Who will be the next Moonbat Messiah?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
A year after Obama, Bed Wetters still looking for replacement

More than a year after former President Obama left the White House, the Democratic Party is still trying to fill the void and find a leader who can take on President Trump.

“There's a definite yearning for 'Who's my next great love?’ ” Democratic strategist Patti Solis Doyle said in describing her party. “And the problem is we're not really loving anyone we see. So we're looking for someone we're not expecting.”

For reasons I'm not willing to waste time understanding, libturds have an attraction to cults of personality. They need a single "leader" or at least the perception of one. The last one, hitlery, was chosen in spite of a lack of a personality or any good character traits real or perceived. At least with the meat puppet faggot hitlery attempted to replace you had some sort of perceived charisma. There was nothing real in that aspect of course, obozo was worse than an empty chair he was an empty skull.

This attraction to cults of personality is not by any means limited to domestic modern bed wetting filth either. It has been well documented around the world for over 100 years beginning with Lenin. Although Lenin had a stroke and ended up confined by his eventual replacement Stalin, the soviets consistently allowed their new collectivist dystopian shit hole to be more or less ruled by a single general secretary. I'm not a historian, but as far as I recall every general secretary until Gorby died in office, because opposition was never allowed.

Then we have Mao, who's body count isn't even something that can be properly estimated but is in the 50 million range. He is still publicly revered, and his picture is prominently displayed in Beijing. At least with the soviets Khrushchev was able to destalinize the government after his death because of the 20 million people he murdered, but not so in china. German socialists will be forever marginalized for having chosen hitler for their cult of personality even though his body count was a paltry 12 million, but because he murdered millions of full blown communist parasites he has been ostracized by globalist bed wetters and demonized as a "right winger" because he was a nationalist rather than a globalist.

The list of possible contenders for the next American Moonbat Messiah has among it's members Fauxcohontas, Joe Biden (lol), Kamila Harris, Algore (again, lol) drooling Joe Kennedy, and a bunch of other statist pieces of shit who's faults, lies, criminal records, and complete stupidity will be over looked by the apparatchiks in the DNC ministry of propaganda.

Who do you think will be the next to carry the torch of failed regressive nanny state politics?
faukahontis is to white, so she's out.

I'm thinking Oprah and or The Rock.

neither are white and both have shown their racism.

both have a cult following already, so reaching people is just a matter of getting the message out to people that don't follow them already.
faukahontis is to white, so she's out.

I'm thinking Oprah and or The Rock.

neither are white and both have shown their racism.

both have a cult following already, so reaching people is just a matter of getting the message out to people that don't follow them already.

I don't believe Oprah or the rock would sanction or embrace the criminal enterprise that the DNC is.

They might go ahead and institute REAL SOCIALIST policy and take 90% of rich people's shit, which those who fund the DNC in the first place would lose their minds over. Don't think for a second that hitlery and Dippy Waterhead fucked Bernie over just to break some glass ceiling. The DNC money handlers use democrooks to contain mindless bed wetting regressive filth from actually stealing all their shit.
faukahontis is to white, so she's out.

I'm thinking Oprah and or The Rock.

neither are white and both have shown their racism.

both have a cult following already, so reaching people is just a matter of getting the message out to people that don't follow them already.

I don't believe Oprah or the rock would sanction or embrace the criminal enterprise that the DNC is.

They might go ahead and institute REAL SOCIALIST policy and take 90% of rich people's shit, which those who fund the DNC in the first place would lose their minds over. Don't think for a second that hitlery and Dippy Waterhead fucked Bernie over just to break some glass ceiling. The DNC money handlers use democrooks to contain mindless bed wetting regressive filth from actually stealing all their shit.
oprah and the rock want to run.

the parasites will eat themselves for the win.
God has killed way more than the communist, just saying. You always leave him out...
A year after Obama, Bed Wetters still looking for replacement

More than a year after former President Obama left the White House, the Democratic Party is still trying to fill the void and find a leader who can take on President Trump.

