Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

Goods and services are payments moron.

btw, this looney idea takes the right to vote away from everyone on Medicare, because Medicare is only 60% covered by the payroll taxes those people paid. The rest comes out of the general fund.

So good luck convincing your parents or grandparents they don't deserve to vote.

My uncle is on Medicare (he's 65+ and had no choice)...but it will be a LONG time before he receives more than he paid in, if it ever happens.
This is an example of why we need voter exams. Morons like Amazon who truly believe that who watches what news channel is indicative of how smart they are.

Maybe it is :dunno:
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?A new study reveals the gap between the channel's fans and the rest of America

Brookings Survey Fox News Home of Most Conservative Republicans New Republic

Oh, there's a study on the internet.......................

Give me a break. A news station has NOTHING to do with the overall stupidity of Americans.

I can create a study that says virtually anything I want it to say
Indeed, "It's created a serious conflict of interest when" Corporations "are dependent on government are able to" to contribute campaign money to "sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country."

Stop corporations from "extorting" the citizens of America.

Why do you preach about corporate welfare as if conservatives weren't against it too? Subsidies for corporations are an affront to free market sink-or-swim capitalism championed by conservatives. So stuff your strawman arguments.

Don't be too hard on him...it seems the voices in his head are arguing with the mouse in his pocket.
Like most libs, you are intellectually dishonest and play with words to further your agenda. You lied when you said conservatives support the right of the rich to wield power of everyone else. Most conservatives are every day working folks and there are plenty of filthy rich liberals. maybe ever more than conservative.
Conservatives typically support the right of business owners to grab as much money as they can, and pay no taxes. Money is power, and so anyone in favor of allowing people to take as much money as they can is also in favor of the greediest wielding power.

The United States was formed from the offspring of those that fled England, for the most part. They rebelled against the tyranny of a powerful central government and founded a nation built on freedom. Made sure the citizens, not subjects, were free to own firearms to not only protect themselves but to guard against tyranny.
Agreed. Not to burst your already-falling balloon, but I support the second amendment.

Why the fuck do you think it's the liberals who claim the Constitution is a living breathing document? They are the ones moving the goal posts, not conservatives.
The Constitution was designed to be a living, breathing document. If you had bothered to study it, you would know that the authors included a process by which to change it.

Also, conservatives are not against government. Those are anarchists. Conservatives want a smaller more efficient government with weaker central control and stronger state rights. You know, like the way it was founded by those "libs".
Government has never shrunk under any Republican administration. Of course, conservatives want government to be "weaker." Because it allows them to wield unmitigated power over everyone else.

Just as I said, and thank you for helping out.
This is an example of why we need voter exams. Morons like Amazon who truly believe that who watches what news channel is indicative of how smart they are.

Maybe it is :dunno:
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?A new study reveals the gap between the channel's fans and the rest of America

Brookings Survey Fox News Home of Most Conservative Republicans New Republic

Oh, there's a study on the internet.......................

Give me a break. A news station has NOTHING to do with the overall stupidity of Americans.

I can create a study that says virtually anything I want it to say

No Fox News viewers really are stupid. For example watch how little they talk about ebola anymore. The ebola "crisis" ended last Tuesday for them since the only point was to use it to terrify their simpleton viewers into voting. Aaaand it worked..
This is an example of why we need voter exams. Morons like Amazon who truly believe that who watches what news channel is indicative of how smart they are.

Maybe it is :dunno:
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?A new study reveals the gap between the channel's fans and the rest of America

Brookings Survey Fox News Home of Most Conservative Republicans New Republic

Oh, there's a study on the internet.......................

Give me a break. A news station has NOTHING to do with the overall stupidity of Americans.

I can create a study that says virtually anything I want it to say
When you have no defense, you criticize the facts.
This is the primary reason that conservatives cannot govern. It's a bit like asking a vegetarian to fry up a fat hamburger for you. Maybe the burger will make it to your table, but it won't be the best burger you could ask for. The best burger will always come from one who enjoys meat themselves.

Because they support the idea that government is a good and necessary thing, the best people to put into government are liberals.

Wow. That might be the single most breathtakingly-STUPID thing ever posted on the Internet!
Can you prove you pay more in taxes than you receive in government funded benefits? And I mean all benefits. Including the military that's defending you.

Let's hear you prove it.
You're just one more of these Leftist jackasses who can't tell the difference between welfare and earned benefits. Apparently in addition, you think that living in a country defended by a military is welfare too. I can't dumb myself down enough to engage with you on such sophomoric thinking.

Your stupidity was established when you started this thread.

You're just one more conservative who can't cope with the fact that you're in a crackpot minority that will never be large enough in numbers to impose its will on a democratic society,

so you sit around trying to come up with ways to make the undemocratic seem palatable.
You cited them yourself.

No, I cited amendments that removed discrimination based on previous condition of servitude or gender, but that did not extend the right to vote to every jackass that breathes.

Section 2 of the 14th amendment specifically references the right to vote:

But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Are we clear now? ...that voting is a right?
Indeed, "It's created a serious conflict of interest when" Corporations "are dependent on government are able to" to contribute campaign money to "sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country."

Stop corporations from "extorting" the citizens of America.

