Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

The United States was conceived from the beginning as a liberal country.

At the time, Europeans were defending the monarchy that was King George, and nothing the King did was intended to foster freedom. The English were actually in favor of an all-powerful monarch, and they defended the privileges of the nobility as a God-given right. Today’s conservative is no different; they defend the “right” of the wealthy to wield unmitigated power over everyone else. The English people we fought in our war for independence were all too happy to have the church intervene in the political arena, exactly like modern American conservatives. Americans, on the other hand, felt so strongly against this concept that they made it their first amendment to keep the church and state separate.

To make things even more obvious, conservatives who claim that government is a bad thing are unbelievably hypocritical when they run for office. They abandon their principles against government in favor of a chance to represent government.
This is the primary reason that conservatives cannot govern. It's a bit like asking a vegetarian to fry up a fat hamburger for you. Maybe the burger will make it to your table, but it won't be the best burger you could ask for. The best burger will always come from one who enjoys meat themselves.

Because they support the idea that government is a good and necessary thing, the best people to put into government are liberals.
Conservatives do not think that government can solve the problems of the masses. So how many conservatives are going to be elected on the basis of trying to solve our problems?

If those that make it to the WH do not think they can help, they won't be able to. They do not believe in the mission they've undertaken.
Voting isn't freedom. It's the tyranny of the mob.

You are British. So you're about the last person I'd ask for info on freedom.

ROFL! I was born in Boston MA, knucklehead.

We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.

You should have your head x-rayed. I think your brains and intestines may be reversed.
Why stop at restricting voting rights for people who own no property? Owning the quarter acre that your house stands on does not constitute a "vested interest" in the well-being of government. Many people own cars worth more than a quarter acre of property.

Why don't we all agree that anyone who does not have at least a billion dollars in assets cannot vote?
The far right droids like Kosh should not vote until they have their lobotomies reversed.

Kosh, most illegals here would be better at citizenship then you.

Anchor babies are brighter than you.

Corporations should not be able to vote because they are business welfare dependent on government.
"Those who can prove that they have some basic knowledge and understanding of what it is they are voting on via some simple voter exam."

So that cuts out the viewers of Faux News.

This is an example of why we need voter exams. Morons like Amazon who truly believe that who watches what news channel is indicative of how smart they are.

Amazon, you hurt this country far more than you help it with such simple mindedness. I watch Fox News, and I assure you I am more up to date on world events than you will ever be.

Do I agree with all of the OPINIONS represented on Fox? Of course not, but their news programs present the NEWS.
The United States was conceived from the beginning as a liberal country.

At the time, Europeans were defending the monarchy that was King George, and nothing the King did was intended to foster freedom. The English were actually in favor of an all-powerful monarch, and they defended the privileges of the nobility as a God-given right. Today’s conservative is no different; they defend the “right” of the wealthy to wield unmitigated power over everyone else. The English people we fought in our war for independence were all too happy to have the church intervene in the political arena, exactly like modern American conservatives. Americans, on the other hand, felt so strongly against this concept that they made it their first amendment to keep the church and state separate.

To make things even more obvious, conservatives who claim that government is a bad thing are unbelievably hypocritical when they run for office. They abandon their principles against government in favor of a chance to represent government.
Like most libs, you are intellectually dishonest and play with words to further your agenda. You lied when you said conservatives support the right of the rich to wield power of everyone else. Most conservatives are every day working folks and there are plenty of filthy rich liberals. maybe ever more than conservative.

The United States was formed from the offspring of those that fled England, for the most part. They rebelled against the tyranny of a powerful central government and founded a nation built on freedom. Made sure the citizens, not subjects, were free to own firearms to not only protect themselves but to guard against tyranny.

Why the fuck do you think it's the liberals who claim the Constitution is a living breathing document? They are the ones moving the goal posts, not conservatives.

Also, conservatives are not against government. Those are anarchists. Conservatives want a smaller more efficient government with weaker central control and stronger state rights. You know, like the way it was founded by those "libs".
The far right droids like Kosh should not vote until they have their lobotomies reversed.

Kosh, most illegals here would be better at citizenship then you.

Anchor babies are brighter than you.

Corporations should not be able to vote because they are business welfare dependent on government.

Once again the idiot Jake condemns far right idiots but refuses to say a word about the far left morons .

And hey moron, corporations don't vote.

This is the primary reason that conservatives cannot govern. It's a bit like asking a vegetarian to fry up a fat hamburger for you. Maybe the burger will make it to your table, but it won't be the best burger you could ask for. The best burger will always come from one who enjoys meat themselves.

Because they support the idea that government is a good and necessary thing, the best people to put into government are liberals.

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