Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.
:lol: Obviously not.

You don't think the above declares voting to be a right? Make your argument. Fair warning, you may have trouble getting past the words 'the right to vote'...lol

According to your post only white males above the age of twenty one are allowed to vote.

1. You're jumping into the middle of a dispute. The OP claims there is NO right to vote in the Constitution.

2. The right to vote clearly referred to in the 14th amendment has since been expanded to include non-white males and women.

Need I go on?

Sure,knock yourself out.

What don't you understand? Are you still with the OP who says there's no right to vote in the Constitution?

This is one of yours speaking on the subject....
U.S. Constitution is not explicit on the right to vote Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan says PolitiFact Wisconsin
Thomas Jefferson didn't believe that every jackass breathing should be able to vote.

"Now as to the representative house, which ought to be so constructed as to answer that character truly: I was for extending the rights of suffrage (or in other words the rights of a citizen) to all who had a permanent intention of living in the country. Take what circumstances you please as evidence for this, either the having resided a certain time, or having a family, or having property, any or all of them. Whoever intends to live in a country must wish the country well, and has a natural right of assisting in the preservation of it."

[From Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950), 1:504.]

Tell me, have you ever researched anything before you posted it, or do you just spit it out there hoping that everyone is as careless as you?

I suppose you believe that Paul Revere's famous ride was about the right to gun ownership too.

We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.
let's make it better. white men who own more than they owe.
let's make it better. white men who own more than they owe.

There is no such thing as a pure race. Racial purity is but a sociopolitical construct of the Nazis.
the constitution isn't good enough until the RW's decide someone has broken it ..

leave it to RW to make the decisions

voting rights are outlined specifically in the Constitution. End of story. Anything above or beyond that is pure RW bullshit.

let's make it better. white men who own more than they owe.

There is no such thing as a pure race. Racial purity is but a sociopolitical construct of the Nazis.
the constitution isn't good enough until the RW's decide someone has broken it ..

leave it to RW to make the decisions

voting rights are outlined specifically in the Constitution. End of story. Anything above or beyond that is pure RW bullshit.


I really think that you should have to win a game of Jeopardy! to be able to vote. It's the American way.
We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.

Love it. Next you'll be talking about how the right are the guardians of freedom and democracy. I just read about how the US "democracy-promotion" program is not going to go to dangerous places anymore. Like what they did in 2002. They took down a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEADER and replaced him with non-democratically elected leaders. This, apparently (especially when it just happens to be an extremely oil rich country in OPEC that doesn't like the US govt), is promoting democracy by DESTROYING IT.

Go figure. When black is white.

US reviewing democracy work in hostile countries - Yahoo News UK
We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.

Love it. Next you'll be talking about how the right are the guardians of freedom and democracy. I just read about how the US "democracy-promotion" program is not going to go to dangerous places anymore. Like what they did in 2002. They took down a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEADER and replaced him with non-democratically elected leaders. This, apparently (especially when it just happens to be an extremely oil rich country in OPEC that doesn't like the US govt), is promoting democracy by DESTROYING IT.

Go figure. When black is white.

US reviewing democracy work in hostile countries - Yahoo News UK
Ugly bitches....

pardon me ...but that's the truth

Ugly as hell

2000 mile granite wall, machine gun nests every 500 meters.

15' high brick wall, topped with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts, surrounded by a 300' strip of antipersonnel land mines, covered with machine guns on motion detectors, and patrolled with armed helicopters. Illegals entering should be shot on sight and left for the scavengers.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Ugly bitches....

pardon me ...but that's the truth

Ugly as hell

2000 mile granite wall, machine gun nests every 500 meters.

15' high brick wall, topped with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts, surrounded by a 300' strip of antipersonnel land mines, covered with machine guns on motion detectors, and patrolled with armed helicopters. Illegals entering should be shot on sight and left for the scavengers.

Yeah because that's totally proportional to the "crime" of illegal immigration. Death by eletricution. I mean no human rights violations right there. Apparently Latinos aren't humans.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.

If you receive more in gov assistance than you pay in taxes than no you shouldnt be able to vote.
Once you get off gov assistance your right to vote would be restored.
That the right to vote is inalienable and fundamental is settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence:

“[R]epresentative government is in essence self-government through the medium of elected representatives of the people, and each and every citizen has an inalienable right to full and effective participation in the political [process.]” Reynolds v. Sims (1964)

“Each and every citizen has an inalienable right to full and effective participation,” an inalienable right immune from attack by the OP and those of his ilk hostile to those whom they perceive 'unworthy.'

The OP's premise is ignorant, hateful, and repugnant to the Constitution.
Nah...people being able to vote themselves largess from the federal government/tax payer is whats really repugnant.
They could make it more palatable by cleaning the highways for their welfare money.
You don't think the above declares voting to be a right? Make your argument. Fair warning, you may have trouble getting past the words 'the right to vote'...lol

According to your post only white males above the age of twenty one are allowed to vote.

1. You're jumping into the middle of a dispute. The OP claims there is NO right to vote in the Constitution.

2. The right to vote clearly referred to in the 14th amendment has since been expanded to include non-white males and women.

Need I go on?

Sure,knock yourself out.

What don't you understand? Are you still with the OP who says there's no right to vote in the Constitution?

This is one of yours speaking on the subject....
U.S. Constitution is not explicit on the right to vote Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan says PolitiFact Wisconsin

I never heard of him and he's as wrong as you are.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?
That the right to vote is inalienable and fundamental is settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence:

“[R]epresentative government is in essence self-government through the medium of elected representatives of the people, and each and every citizen has an inalienable right to full and effective participation in the political [process.]” Reynolds v. Sims (1964)

“Each and every citizen has an inalienable right to full and effective participation,” an inalienable right immune from attack by the OP and those of his ilk hostile to those whom they perceive 'unworthy.'

The OP's premise is ignorant, hateful, and repugnant to the Constitution.

But they are the freedom, constitution loving party. Not those evil, communist, socialist, consitution-hating, Muslim-loving liberals.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.

If you receive more in gov assistance than you pay in taxes than no you shouldnt be able to vote.
Once you get off gov assistance your right to vote would be restored.

So then what about CEOs and other corporate officers of companies who pay less in taxes but receive more in government assistence? I mean if we go by established jurisprudence that corporations are people (Citizens United) that can have religious beliefs that are forced upon their employees (Hobby Lobby) and can be charged with and convicted with crimes (Too many cases to name), then shouldn't all employees of these "freeloaders" not be allowed to vote?

As you stated "If you receive more in gov assistance than you pay in taxes than no you shouldnt be able to vote. Once you get off gov assistance your right to vote would be restored."

So does that same reasoning apply to them or to just people you don't like?

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