Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government.
Yes it does. You clearly aren't a property owner.

You pay $800 a month for a mortgage including property taxes and I pay $1250 a month on a 5 year leased rental unit, then rent it for another 5 years only now it is $1600 a month, and your mortgage is a smidgeon more, now $850 due to property taxes going up....

WHY would you owning your property mean a darn thing, or be given preference over me renting a unit, when it comes to voting for representation of government? I have MORE MONEY at stake than you do, in my example.... if the landlord's property taxes go up, then my rent will go up....if the landlord now has to go through a hundred more forms to fill out for the gvt due to their excess of regulating, this too could make my rent go up....

So, why, in this day and age, would you even think, that a home owner is something ''special'' that deserves a gvt that represents them while the citizen renting does not?

We do own our home, but I have no more at stake than a neighbor who is renting....home ownership is meaningless today....anybody can own a home if they want one....in today's world....with mortgages a dime a dozen.
Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government.
Yes it does. You clearly aren't a property owner.

You pay $800 a month for a mortgage including property taxes and I pay $1250 a month on a 5 year leased rental unit, then rent it for another 5 years only now it is $1600 a month, and your mortgage is a smidgeon more, now $850 due to property taxes going up....

WHY would you owning your property mean a darn thing, or be given preference over me renting a unit, when it comes to voting for representation of government? I have MORE MONEY at stake than you do, in my example.... if the landlord's property taxes go up, then my rent will go up....if the landlord now has to go through a hundred more forms to fill out for the gvt due to their excess of regulating, this too could make my rent go up....

So, why, in this day and age, would you even think, that a home owner is something ''special'' that deserves a gvt that represents them while the citizen renting does not?

We do own our home, but I have no more at stake than a neighbor who is renting....home ownership is meaningless today....anybody can own a home if they want one....in today's world....with mortgages a dime a dozen.

Because I own my home. It's mine. Your landlord can boot your ass out next month because it doesn't belong to you. I can't dumb it down any further.
StMike, just shut up. All of this was fought 150 years ago. This is not going to change. If you don't like, who cares other than you.

Nobody's forcing you to participate in this thread. And Leftists like you have been trying to shut me up all my life, a telling indicator of how much they value free speech. I literally told one of my Leftist teachers to go fuck herself. Same goes for you.

You are a loony person who has trouble associating with others. That's your problem, no one else's.

You are out of step, not the rest of the word.
Care4all is absolutely correct because we all pay taxes in one form or another.

Property is not more important than life, StMikes, so step off, you goober.
Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.
Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government.
Yes it does. You clearly aren't a property owner.

You pay $800 a month for a mortgage including property taxes and I pay $1250 a month on a 5 year leased rental unit, then rent it for another 5 years only now it is $1600 a month, and your mortgage is a smidgeon more, now $850 due to property taxes going up....

WHY would you owning your property mean a darn thing, or be given preference over me renting a unit, when it comes to voting for representation of government? I have MORE MONEY at stake than you do, in my example.... if the landlord's property taxes go up, then my rent will go up....if the landlord now has to go through a hundred more forms to fill out for the gvt due to their excess of regulating, this too could make my rent go up....

So, why, in this day and age, would you even think, that a home owner is something ''special'' that deserves a gvt that represents them while the citizen renting does not?

We do own our home, but I have no more at stake than a neighbor who is renting....home ownership is meaningless today....anybody can own a home if they want one....in today's world....with mortgages a dime a dozen.

Because I own my home. It's mine. Your landlord can boot your ass out next month because it doesn't belong to you. I can't dumb it down any further.
I have a 5 year lease, he can't throw me out....

but even if he did, SO WHAT?

I go and find another place for $1500 to rent.... what makes you so special?

NOTHING, not a single, ittty bitty thing gives you the right to be represented in this democratic republic, and prevent me from having the same representation in government.

I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but the only one 'dumbing things down' is you, right now.

btw you can be kicked out on your butt, if you don't pay your mortgage or your taxes, so you ain't 'guaranteed' to be living there forever either.... just look at all the foreclosures going on around you...yet YOU would have these people voting while the renter, who never ''bought in to the housing bubble ponzi scheme', you know, the SMART GUY, is renting, and not allowed to vote for representation in their own government....