Why do you preach about corporate welfare as if conservatives weren't against it too? Subsidies for corporations are an affront to free market sink-or-swim capitalism championed by conservatives. So stuff your strawman arguments.

Don't be too hard on him...it seems the voices in his head are arguing with the mouse in his pocket.

The parody of Jarlaxle's nonsense hurts him. We know that. Citizens have the right to vote. Bear has an idea about voter tests that should be investigated. At the very least the Koshs and EdwardBaiamontes and the Jarlaxles fail.

Bear, I don't have to attack the far left. It self destructs. But we has such slime on our far right, such mold and mildew, that it has to be cleared up.
Indeed, "It's created a serious conflict of interest when" Corporations "are dependent on government are able to" to contribute campaign money to "sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country."

Stop corporations from "extorting" the citizens of America.

Why do you preach about corporate welfare as if conservatives weren't against it too? Subsidies for corporations are an affront to free market sink-or-swim capitalism championed by conservatives. So stuff your strawman arguments.

Don't be too hard on him...it seems the voices in his head are arguing with the mouse in his pocket.

The parody of Jarlaxle's nonsense hurts him. We know that. Citizens have the right to vote. Bear has an idea about voter tests that should be investigated. At the very least the Koshs and EdwardBaiamontes and the Jarlaxles fail.

Bear, I don't have to attack the far left. It self destructs. But we has such slime on our far right, such mold and mildew, that it has to be cleared up.

Yup, voting is a right that will never be abridged by the crazy far right. They are so powerless that threads like these are simply jokes.
Indeed, "It's created a serious conflict of interest when" Corporations "are dependent on government are able to" to contribute campaign money to "sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country."

Stop corporations from "extorting" the citizens of America.

Why do you preach about corporate welfare as if conservatives weren't against it too? Subsidies for corporations are an affront to free market sink-or-swim capitalism championed by conservatives. So stuff your strawman arguments.

Don't be too hard on him...it seems the voices in his head are arguing with the mouse in his pocket.

The parody of Jarlaxle's nonsense hurts him. We know that. Citizens have the right to vote. Bear has an idea about voter tests that should be investigated. At the very least the Koshs and EdwardBaiamontes and the Jarlaxles fail.

Bear, I don't have to attack the far left. It self destructs. But we has such slime on our far right, such mold and mildew, that it has to be cleared up.

What does it sound like, when the voices in your head argue with each other?

And quoting YOURSELF is pretty pathetic, boy.
Conservatives typically support the right of business owners to grab as much money as they can, and pay no taxes. Money is power, and so anyone in favor of allowing people to take as much money as they can is also in favor of the greediest wielding power.
More lies. There's no shame in making as much money as you can and lower taxes doesn't equate to no taxes.
Agreed. Not to burst your already-falling balloon, but I support the second amendment.
My balloon has been in the stratosphere since Tuesday.
The Constitution was designed to be a living, breathing document. If you had bothered to study it, you would know that the authors included a process by which to change it.
And they made it difficult so it couldn't be changed willie nillie. That doesn't describe living and breathing. Conservatives change what they need to, not what they can.
Government has never shrunk under any Republican administration. Of course, conservatives want government to be "weaker." Because it allows them to wield unmitigated power over everyone else.

Just as I said, and thank you for helping out.
Another liberal trait is being a smug condescending asshole. It's par for the course.

Clinton looks the best but guess who was holding the purse strings? Congress plays a bigger role in spending than presidents.
Indeed, "It's created a serious conflict of interest when" Corporations "are dependent on government are able to" to contribute campaign money to "sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country."

Stop corporations from "extorting" the citizens of America.

Why do you preach about corporate welfare as if conservatives weren't against it too? Subsidies for corporations are an affront to free market sink-or-swim capitalism championed by conservatives. So stuff your strawman arguments.

Don't be too hard on him...it seems the voices in his head are arguing with the mouse in his pocket.

The parody of Jarlaxle's nonsense hurts him. We know that. Citizens have the right to vote. Bear has an idea about voter tests that should be investigated. At the very least the Koshs and EdwardBaiamontes and the Jarlaxles fail.

Bear, I don't have to attack the far left. It self destructs. But we has such slime on our far right, such mold and mildew, that it has to be cleared up.

What does it sound like, when the voices in your head argue with each other?

And quoting YOURSELF is pretty pathetic, boy.

The party tent is expanding. We are not going after anchor babies, we are not deporting 12mm people. Guys, live with it. You won't have your way on these issues.
StMike, just shut up. All of this was fought 150 years ago. This is not going to change. If you don't like, who cares other than you.
"The purpose of government is to maintain a society which secures to every member the inherent and inalienable rights of man, and promotes the safety and happiness of its people. Protecting these rights from violation, therefore, is its primary obligation." - Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson didn't believe that every jackass breathing should be able to vote.
StMike, just shut up. All of this was fought 150 years ago. This is not going to change. If you don't like, who cares other than you.

Nobody's forcing you to participate in this thread. And Leftists like you have been trying to shut me up all my life, a telling indicator of how much they value free speech. I literally told one of my Leftist teachers to go fuck herself. Same goes for you.
The Constitution spells out rights that are given to the government by the people, not the other way around.
Actually, the original Constitution restricts federal power, not state power. Government was not some nebulous concept to the founders. There was the federal government, then there was everything else.

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