Who will be the first?

It is Dems who are taking away people's insurance. Individual policies already cancelled and replaced with more expensive ones.
Company policies starting next year as companies dump their employees on the exchanges.
But when people are told if they like this provision or another provision for health care they are so for it, and the provisions are in the ACA.
Imagine that will you!

With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.
Obamacare is an incredible failure.

Everybody bookmark this. I envision a day when The Rabbi will claim he never said it. In all likelihood he'll try to convince us he gave Obama the idea. :cool-45:

Keep peddling that fantasy.

Hardly a fantasy. Everyone's aware of your M.O. It's not really a secret.
Obamacare is an incredible failure.

Everybody bookmark this. I envision a day when The Rabbi will claim he never said it. In all likelihood he'll try to convince us he gave Obama the idea. :cool-45:

Actually, regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Rabbi will continue to claim it is a failure

Thats what he does

Yeah the polls numbers show what a success it is: RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

How many people support repealing Obamacare?

That is where you lose

If they are against it, they want to repeal it.

What you're trying to suggest is like saying +15% are against Jim Crowe but they don't want to repeal it.

That makes no sense.

But keep living in your fantasy.


Far from the truth

Many want to make it better. Only when you add those who want to expand it to those who want to repeal it do you get a majority

The major hit from Obamacare hasn't even kicked in yet, and if you really believe the people will like what they see happening, then your fantasy world is complete. Obama, and the gang that can't talk straight, know, and that is why it has been delayed.
I encourage republicans to campaign on taking away peoples insurance

If that is what you believe they really want

Why would Republicans want to take away people's insurance? People had insurance before Obamacare, and people will have insurance after Obamacare is dead and buried.

There are many ways to fix the problems with health care costs, and with access to adequate healthcare, Obamacare is not one of them. When the idiot brigade finally learn that health care costs are one set of problems, and access to adequate health care, is another, they will finally have a clue.

But then, govenment wouldn't be able to take over the system, and that was the primary focus of Obamacare.
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.
Obamacare is an incredible failure.

Everybody bookmark this. I envision a day when The Rabbi will claim he never said it. In all likelihood he'll try to convince us he gave Obama the idea. :cool-45:

Keep peddling that fantasy.

Hardly a fantasy. Everyone's aware of your M.O. It's not really a secret.
Translation: I'm gay AND stupid.
Translation: I'm gay AND stupid.

Ahhh, yes. The last result of the truly desperate, name-calling. Pulling out all the different parts of your M.O., aren't you? Sweating yet? Your cover's been blown. :biggrin:
How utterly mature you seem to be with your posts.

With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.
Obamacare is an incredible failure.

Everybody bookmark this. I envision a day when The Rabbi will claim he never said it. In all likelihood he'll try to convince us he gave Obama the idea. :cool-45:

Keep peddling that fantasy.

Hardly a fantasy. Everyone's aware of your M.O. It's not really a secret.
Translation: I'm gay AND stupid.
Democrats aren't running on the greatness of Obamacare unless they are in a solid blue state why would Republicans?
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
The first will be the 2020 Republican candidates for President.

But by that time, the 2020 Democrats will be calling for single payer health care.
That is what needs to be on the agenda now!

With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
The first will be the 2020 Republican candidates for President.

But by that time, the 2020 Democrats will be calling for single payer health care.
The premium increase notices have started to go out.

Typical, in light of insurance company experience in losing money in the first year of Obamacare?



No that's not 40% increase in favourable opinion. That's 40% increase in the size of your bill (on average).

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