Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.

If you receive more in gov assistance than you pay in taxes than no you shouldnt be able to vote.
Once you get off gov assistance your right to vote would be restored.

So then what about CEOs and other corporate officers of companies who pay less in taxes but receive more in government assistence? I mean if we go by established jurisprudence that corporations are people (Citizens United) that can have religious beliefs that are forced upon their employees (Hobby Lobby) and can be charged with and convicted with crimes (Too many cases to name), then shouldn't all employees of these "freeloaders" not be allowed to vote?

As you stated "If you receive more in gov assistance than you pay in taxes than no you shouldnt be able to vote. Once you get off gov assistance your right to vote would be restored."

So does that same reasoning apply to them or to just people you don't like?

So how many employees that work for your fictional company pay taxes on their earnings and on purchases? You stupid fucken libs are always trying to lump producers in with people who do nothing but take.
I find it hard to believe you're really that stupid. But then you try this shit over and over again so who knows,maybe you are.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.
So how many employees that work for your fictional company pay taxes on their earnings and on purchases? You stupid fucken libs are always trying to lump producers in with people who do nothing but take.
I find it hard to believe you're really that stupid. But then you try this shit over and over again so who knows,maybe you are.

Aawww . . . does someone need a nappy-nap?

Who indeed! It is in fact those who's power basis is on perpetual dependency that would disagree with this. It's why the Democrat party wants amnesty, so that illegal aliens can become dependents too and vote for Democrats. Their motives could not be more transparent.

So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.
So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

And again, Republicans fail to realize that in one way or another, everyone pays taxes. They just don't want the people that they feel vote against them to have the right to vote.
So how many employees that work for your fictional company pay taxes on their earnings and on purchases? You stupid fucken libs are always trying to lump producers in with people who do nothing but take.
I find it hard to believe you're really that stupid. But then you try this shit over and over again so who knows,maybe you are.

Aawww . . . does someone need a nappy-nap?


That all you got rookie?
Sounds like you need some Preparation H for that midterm butthurt.
So then you allow the rich, who already massive power, to take away the only way citizens in a "free" nation can change anything? Of course you do. Any what type of property are we talking about here? Real or personal? How much Real property? How much net worth?

And what about every worker who pays payroll tax, why should they not have a say in their government? Or that EVERYONE WHO BUYS SOMETHING PAYS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. See you nutters think that nobody has their "skin in the game" when EVERYONE PAYS SALES TAX. So, by your logic, everyone does have their skin in the game and every adult should have the right to vote.

If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

There you go making shit up again.
And yes it is a cut and dried process. If you're on welfare you dont get to vote,if you give a shit about the privilege to do so you'll get off welfare.
If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

And again, Republicans fail to realize that in one way or another, everyone pays taxes. They just don't want the people that they feel vote against them to have the right to vote.

:lol: Talk about failing miserably. You're a Short attention span theater life time member.
How'd those midterms work out for ya.
You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

And again, Republicans fail to realize that in one way or another, everyone pays taxes. They just don't want the people that they feel vote against them to have the right to vote.

:lol: Talk about failing miserably. You're a Short attention span theater life time member.
How'd those midterms work out for ya.

You're still deflecting the questions. How do you deal with those legitimate issues?
But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

Explain how adding additional governance addresses the disparities in individual cases.

You are correct that not everyone fits into nice little boxes ... Which is the reason Conservatives prefer smaller government and lessening the ability of the government to keep putting people into boxes. At some point you have to agree that if we are different ... Personal responsibility outweighs forced conformity.

Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

And again, Republicans fail to realize that in one way or another, everyone pays taxes. They just don't want the people that they feel vote against them to have the right to vote.

:lol: Talk about failing miserably. You're a Short attention span theater life time member.
How'd those midterms work out for ya.

You're still deflecting the questions. How do you deal with those legitimate issues?

You didnt pose a question. The dumbfuckery continues unabated.......
If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

But that's the problem with the simplistic mindset of Republicans. It's great when it comes to campaigns and speaking about ideas, but when it comes to ACTUAL GOVERNANCE, their plan fails miserably. The world is grey. Not everyone fits into this nice box. Not even you when it comes to certain issues. I'm sorry that's too big for your small mind to wrap it's head around but it's true.