“There's a definite yearning for 'Who's my next great love?’ ” Democratic strategist Patti Solis Doyle said in describing her party. “And the problem is we're not really loving anyone we see. So we're looking for someone we're not expecting.”

For reasons I'm not willing to waste time understanding, libturds have an attraction to cults of personality. They need a single "leader" or at least the perception of one. The last one, hitlery, was chosen in spite of a lack of a personality or any good character traits real or perceived. At least with the meat puppet faggot hitlery attempted to replace you had some sort of perceived charisma. There was nothing real in that aspect of course, obozo was worse than an empty chair he was an empty skull.

This attraction to cults of personality is not by any means limited to domestic modern bed wetting filth either. It has been well documented around the world for over 100 years beginning with Lenin. Although Lenin had a stroke and ended up confined by his eventual replacement Stalin, the soviets consistently allowed their new collectivist dystopian shit hole to be more or less ruled by a single general secretary. I'm not a historian, but as far as I recall every general secretary until Gorby died in office, because opposition was never allowed.

Then we have Mao, who's body count isn't even something that can be properly estimated but is in the 50 million range. He is still publicly revered, and his picture is prominently displayed in Beijing. At least with the soviets Khrushchev was able to destalinize the government after his death because of the 20 million people he murdered, but not so in china. German socialists will be forever marginalized for having chosen hitler for their cult of personality even though his body count was a paltry 12 million, but because he murdered millions of full blown communist parasites he has been ostracized by globalist bed wetters and demonized as a "right winger" because he was a nationalist rather than a globalist.

The list of possible contenders for the next American Moonbat Messiah has among it's members Fauxcohontas, Joe Biden (lol), Kamila Harris, Algore (again, lol) drooling Joe Kennedy, and a bunch of other statist pieces of shit who's faults, lies, criminal records, and complete stupidity will be over looked by the apparatchiks in the DNC ministry of propaganda.

Who do you think will be the next to carry the torch of failed regressive nanny state politics?
/----/ I found a possible democRAT candidate. No need to thank me. I'm here to help.

A year after Obama, Bed Wetters still looking for replacement

More than a year after former President Obama left the White House, the Democratic Party is still trying to fill the void and find a leader who can take on President Trump.

“There's a definite yearning for 'Who's my next great love?’ ” Democratic strategist Patti Solis Doyle said in describing her party. “And the problem is we're not really loving anyone we see. So we're looking for someone we're not expecting.”

For reasons I'm not willing to waste time understanding, libturds have an attraction to cults of personality. They need a single "leader" or at least the perception of one. The last one, hitlery, was chosen in spite of a lack of a personality or any good character traits real or perceived. At least with the meat puppet faggot hitlery attempted to replace you had some sort of perceived charisma. There was nothing real in that aspect of course, obozo was worse than an empty chair he was an empty skull.

This attraction to cults of personality is not by any means limited to domestic modern bed wetting filth either. It has been well documented around the world for over 100 years beginning with Lenin. Although Lenin had a stroke and ended up confined by his eventual replacement Stalin, the soviets consistently allowed their new collectivist dystopian shit hole to be more or less ruled by a single general secretary. I'm not a historian, but as far as I recall every general secretary until Gorby died in office, because opposition was never allowed.

Then we have Mao, who's body count isn't even something that can be properly estimated but is in the 50 million range. He is still publicly revered, and his picture is prominently displayed in Beijing. At least with the soviets Khrushchev was able to destalinize the government after his death because of the 20 million people he murdered, but not so in china. German socialists will be forever marginalized for having chosen hitler for their cult of personality even though his body count was a paltry 12 million, but because he murdered millions of full blown communist parasites he has been ostracized by globalist bed wetters and demonized as a "right winger" because he was a nationalist rather than a globalist.

The list of possible contenders for the next American Moonbat Messiah has among it's members Fauxcohontas, Joe Biden (lol), Kamila Harris, Algore (again, lol) drooling Joe Kennedy, and a bunch of other statist pieces of shit who's faults, lies, criminal records, and complete stupidity will be over looked by the apparatchiks in the DNC ministry of propaganda.

