Who will be the first Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice?

Is it equally stupid and pandering when it's a white woman or unqualified white male?

Reagan Pledges He Would Name a Woman to the Supreme Court

"It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists," Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. "I will also seek out women to appoint to other federal courts in an effort to bring about a better balance on the federal bench."

Of course. The only reason to say it out loud is to pander to a certain group. It is better to just keep it quiet like Trump did.

Amy Coney Barrett Is the Least Experienced Supreme Court Nominee in 30 years​

The Federalist Society has turned many mediocre men into judges—and a few smart moms.​


Mother Jones illustration; Getty; Zuma
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Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett took some heat from Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) during her confirmation hearing last week, when he pressed her on her failure to turn over additional relevant documents to the committee, including an anti-abortion newspaper ad she’d signed in 2006. Barrett responded that she had submitted 30 years’ worth of material to the committee, and that she had simply missed the 15-year-old ad. “I produced 1,800 pages of material,” she insisted, implying that this submission was voluminous.

In the world of Supreme Court nominees, however, 1,800 pages of documents barely registers as a footnote. Chief Justice John Roberts rustled up 75,000 pages of records for his 2005 confirmation hearing—just from his time serving in Republican administrations. The Senate reviewed about 170,000 pages of records before confirming Justice Elena Kagan and 180,000 for Justice Neil Gorsuch. No one even comes close to the document dump from Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The Senate Judiciary Committee waded through more than 1 million records during his 2018 confirmation fight, including a supplemental submission of 42,000 the night before his hearing started.

Just more of white privilege and the posters that support it...
It's telling how the Right AUTOMATICALLY assumes a black woman would not be qualified. :heehee:
He never said that you lying sack of shit. I can think of lots of great black women to put on the court. Condi Rice comes to mind. Winsome Earle-Sears too.
Biden should have said he was picking a woman, period....

Like Ronald Reagan did back in the early 80's

"Ronald Reagan promised during his 1980 campaign to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court."

But let's not pretend that the so-called Affirmative Action pick began with Biden's latest pick...nor did it begin with Thurgood Marshall...unless you are claiming no black or woman justices were qualified enough until "Conservatives" picked one?

95% of Supreme Court justices have been white men; so please spare the the whining.....

Trump picked Barrett over more heavily qualified male judges -- according to the Heritage foundation -- and he claimed she would be the first mother on the SC....but Conservatives like the editor of the National Review went even further and said:

“The main reason I favor Barrett, though, is the obvious one: She’s a woman.”

He felt it would look better optics wise if when Roe v Wade is overturned, it would be a woman doing it....
He never said that you lying sack of shit. I can think of lots of great black women to put on the court. Condi Rice comes to mind. Winsome Earle-Sears too.
Lol @ Condi Rice and Winsome Sears

This is why I mock Conservatives......

I prefer supreme court justices to have some judicial experience...This is like saying I think Candace Owens would make a great heart surgeon because she hates libs as much as I do....
Biden should have said he was picking a woman, period....

Like Ronald Reagan did back in the early 80's

"Ronald Reagan promised during his 1980 campaign to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court."

But let's not pretend that the so-called Affirmative Action pick began with Biden's latest pick...nor did it begin with Thurgood Marshall...unless you are claiming no black or woman justices were qualified enough until "Conservatives" picked one?

95% of Supreme Court justices have been white men; so please spare the the whining.....

Trump picked Barrett over more heavily qualified male judges -- according to the Heritage foundation -- and he claimed she would be the first mother on the SC....but Conservatives like the editor of the National Review went even further and said:

“The main reason I favor Barrett, though, is the obvious one: She’s a woman.”

He felt it would look better optics wise if when Roe v Wade is overturned, it would be a woman doing it....
Sorry but your stupidity is utterly transparent and your attempt at deflection is juvenile at best.

Ronald Reagan did not have to say a white woman because everyone knew that any Black person was going to be automatically looked past.

Again, the first AA justices were white men...that's indisputable.
Sorry but your stupidity is utterly transparent and your attempt at deflection is juvenile at best.

Ronald Reagan did not have to say a white woman because everyone knew that any Black person was going to be automatically looked past.

Again, the first AA justices were white men...that's indisputable.
Shut yo none context comprehending ass up...

I said what I said.....Reagan committed on the campaign trail to nominating the first woman......and no, it was not going to be automatically looked past if he nominated a black justice....

Unless you are claiming the Senate was so systemically biased against black folks back then that it wouldn't confirm a black nominee?
Biden should have said he was picking a woman, period....

Like Ronald Reagan did back in the early 80's

"Ronald Reagan promised during his 1980 campaign to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court."

But let's not pretend that the so-called Affirmative Action pick began with Biden's latest pick...nor did it begin with Thurgood Marshall...unless you are claiming no black or woman justices were qualified enough until "Conservatives" picked one?

95% of Supreme Court justices have been white men; so please spare the the whining.....

Trump picked Barrett over more heavily qualified male judges -- according to the Heritage foundation -- and he claimed she would be the first mother on the SC....but Conservatives like the editor of the National Review went even further and said:

“The main reason I favor Barrett, though, is the obvious one: She’s a woman.”

He felt it would look better optics wise if when Roe v Wade is overturned, it would be a woman doing it....

He promised with one of his picks, not a specific pick. That means he had men and women on his short list.
He did not make a racist comment, but the faux righteous indignation coming out of you all would have been worth him doing so. This is the most entertaining this board has been in a while.

^^^This is the left in 2022, people, pay attention. Their "president" says he'll pick employees based on skin color, and it's "not racist".
He never said that you lying sack of shit. I can think of lots of great black women to put on the court. Condi Rice comes to mind. Winsome Earle-Sears too.

Good choices, nothing screams SCTOUS qualifications more than a Bachelors in English and an MA in Organizational Leadership. Do not need no education in the law or experience with legal matters.

You are so much fun
Shut yo none context comprehending ass up...

I said what I said.....Reagan committed on the campaign trail to nominating the first woman......and no, it was not going to be automatically looked past if he nominated a black justice....

Unless you are claiming the Senate was so systemically biased against black folks back then that it wouldn't confirm a black nominee?
Just because you are mad and ignorant doesn't change reality. The belief that the Senate would confirm any POC during that period of time is prima facie evidence of your stupidity...

Please stop with the ebonics typing...if you're a Black Man be one all the way.
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Lol @ Condi Rice and Winsome Sears

This is why I mock Conservatives......

I prefer supreme court justices to have some judicial experience...This is like saying I think Candace Owens would make a great heart surgeon because she hates libs as much as I do....

Weren't you one of the dupes advocating "Dr." Jill Biden for Surgeon General? LOL
He promised with one of his picks, not a specific pick. That means he had men and women on his short list.
He committed picking a woman......period....you can try to rationalize it all you want to...

Fact is, I have no problem with him committing to picking a woman and I have no problem with Biden committing to picking the first black woman to the SC

White male supreme court justices have been over represented on the court, not under represented..so spare me the bullshit...

Yall are the same ones who claimed a president shouldn't be able to appoint a SC pick during an election year -- then immediately broke that made up rule before Justice Ginsberg was buried...so I don't wanna hear shit

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