Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL
You had to be a drooling, screaming, retard to believe the birther conspiracy anyway. Dont assume that they wont formulate another conspiracy as to why Drumpf admitted the birther conspiracy was BS. They may even go so far as to suggest Drumpf is being controlled by aliens.

You've got the "drooling screaming retard" part right since it was the diaper-wearing psycho Ms.Rodham who started it all. Barry was born in Kenya and Trump and everybody without jungle fever knows it.
How did Ms Rodham start it? Do you have a link or is this one of your normal silly rants with nothing to back it up?
That's just the new conspiracy claim. Trump backs off one, and his surrogates are on to another. That satisfies his crazies and normal people who might vote for him don't care.

It's rather masterful, really. Of course it has nothing to do with actual policy or whether he understands trade and the economy.

Isnt that the clown in Arizona? :laugh:

get a valid source please if you are trying to convince someone.

There's dozens of sources, wigger....look again...I found one that even you can understand if you had an attention-span of a couple minutes.

You may have dozens of retarded sources. You may even have thousands of retarded sources. I instructed you to get a valid source if you expect me to believe you so stop trying to convince me.


Isnt that the clown in Arizona? :laugh:

get a valid source please if you are trying to convince someone.

There's dozens of sources, wigger....look again...I found one that even you can understand if you had an attention-span of a couple minutes.

You may have dozens of retarded sources. You may even have thousands of retarded sources. I instructed you to get a valid source if you expect me to believe you so stop trying to convince me.


Is that your birth certificate?
What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie. She got knocked up in Kenya...little barry popped out...she took a look around at the dirt hut she was in and FREAKED. Called mommy, got some bread for a plane ride, and boogied back to Hawaii. Granny worked in some state government office, knew what to do...sent the papers a phony birth announcement and found a SS# of a dead guy in Connecticut so little barry could be an American. I mean, if you were born where he was born, wouldn't you deny it?

"What Will Birthers Do Now That trump Admits Obama was Born In Hawaii?"

When you say birthers, you mean people who started it?

What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie. She got knocked up in Kenya...little barry popped out...she took a look around at the dirt hut she was in and FREAKED. Called mommy, got some bread for a plane ride, and boogied back to Hawaii. Granny worked in some state government office, knew what to do...sent the papers a phony birth announcement and found a SS# of a dead guy in Connecticut so little barry could be an American. I mean, if you were born where he was born, wouldn't you deny it?

I dont see a link to your story. Did you make that up yourself or did you get that from your Drumpf news letter a few years back?
I figure he is making a political lie to get that off of his back.
Worthless effort on his part, only liberals can have apologies accepted.

He did it for a few more darkie votes and to enrage the diaper-wearing, epileptic psycho.
Fascinating watching Alt-Righties deal with this.
They are facing a dilemma. Either they call Drumpf a liar or admit they were fooled.
Don't forget option 3.....pretend the dilemma doesn't exist at all because.....Hillary!
What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie. She got knocked up in Kenya...little barry popped out...she took a look around at the dirt hut she was in and FREAKED. Called mommy, got some bread for a plane ride, and boogied back to Hawaii. Granny worked in some state government office, knew what to do...sent the papers a phony birth announcement and found a SS# of a dead guy in Connecticut so little barry could be an American. I mean, if you were born where he was born, wouldn't you deny it?

However are you Alt-Righties able to reconcile things with your Orange Messiah now?
You make yourselves look more and more foolish with each passing conspiracy.

Like how Hillary is STEALING money from the Elderly and the Poor, just like she did in 2007?! Complaints have been filed with State AGs and the FEC...she will soon apologize and offer to return the money like she had to do in 2007.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors
You do realize Hilary is white dont you?
But she's a woman and Alt-Righties are just as misogynist as they are racist homophobes.

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