And again, Republicans fail to realize that in one way or another, everyone pays taxes. They just don't want the people that they feel vote against them to have the right to vote.

Hence the reason the've won 1 popular vote since 1992. America is a complex; shades of gray everywhere.
If you receive welfare as your only means of support,you dont pay taxes on purchases.
You're some kind of moron.

You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

There you go making shit up again.
And yes it is a cut and dried process. If you're on welfare you dont get to vote,if you give a shit about the privilege to do so you'll get off welfare.

Even if you served your country and end up on welfare, you don't get to vote? Yes or no.
Even if you've served your country and end up crippled and can't work--on welfare--you don't get to vote?
Some members of the military are on public assistance at the same time they are serving. Do they not get to vote for people that may send them to war? Yes or no?
You can still work and receive Food Stamps and Welfare. I should know, I worked while on Food Stamps. Should I not be able to vote even though I pay federal (FICA, SS), State and local taxes (Sales tax and personal property tax for my car)?

Again you nutters keep being simple minded and fail to realize that your "utopia" is full of flaws.
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

There you go making shit up again.
And yes it is a cut and dried process. If you're on welfare you dont get to vote,if you give a shit about the privilege to do so you'll get off welfare.

Even if you served your country and end up on welfare, you don't get to vote? Yes or no.
Even if you've served your country and end up crippled and can't work--on welfare--you don't get to vote?
Some members of the military are on public assistance at the same time they are serving. Do they not get to vote for people that may send them to war? Yes or no?

I already answered that question you stupid fuck.
Maybe you're unaware of it's existence,but there is this little tab at the top left of your page....
Anyone qualified to vote under current law should always be able to vote no matter what their socioeconomic ststus
Some who do wear this nation's uniform...what then.?

So how about anyone on welfare become soldiers ...or possibly pick up trash to earn their welfare.
You people are some stupid MFers.

In one breath you guys beat your chests and say that anyone on welfare is a ward of the State and should have their rights revoked. In the next breath anyone who is totally dependent on the government is eligible to keep their rights if they contribute a few years of their lives in duty to the nation.

My question is...what if they have a foot in both worlds? Which special class do they fall into? Do they keep their special designation if they get dishonorably discharged or later get onto welfare once they leave the service?

If you're wanting to erect superficial barriers you will need to have details as to who gets to vote. It's not a cut-and-dried process.

There you go making shit up again.
And yes it is a cut and dried process. If you're on welfare you dont get to vote,if you give a shit about the privilege to do so you'll get off welfare.

Even if you served your country and end up on welfare, you don't get to vote? Yes or no.
Even if you've served your country and end up crippled and can't work--on welfare--you don't get to vote?
Some members of the military are on public assistance at the same time they are serving. Do they not get to vote for people that may send them to war? Yes or no?

I already answered that question you stupid fuck.
Maybe you're unaware of it's existence,but there is this little tab at the top left of your page....

I doubt you did because you have no answers for anything else but it's okay..you're a republican...you're not supposed to care or have answers. It's what we've come to expect.
And again we see Right Wingers salivating over the possibility of wide spread voter suppression! The Rabid Right will tirelessly work to erode freedoms unless that freedomis the 'freedom' to own any weapon they choose. But voting rights? The Rabid Right has no problem repressing the MOST ESSENTIAL of all American liberties.

Voting isn't freedom. It's the tyranny of the mob.

Tyranny of the mob (a.k.a. citizens) vs Tyranny of the few or the one. Yeap, those tend to be the choices on this planet with some shades of gray in the middle. Give me democracy, thank you.
"The purpose of government is to maintain a society which secures to every member the inherent and inalienable rights of man, and promotes the safety and happiness of its people. Protecting these rights from violation, therefore, is its primary obligation." - Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson didn't believe that every jackass breathing should be able to vote.
Like the ones he owned?

I guess you could keep it simple and just let the people in the green states vote.

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