media pays attention to the races, then the rigging begins. The focus wasn't trump during the primaries, there was no need to fix anything on the conservative side. I would have bet a paycheck what has happened in the general campaign would have happened if you would have come to me back then. Sleaze, is what the left msm partners are. sleaze, and they're damn proud of it. So yeah, he knew the msm wasn't picking on him, no reason not to trust the polls, no scamming necessary for them. now against corrupt hillary there is plenty for the msm to lose. Watch CNN after a debate seven against two on the panel afterward. biased much is an understatement. It is the objective, and they're all guns a blazing toward one goal. stop trump. So excuse me if I don't buy their bullshit, I can smell it.
Why would you say I hate? I only brought up hate in reference to what you posted. I do really dislike Hillary and I say it approaches hate, but that is about it. The rest of you are not all that important to waste such an emotion.

But really, are you a super predator as Hillary called you? Do you think you need brought to her heel? I have never heard Trumps say anything like that about blacks. So it is curious as to why you used the word hate. Not vote for him, OK. But you said hate, as you did in reference to me and I said absolutely nothing bad about you or any black. So I am thinking you are coming from a dark place. (no pun intended)

I've read some of your posts .. yes, you hate black people. But like most right-wing racists .. you run from the word as if your ass was on fire.

Republicans hate blacks .. Black people hate republicans.

Where's the problem?
Well sir you have control of your keyboard, but the information from it is just lies. I champion blacks getting jobs, you, nope. I want to see them get out of the inner city hate as built by libturds like you. You like them there. So you are absolutely confused as to what is hate. And you wear it

Wrong dummy. I know exactly what it is, exactly what it looks like. You hate me, I hate you .. what's the problem?

The ONLY reason you right-wing idiots whine about who black people vote for is because we give democrats a tremendous advantage at the polls. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people .. only about who we vote for.

On the other hand, we don't give a fuck about who you vote for. Don't give a damn whatsoever. We don't need you nor you all-white party. Don't need your approval, don't need your votes.

You need our votes, we don't need yours.
See that's your hate right there, you think they are all the same and not individuals. you have them categorized under an umbrella. you believe that they can't be helped, and all we're saying to them is there is another path/ option to success that is much better than the last 50 years of hell orchestrated by the pin them down leftists. you don't believe in any other options when there are options available. That makes you the hater.

That makes you ignorant.

The vast majority of black people have no use for the Republican Party. How is it that you're so blind to that truth?

If a republican gets 8% of the black vote, he's doing better than most republicans.

Expecting black people to vote for an all-white party that hates them is like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers. No one expects that, but you think that black people are going to vote for racists.

It's not going to happen.
I have seen this year they aren't. The fly by your seat access to them is over. you all hate it. you hate us more because they are finally moving away from the enslaved programs of the left. You're insane if you can't see that. Watch some of Trump's rallies and see the number of supporters who are black. see who is out campaigning for him these two are the best I've seen to date. yep I'm gonna love november.
I've read some of your posts .. yes, you hate black people. But like most right-wing racists .. you run from the word as if your ass was on fire.

Republicans hate blacks .. Black people hate republicans.

Where's the problem?
Well sir you have control of your keyboard, but the information from it is just lies. I champion blacks getting jobs, you, nope. I want to see them get out of the inner city hate as built by libturds like you. You like them there. So you are absolutely confused as to what is hate. And you wear it

Wrong dummy. I know exactly what it is, exactly what it looks like. You hate me, I hate you .. what's the problem?

The ONLY reason you right-wing idiots whine about who black people vote for is because we give democrats a tremendous advantage at the polls. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people .. only about who we vote for.

On the other hand, we don't give a fuck about who you vote for. Don't give a damn whatsoever. We don't need you nor you all-white party. Don't need your approval, don't need your votes.

You need our votes, we don't need yours.
See that's your hate right there, you think they are all the same and not individuals. you have them categorized under an umbrella. you believe that they can't be helped, and all we're saying to them is there is another path/ option to success that is much better than the last 50 years of hell orchestrated by the pin them down leftists. you don't believe in any other options when there are options available. That makes you the hater.

That makes you ignorant.

The vast majority of black people have no use for the Republican Party. How is it that you're so blind to that truth?

If a republican gets 8% of the black vote, he's doing better than most republicans.

Expecting black people to vote for an all-white party that hates them is like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers. No one expects that, but you think that black people are going to vote for racists.

It's not going to happen.
I have seen this year they aren't. The fly by your seat access to them is over. you all hate it. you hate us more because they are finally moving away from the enslaved programs of the left. You're insane if you can't see that. Watch some of Trump's rallies and see the number of supporters who are black. see who is out campaigning for him these two are the best I've seen to date. yep I'm gonna love november.

:lol: Moronic.

For me it's us .. for you, it's them .. yet you presume to know more about THEM then I do. :0) Typical right-wing ignorance.

I'll be looking for you on election day to rub your political ignorance all over your face.

Make sure you bring lots of excuses. .. and kleenex
Well sir you have control of your keyboard, but the information from it is just lies. I champion blacks getting jobs, you, nope. I want to see them get out of the inner city hate as built by libturds like you. You like them there. So you are absolutely confused as to what is hate. And you wear it

Wrong dummy. I know exactly what it is, exactly what it looks like. You hate me, I hate you .. what's the problem?

The ONLY reason you right-wing idiots whine about who black people vote for is because we give democrats a tremendous advantage at the polls. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people .. only about who we vote for.

On the other hand, we don't give a fuck about who you vote for. Don't give a damn whatsoever. We don't need you nor you all-white party. Don't need your approval, don't need your votes.

You need our votes, we don't need yours.
See that's your hate right there, you think they are all the same and not individuals. you have them categorized under an umbrella. you believe that they can't be helped, and all we're saying to them is there is another path/ option to success that is much better than the last 50 years of hell orchestrated by the pin them down leftists. you don't believe in any other options when there are options available. That makes you the hater.

That makes you ignorant.

The vast majority of black people have no use for the Republican Party. How is it that you're so blind to that truth?

If a republican gets 8% of the black vote, he's doing better than most republicans.

Expecting black people to vote for an all-white party that hates them is like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers. No one expects that, but you think that black people are going to vote for racists.

It's not going to happen.
I have seen this year they aren't. The fly by your seat access to them is over. you all hate it. you hate us more because they are finally moving away from the enslaved programs of the left. You're insane if you can't see that. Watch some of Trump's rallies and see the number of supporters who are black. see who is out campaigning for him these two are the best I've seen to date. yep I'm gonna love november.

:lol: Moronic.

For me it's us .. for you, it's them .. yet you presume to know more about THEM then I do. :0) Typical right-wing ignorance.

I'll be looking for you on election day to rub your political ignorance all over your face.

Make sure you bring lots of excuses. .. and kleenex

and if the election goes the way you apparently want, the prize will be Hillary. Wow that sucks.
I'm still going to be looking for you on election day.

Are you and the rest of BLM plotting violence on election day?

Violence for what .. you fucking clown? :0)

Blacks will be celebrating on election day .. and you and your ilk will be trying to stay away from sharp objects.

What exactly will they be celebrating? 4 more years of how great the country has done for them and everyone else? Really that is something to be happy about? My gosh just admit you vote by the alphabet and your alphabet stops at D. There can be no other reason to vote for Hillary.

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