Who will stand up for the white middle class now?

Trump made the upper class larger and the middle class larger and the poor smaller...so if Biden snubs them and loses their jobs to China again...he is toast in 4 years...

First of all biden has pledged not to run again due to his age.....as many have said....he will most likely not even be able to finish this 4 yr. term...as in can anyone say Kamel Toe Harris?......geez what a mess...a pedophile and a whore....what a milennial team.
Maybe but knowing Joe like we do they are going to have to drag him out if they want Harris in.....the elected dems may end up hating Joe even more than they do Trump...
They can take Joe out the 21st of Jan. He is senile. They will soon enough. I think the China crap with Hunter will force him to resign and then Sperm breath can pardon him and his whole family. One of the many ways they will shit on the citizen again because they give not one fuck about us.

Ole joe so senile he does not understand kamel toe wants him gone and the quicker the better....hehheh The senile old fool probably took a shine to her kamel toe and had visions of them huddled together late at night supposedly working on the nations business while their spouses slept.

Kamel toe will 25th amendment in a heart beat.

There is no fool like a old fool. hehheh
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
The notion that Trump was somehow a ‘defender’ of white working-class Americans is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

right. He is a defender of ALL WORKING CLASS

He was a defender of THE RICH and WEALTHY.
JOE BIDEN will stand up for the middle class...white...black brown green ...color don't matter

He always has
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
It needs to be framed as American working class to demonstrate it is above the racism and segregation of the left.
Trump made the upper class larger and the middle class larger and the poor smaller...so if Biden snubs them and loses their jobs to China again...he is toast in 4 years...
Moot point.
Elections will become contrived formalities now that our country has been defeated by Marxism.
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
The upper middle class still has marginal help that trickles down from the GOP's careful attention to the needs of the upper class. But, the blue collar segment of the middle class has been decimated by four decades of wage stagnation caused by Reaganomics. This makes their demographic too small for either party to consider courting.

However, in certain regions, where there is a strong influence by the KKK, neo Nazi groups, and other white supremacist organizations, the lower middle class whites are well represented at all levels of government.

Due to this situation, an ever-increasing number of blue collar, middle class whites are moving to areas to be near their "own kind".

With careful research, the blue collar, lower middle class whites can locate communities forming small enclaves that mirror population distribution of the late 1940s and 1950s.

Unfortunately, many of those white enclaves are in depressed areas, and jobs there push residents into the class of the working poor. But, there's an up side. The working poor, regardless of color, have a strong advocacy in the progressive Democrats.

So, while you will always have the opportunity to elect the Republican that represents your ethnic resentments in your home district, you will also benefit from progressive Democrats from districts nationwide. They will be fighting to improve the social safety net programs that are necessary to the survival of families of the working poor.

It is not only the "White middle class" that supported President Trump.

Many thoughtful African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans also supported him.

They realized that President Trump wanted equality (and not special privileges) for ALL American citizens.

Of course, the Establishment was shocked, so they connived to make sure that he was not reelected.

He will be missed.
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
The notion that Trump was somehow a ‘defender’ of white working-class Americans is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

right. He is a defender of ALL WORKING CLASS

He was a defender of THE RICH and WEALTHY.

We all can find someone to say what we want to hear.

The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Prove It (forbes.com)
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.

One will emerge.
It is not only the "White middle class" that supported President Trump.

Many thoughtful African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans also supported him.

You mean many boot licking Toms supported him.

They realized that President Trump wanted equality (and not special privileges) for ALL American citizens.

The recent attacks on the Capitol have shown us who gets the special privileges.

Of course, the Establishment was shocked, so they connived to make sure that he was not reelected.

No his mouth and his dumb ass actions made sure of that.

He will be missed.

By racist.
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.

Trump sure has fooled you. All his tax cuts were for the rich.. so were his huge multimillion dollar Covid relief checks.

You're delusional if you think Trump gives a fig about the shrinking middle class. He has nothing but contempt for working people.
The Democrats have been waging war on small business, while Jeff Bezos has racked up an extra 70 billion dollars.

If you figure approximately 35,000 dollars per capita as a good average, that works out to enough income for 2 million people.

It's all going according to plan. ,

You get your information from Brietbart???? LOLOL :laughing0301:
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
The notion that Trump was somehow a ‘defender’ of white working-class Americans is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

right. He is a defender of ALL WORKING CLASS
Cool story bro...

Democrats hate the working man and especially the White middle class male.
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
The notion that Trump was somehow a ‘defender’ of white working-class Americans is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

right. He is a defender of ALL WORKING CLASS
Cool story bro...

View attachment 441636

Great chart..
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.

Trump sure has fooled you. All his tax cuts were for the rich.. so were his huge multimillion dollar Covid relief checks.

You're delusional if you think Trump gives a fig about the shrinking middle class. He has nothing but contempt for working people.
Polly, want a cracker?
The Left loathes the middle class.
They have been expressing that hate in our entertainment for 60 years.
In Left Wing Economics the middle class workers are government slaves who have no voice.
The Left loathes the middle class.
They have been expressing that hate in our entertainment for 60 years.
In Left Wing Economics the middle class workers are government slaves who have no voice.

Right which party created the 40hr work week? Paid vacation, sick leave, retirement, workers compensation, disability, etc.?
The same people that stood up for them before Trump....aka.....nobody.

The White Working Class went decades without any representation in congress before Trump....aka 'taxation without representation'....now where have I heard that before?...must have been back in one of my previous lives circa 1776.

We need now the equivalent of a boston tea party......but much bigger.

What would have happened the other day if there had been a million or more people in D.C. rather than a few thousand.

Our problem (white folk) is we have no real leader....Trump will be occupied defending himself....he may continue to help as much as he can but we cannot count on him...not just his legal problems...he is also getting up in years.

His health still seems to be good but I think his family will prevail upon him to get out of politics....who can blame him....he was backstabbed and betrayed by just about everyone around him.

Thus I think we need a new leader.....unfortunately....I see no one on the horizon.
We must all become more tribal. That means protect our own local environs. We can have different view within that. But no radicalism within the tribalism. Survival of the community means a lot closer to "Mayberry". The asses who want chaos as diversity madness are destroying their areas. You know what has to happen. But the smartest of you must create the ways to do it or keep it

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