Who do you think will be the next to carry the torch of failed regressive nanny state politics?
/----/ I found a possible democRAT candidate. No need to thank me. I'm here to help.

View attachment 174743
damn, some people have way to much time on their hands
God has killed way more than the communist, just saying. You always leave him out...

God made mankind

We are His to "take out" as He see's fit.

He gave us free will, which most people will always use to resist tyranny of other people.

That's why bed wetting zealots like you want to disarm people.
God has killed way more than the communist, just saying. You always leave him out...

God made mankind

We are His to "take out" as He see's fit.

He gave us free will, which most people will always use to resist tyranny of other people.

That's why bed wetting zealots like you want to disarm people.
If he didn't want humans to play copycat he would have made it so, yet leading by poor example to ones creations which ape the world around them he fucked up....Thus humans killing humans is just what God told them to do....
I have owned several firearms in my life since I was a kid and I still have them and have provided pistols and rifles to my kids when they were growing up. I was in the Army and was a missile systems tech..Now, take your bedwetting one liners and eat it along with the shit you spew...Fag...
Conservative snowflakes are fun to watch, Trump a draft dodger, tax cheat, adulterer, and liar is their hero. Can you believe it. Hate the same people or pretend to hate the same people and the American conservative follows. As I've noted often, no nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be. 'Dark money' manages the snowflakes' mind and they happily follow. You go boys.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln, speech, Feb. 27, 1860
Conservative snowflakes are fun to watch, Trump a draft dodger, tax cheat, adulterer, and liar is their hero. Can you believe it. Hate the same people or pretend to hate the same people and the American conservative follows. As I've noted often, no nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be. 'Dark money' manages the snowflakes' mind and they happily follow. You go boys.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln, speech, Feb. 27, 1860
^^ pretends words don't change over time and thinks being a liberal means he's like the Founders.
I respect people who are looking for a Messiah.

I admit that it is comforting to think that there really is someone who actually cares for us and has the political power to change the world for the better.

Let's not forget that very sincere Europeans gave the Nobel Peace Prize to newly elected President Obama because they were absolutely thrilled by his election.


In that spirit, then, I truly think that many Democrats want:

1. Senator Elizabeth Warren.
2. Senator Kamala Harris.

a. They are both women, and we know that women are now enjoying the most power that they have ever had in the history of our country. Men are running scared.
b. Both are people of color (or one of them claims to be) and we know that the future of this country lies in the hands of people of color.

Just as President Kennedy was the first Catholic president, and President Obama was the first person-of-color president, many people probably are dreaming of the first president and vice president who are women.
A dimocrat 2020 ticket with Maxine Waters at the top and a somewhat rehabbed Carlos Danger in the #2 slot.
^^ pretends words don't change over time and thinks being a liberal means he's like the Founders.

Midcan has no capacity to think.

He's programmed to believe shit. Libturds either cannot or refuse to actually think.
I respect people who are looking for a Messiah.

I admit that it is comforting to think that there really is someone who actually cares for us and has the political power to change the world for the better.

Let's not forget that very sincere Europeans gave the Nobel Peace Prize to newly elected President Obama because they were absolutely thrilled by his election.


In that spirit, then, I truly think that many Democrats want:

1. Senator Elizabeth Warren.
2. Senator Kamala Harris.

a. They are both women, and we know that women are now enjoying the most power that they have ever had in the history of our country. Men are running scared.
b. Both are people of color (or one of them claims to be) and we know that the future of this country lies in the hands of people of color.

Just as President Kennedy was the first Catholic president, and President Obama was the first person-of-color president, many people probably are dreaming of the first president and vice president who are women.
and this is where the dnc fails at giving a damn about the country.

you want a woman, just to have a woman
you want a minority, just to have one

you actually don't care if they are qualified for the job, the massive harm voting for looks doesn't sink in.

Obama tore this countries soul apart, laughed and got covered by an ally in the media.

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