You just have NOT THOUGHT THIS proposal of yours to amend the constitution, restricting citizen's votes,THROUGH, imho.
right to vote?

not the ones who jump the fence

that's for sure,
Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.

No, you do. Let's not start using Leftist "reasoning" or we'd have to conclude that no business pays taxes. Since you would pay those taxes whether you received rental revenue or not, that argument fails.
Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government.
Yes it does. You clearly aren't a property owner.

You pay $800 a month for a mortgage including property taxes and I pay $1250 a month on a 5 year leased rental unit, then rent it for another 5 years only now it is $1600 a month, and your mortgage is a smidgeon more, now $850 due to property taxes going up....

WHY would you owning your property mean a darn thing, or be given preference over me renting a unit, when it comes to voting for representation of government? I have MORE MONEY at stake than you do, in my example.... if the landlord's property taxes go up, then my rent will go up....if the landlord now has to go through a hundred more forms to fill out for the gvt due to their excess of regulating, this too could make my rent go up....

So, why, in this day and age, would you even think, that a home owner is something ''special'' that deserves a gvt that represents them while the citizen renting does not?

We do own our home, but I have no more at stake than a neighbor who is renting....home ownership is meaningless today....anybody can own a home if they want one....in today's world....with mortgages a dime a dozen.

Because I own my home. It's mine. Your landlord can boot your ass out next month because it doesn't belong to you. I can't dumb it down any further.
I have a 5 year lease, he can't throw me out....

but even if he did, SO WHAT?

I go and find another place for $1500 to rent.... what makes you so special?

NOTHING, not a single, ittty bitty thing gives you the right to be represented in this democratic republic, and prevent me from having the same representation in government.

I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but the only one 'dumbing things down' is you, right now.

btw you can be kicked out on your butt, if you don't pay your mortgage or your taxes, so you ain't 'guaranteed' to be living there forever either.... just look at all the foreclosures going on around you...yet YOU would have these people voting while the renter, who never ''bought in to the housing bubble ponzi scheme', you know, the SMART GUY, is renting, and not allowed to vote for representation in their own government....

You just have NOT THOUGHT THIS proposal of yours to amend the constitution, restricting citizen's votes,THROUGH, imho.
You have a reading comprehension problem. I never proposed only property owners should vote.
Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.

No, you do. Let's not start using Leftist "reasoning" or we'd have to conclude that no business pays taxes. Since you would pay those taxes whether you received rental revenue or not, that argument fails.

I wouldn't own the property if I wasn't collecting revenue fool.

Oh, and I own a business as well. Guess what, we don't pay taxes. The customers do. Every time they purchase a meal, they pay a portion of our taxes.

It's like some of you haven't even graduated high school.
Ugly bastards...My Lord....those who jump the fence :(

Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.

No, you do. Let's not start using Leftist "reasoning" or we'd have to conclude that no business pays taxes. Since you would pay those taxes whether you received rental revenue or not, that argument fails.

I wouldn't own the property if I wasn't collecting revenue fool.

Oh, and I own a business as well. Guess what, we don't pay taxes. The customers do. Every time they purchase a meal, they pay a portion of our taxes.

It's like some of you haven't even graduated high school.
Apparently you're too stupid to get the fact that taxes are due whether you collect rent or not. And the IRS and state tax board send the bill to YOU.

Holy crap, can you be any more stupid?
Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.

No, you do. Let's not start using Leftist "reasoning" or we'd have to conclude that no business pays taxes. Since you would pay those taxes whether you received rental revenue or not, that argument fails.
simply NOT TRUE.

The renter is paying it, in their monthly rent.

If the owner is not renting the unit, then the owner is paying it....

but you do REALIZE THAT Property taxes ARE LOCAL taxes with only a portion going to your State government and NOT A DIME goes to the Federal government.....

so AGAIN, I have no idea why you think a property owner should get to vote in federal elections because they are paying local taxes???

AND, the phrase was

NO TAXATION, without representation.


NO REPRESENTATION, without taxation....

silly one!
Let's clear this up.

I own rental property. I pay property tax on it. I don't pay that, my renters do. Ipso de facto, they pay property tax.

No, you do. Let's not start using Leftist "reasoning" or we'd have to conclude that no business pays taxes. Since you would pay those taxes whether you received rental revenue or not, that argument fails.

I wouldn't own the property if I wasn't collecting revenue fool.

