Who will be the first Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice?

I don't believe any of those were chosen on the premise they were going to go get a black person.

With Biden's pick, that will be different.
With all due respect (I am NOT being sarcastic), President Johnson presumably chose Judge Marshall because he wanted an African American (at that time, the idea of a Hispanic or Asian was probably out of the question).

And surely President Obama chose Judge Sotomayor because he wanted a Hispanic on the Court.

(Actually, President Biden should choose an Asian or Native American. But the zeitgeist is currently in favor of African Americans, so African American it will be.)
With all due respect (I am NOT being sarcastic), President Johnson presumably chose Judge Marshall because he wanted an African American (at that time, the idea of a Hispanic or Asian was probably out of the question).

And surely President Obama chose Judge Sotomayor because he wanted a Hispanic on the Court.

(Actually, President Biden should choose an Asian or Native American. But the zeitgeist is currently in favor of African Americans, so African American it will be.)
He probably wants to pick a black woman since black women basically saved his presidential campaign and put him in the White House...

Funny how if a corporate donor flat out gave a president money for the SC of their choice -- no one would bat an eye -- but the minute you do something that is popular with your arguably most important voting base -- suddenly its a problem.....

There is a plethora of qualified black woman jurists.....one of them had just been confirmed twice by this same Senate.....now if he appoints her to the SC, watch all of the usual suspects suddenly demean her qualifications on cue
He committed picking a woman......period....you can try to rationalize it all you want to...

Fact is, I have no problem with him committing to picking a woman and I have no problem with Biden committing to picking the first black woman to the SC

White male supreme court justices have been over represented on the court, not under represented..so spare me the bullshit...

Yall are the same ones who claimed a president shouldn't be able to appoint a SC pick during an election year -- then immediately broke that made up rule before Justice Ginsberg was buried...so I don't wanna hear shit

Eventually, and with one of his picks, not a specific one.

I don't care about over-representation, I care about the best person for the job.

I guess color-blindness is not a goal anymore. You have to be part of the right tribe all over again.

Have you noticed me bitching about Biden trying to rush the process this time?

Rules are rules, and before our side followed the rules, now Biden is following the rules.

Unlike progressive jackasses like you I understand the concept of hypocrisy.
Eventually, and with one of his picks, not a specific one.

I don't care about over-representation, I care about the best person for the job.

I guess color-blindness is not a goal anymore. You have to be part of the right tribe all over again.

Have you noticed me bitching about Biden trying to rush the process this time?

Rules are rules, and before our side followed the rules, now Biden is following the rules.

Unlike progressive jackasses like you I understand the concept of hypocrisy.
Your delusion is thinking a black woman and being the best person for the job are mutually exclusive....

We know for a fact --- according to Conservatives themselves -- that Amy Barrett wasn't the best person for the job...but I don't see yall losing too much sleep over it...

And it wasn't that long ago that Bush tried to nominate Harriet Meyers to the court..if anyone has made a mockery and exposed themselves to be full of shit when it comes to this "best person for the job" trope -- it has been Conservatives....

Of the short list of candidates Biden can pick from -- all of them are extremely qualified in comparison to their white male counter parts already on the bench
The first Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice is already dead, Thurgood Marshall
Then how did he advance the black cause?

How will this nomination advance the black cause?

In fact, what is the black cause?

And should the selection of a Supreme Court justice be about the Black cause, or upholding the Constitution?

Apparently the Black cause supersedes the Constitution, whatever the Black cause is here.

Black women only make up 6.4% of the US population. So Diaper Joe has severely limited his selection of viable candidates considering this

Also, out of that 6.4% of the population, you have a far fewer pool to select from.

The Democrats continue to Balkanize the US population.
Then how did he advance the black cause?

How will this nomination advance the black cause?
Why are we assuming it will be someone black. For all we know Biden's token pick could be a Mexican, Chinese, or a Jew.
Then how did he advance the black cause?

How will this nomination advance the black cause?

In fact, what is the black cause?

And should the selection of a Supreme Court justice be about the Black cause, or upholding the Constitution?

Apparently the Black cause supersedes the Constitution, whatever the Black cause is here.

Black women only make up 6.4% of the US population. So Diaper Joe has severely limited his selection of viable candidates considering this

Also, out of that 6.4% of the population, you have a far fewer pool to select from.

The Democrats continue to Balkanize the US population.
Where in the Constitution does it prevent a president from selecting a black woman??

I tell you what....how did Sandra Day O'Connor advance the cause of women?? For that matter...how did Clarence Thomas advance the black cause?? Since you believe that is the job of a SC justice who isn't a white male

Marshall's work advanced the cause of AMERICANS in general...or did you think the demolition of state sanctioned segregation against minorities wasn't a benefit to all Americans??

The more you reactionary right-wing cucks talk -- the more you tell on yourselves...
Your delusion is thinking a black woman and being the best person for the job are mutually exclusive....

We know for a fact --- according to Conservatives themselves -- that Amy Barrett wasn't the best person for the job...but I don't see yall losing too much sleep over it...

And it wasn't that long ago that Bush tried to nominate Harriet Meyers to the court..if anyone has made a mockery and exposed themselves to be full of shit when it comes to this "best person for the job" trope -- it has been Conservatives....

Of the short list of candidates Biden can pick from -- all of them are extremely qualified in comparison to their white male counter parts already on the bench

Where did I ever say that? I am asking is why isn't it racist and sexist to say you are only considering black women?

She's a strict constructionist and a religious person so obviously you hate her guts.

All of Biden's picks will be left wing hacks, but that is another question.
To be fair, the first affirmative action Justice was, I believe, His Honor Thurgood Marshall.
Then came Justice Thomas.
Then came Justice Sotomayor.
And now Her Honor _______ . (I understand one possible nominee is the sister of Stacey Abrams, the next governor of Georgia.)

Oh, for goodness sakes you nitwit ... Justice Breyer is being replaced.
President Biden could nominate Donald Duck ... And it wouldn't make a difference in the make-up of the court.


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