Oh, and I own a business as well. Guess what, we don't pay taxes. The customers do. Every time they purchase a meal, they pay a portion of our taxes.

It's like some of you haven't even graduated high school.
Apparently you're too stupid to get the fact that taxes are due whether you collect rent or not. And the IRS and state tax board send the bill to YOU.

Holy crap, can you be any more stupid?

The IRS doesn't have anything to do with property tax.

Anyway, listen little man. Why would I, or anyone else, own a rental home if we weren't RENTING it? Oh, that's right, we wouldn't , so in all likelyhood that piece of property would be sitting undeveloped and collecting hardly anything in property tax.

However, put a house on the property, add water and other utlities, clean the place up a little bit and get it ready to rent out and the little state employee comes out and suddenly the property tax is more, and how do I pay that? Oh that's right, I raise the rent to cover it.
We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.
this way of thinking requires the op and those that agree, to assume people on welfare strictly want to stay on it and will only vote based on who can give them more.

It also requires them to admit that they do not support freedom or the Constitution, since they want to tell us who can vote.
And again we see Right Wingers salivating over the possibility of wide spread voter suppression! The Rabid Right will tirelessly work to erode freedoms unless that freedomis the 'freedom' to own any weapon they choose. But voting rights? The Rabid Right has no problem repressing the MOST ESSENTIAL of all American liberties.

Umm you do realize this country was not founded on "every person gets a vote" don't you?

It's not voter suppression if you choose not to qualify to vote.

"no blacks" would certainly be voter suppression since who can help being black?

Has anyone suggested no blacks?

That's next. Followed by no women.
And again we see Right Wingers salivating over the possibility of wide spread voter suppression! The Rabid Right will tirelessly work to erode freedoms unless that freedomis the 'freedom' to own any weapon they choose. But voting rights? The Rabid Right has no problem repressing the MOST ESSENTIAL of all American liberties.

Umm you do realize this country was not founded on "every person gets a vote" don't you?

It's not voter suppression if you choose not to qualify to vote.

"no blacks" would certainly be voter suppression since who can help being black?

Has anyone suggested no blacks?

That's next. Followed by no women.

Frankly that WOULD fix a lot of our issues, but at too high a cost for my tastes.
Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government.
Yes it does. You clearly aren't a property owner.

You pay $800 a month for a mortgage including property taxes and I pay $1250 a month on a 5 year leased rental unit, then rent it for another 5 years only now it is $1600 a month, and your mortgage is a smidgeon more, now $850 due to property taxes going up....

WHY would you owning your property mean a darn thing, or be given preference over me renting a unit, when it comes to voting for representation of government? I have MORE MONEY at stake than you do, in my example.... if the landlord's property taxes go up, then my rent will go up....if the landlord now has to go through a hundred more forms to fill out for the gvt due to their excess of regulating, this too could make my rent go up....

So, why, in this day and age, would you even think, that a home owner is something ''special'' that deserves a gvt that represents them while the citizen renting does not?

We do own our home, but I have no more at stake than a neighbor who is renting....home ownership is meaningless today....anybody can own a home if they want one....in today's world....with mortgages a dime a dozen.

Because I own my home. It's mine. Your landlord can boot your ass out next month because it doesn't belong to you. I can't dumb it down any further.
I have a 5 year lease, he can't throw me out....

but even if he did, SO WHAT?

I go and find another place for $1500 to rent.... what makes you so special?

NOTHING, not a single, ittty bitty thing gives you the right to be represented in this democratic republic, and prevent me from having the same representation in government.

I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but the only one 'dumbing things down' is you, right now.

btw you can be kicked out on your butt, if you don't pay your mortgage or your taxes, so you ain't 'guaranteed' to be living there forever either.... just look at all the foreclosures going on around you...yet YOU would have these people voting while the renter, who never ''bought in to the housing bubble ponzi scheme', you know, the SMART GUY, is renting, and not allowed to vote for representation in their own government....

You just have NOT THOUGHT THIS proposal of yours to amend the constitution, restricting citizen's votes,THROUGH, imho.
You have a reading comprehension problem. I never proposed only property owners should vote.
ok.... but not really a reading comprehension problem....

I didn't read the thread.... I came in on the last post and read the posts backwards until I responded....so, i am certain I missed a heck of a lot that was said.....

so what are you saying? :)

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